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How does baclofen work? Otter? Tk?

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    By the way, SF, as far as research etc into baclofen is concerned, you are completely wrong in your whole understanding of this.

    Baclofen is a generic. It is already licensed. It is being used for AUD already, legally and ethically by doctors in the United States. It doesn't need a license. The only reason a pharmaceutical company would apply for a patent and a license would be if they could market it which no one can because it's license has expired and it is a generic. Because it is not licensed specifically for AUD and addiction, that only means it can't be advertised commercially for that purpose. It doesn't mean it can't be prescribed.

    So, Baclofen is already in use under prescription across the USA and around the world for AUD so it is miles ahead of Ibogaine.

    Also, you are being deliberately selective and misinformative about what you yourself know about the NIH attitude towards baclofen. You wrote to George Koob yourself about baclofen and gabapentin when you were on your gabapentin kick. You asked him, like some puppy whining for attention, if Gabapentin was better than baclofen. He responded and you shared that response with me. He told you to watch the developments in France. He is a long time supporter of Ameisen and baclofen.

    I'd like to add that my role, which I have taken on deliberately, is that of an advocate for my wife's treatment. If you had a child or wife with a serious life-threatening condition which also seriously affected your own mental health and your social circumstances, career etc., you would advocate for better treatment for those who take a drug which is effectively curing them. Had we received any support at all from the wider medical community, hospitals and other institutions who we ran up against, who knows what the result would have been. This fight is a lonely one for all of us and we all need psychological support. There isn't anywhere else but here where anyone can get that support. People go to AA meetings for support. They don't expect someone to gate crash and harangue them endlessly.

    What we have here is someone in SF who is grandstanding, not providing support to anyone. He is trying to make a name for himself and his own twisted mind he thinks that I am here because I want to be famous. He resents that and he decided, he told me, to do this because he wanted to do what I was doing.

    I post in pain most of the time, severe psychological pain over the illness of my wife. I don't want to be famous as the husband of a drunk. I want help from doctors and the medical establishment because I have a family I care about. I haven't seen one thing in all this horrible Ibogaine posting that has shown any support for anyone on this forum going through the pain of alcoholism and recovery, not one word. If this were an AA meeting, SF would be kicked out and if he came back he would be barred and the police called.

    Find some studies of Ibogaine having cured alcoholics in the long term, explain its effects scientifically, or shut up.

    Oh, yes, I forgot to add that Arbaclofen which converts to baclofen in the body is going through trials now in the US which will lead to a license application by Reckits Benkeiser, one of the world's largest retailers of commercial health care products.


    Olivier Ameisen

    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


      Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
      NE/Never/Ever: have you considered the fact that you are one of the most hypocritical, harmful, negative members on this forum? Of course you are excited about starting your new forum -it is not about helping others; instead, it is about boosting your own ego -inflating your own self worth. Sure, you will have your member friends here stand with you as you start out and the excitement will be big at first. In the end NE, you will still be an active drunk, with no job, and still desiring and needing confirmation from your forum friends. If it were not for your husband's income, you would be that gutter drunk that you said that you were not.

      Carry on NE. Your MWO friends will be with you till the end. However, how long are you going to be able to be with yourself. Go have another cigarette, take some Baclofen, drink a few drinks, and report back to yourself in the morning -and hope that your financial support system sticks with you.
      Problem is Spiritfree, NE has been here for years and years and her posts have been viewed by thousands of people and over those years no one has ever said any such thing about her. It's not just friends, its everyone who has come here who supports her. It's only ever been trolls who have abused her the way you have.

      You might be interested to know that there was one such troll a few years back who went for everyone here with the deliberate intention of bringing this forum to a grinding halt and setting up a baclofen-specific forum of his own. He failed and after that he posted in one of his blogs about the experience. He admitted that he saw himself as a sad character sitting at a computer screen trying to abuse people for the sake of it and realized that the people he was abusing were just like himself and everything he said applied to himself.

      At least he had insight into his own condition and he stopped trolling. You lack insight into why you behave the way you do and that denotes someone who is ill and can't see what they are doing because the illness prevents them from seeing their own problem. It also shows a lack of remorse and compassion for others which denotes sociopathic behaviour.

      You are only making things worse for yourself day by day and you should stop because you aren't going to change the way people see you let alone the world of alcohol treatment. No one's listening to your "white noise".

      Olivier Ameisen

      In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


        I want to add this SF.

        If someone like NE decides to help others, that is, actually, in a world where people are compassionate and giving, a GOOD thing. Your trying to damage someone who wants to help others is a sad reflection on your own personality because it is painfully obvious that you have no compassion for anyone and only react to any comment here because you have "hurt" feelings.

        You've said it yourself. You don't feel that it is significant that a percentage of Ibogaine users die. What is more important to you is that you see your handle here all the time. You need that to reassure yourself that you exist because you contribute zero to this forum or to helping others and you have become a pariah and a man short of a man.

        Olivier Ameisen

        In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


          Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
          NE/Never/Ever: have you considered the fact that you are one of the most hypocritical, harmful, negative members on this forum? Of course you are excited about starting your new forum -it is not about helping others; instead, it is about boosting your own ego -inflating your own self worth. Sure, you will have your member friends here stand with you as you start out and the excitement will be big at first. In the end NE, you will still be an active drunk, with no job, and still desiring and needing confirmation from your forum friends. If it were not for your husband's income, you would be that gutter drunk that you said that you were not.

          Carry on NE. Your MWO friends will be with you till the end. However, how long are you going to be able to be with yourself. Go have another cigarette, take some Baclofen, drink a few drinks, and report back to yourself in the morning -and hope that your financial support system sticks with you.
          Saving this quote before the troll sobers up and deletes it. This is what an unmoderated support forum devolves into.


            Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
            NE/Never/Ever: have you considered the fact that you are one of the most hypocritical, harmful, negative members on this forum? Of course you are excited about starting your new forum -it is not about helping others; instead, it is about boosting your own ego -inflating your own self worth. Sure, you will have your member friends here stand with you as you start out and the excitement will be big at first. In the end NE, you will still be an active drunk, with no job, and still desiring and needing confirmation from your forum friends. If it were not for your husband's income, you would be that gutter drunk that you said that you were not.

            Carry on NE. Your MWO friends will be with you till the end. However, how long are you going to be able to be with yourself. Go have another cigarette, take some Baclofen, drink a few drinks, and report back to yourself in the morning -and hope that your financial support system sticks with you.
            This is one of the nastiest, unpleasant and down right evil posts I have ever seen on pretty much any forum, alcohol related or otherwise. You have deliberately set out to say the most hurtful things you can think of in the hope of touching a sensitive spot. Your sole intention is to hurt Ne and cause her anguish - to 'harm' her to use your pathetic language. I could say you should be ashamed of yourself but I doubt you are capable of it.

            Ne is open about her drinking. She doesn't hide it or minimise it and yet she manages to be 50 times the human being you are - sober or drunk - we really don't know which you are do we - because unlike Ne you are sneaky, conniving and self obsessed.

            You are a nasty little man with a deeply unpleasant personality. How dare you talk like this to someone who is putting so much effort into something so positive and potentially helpful to many many people. I can't see that ever being said of you somehow.


              Originally posted by Otter View Post
              I want to add this SF.

              If someone like NE decides to help others, that is, actually, in a world where people are compassionate and giving, a GOOD thing. Your trying to damage someone who wants to help others is a sad reflection on your own personality because it is painfully obvious that you have no compassion for anyone and only react to any comment here because you have "hurt" feelings.

              You've said it yourself. You don't feel that it is significant that a percentage of Ibogaine users die. What is more important to you is that you see your handle here all the time. You need that to reassure yourself that you exist because you contribute zero to this forum or to helping others and you have become a pariah and a man short of a man.

              Ottor: Please stop pretending that MWO has been such a wonderful ride all of these years. Yes, NE, as well as yourself, and many others on this forum have continuously selected individuals to belittle and cause harm to. In fact, just take a look at all the arguments (fights) that you have been in with NE, TK, etc. Yes, you are now trying to regain some form of positive standing with them because you all have a common enemy. You have worn me down Ottor. I truly do hope that you are able to one day find the peace that you think that you are looking for.

              Year: 2011 ---
              "Progress thread for ne
              Ya know, I come here every once in a while, cos you are all so familiar to me now....6 months down the track. I come to see how everyone is doing......bac or not. I don't even know if I get read any more, you know, because of the "ignore" button. Wow what a new invention. Let's just ignore the drunks on here.....unless they are taking bac.

              Funnily enough when I came here for the first time, not taking Baclofen, I was warned that people here would just, either ignore me, or chase me off (funny that). I have the utmost respect for anyone who is trying to get sober, no matter how they do it. What I don't have respect for are the people who seem to have an attitude of "my way, or the highway".

              I so , so understand the Baclofen people, they are pioneers of a new way of trying to get sober....however, call me a sceptic, I just feel sick about the whole thing.

              I really , really hope this is the new sobriety pill. I wish it with all my heart......Ne and all her followers are on the right track.....for all of our sakes. I think that, in my opinion, there are so many aspects to addiction, an example is mine, totally sober for the first 40 yrs of my life, lost a very dear husband with a brain tumour, met with a very destructive personality since. Not all addictions are so clear.

              I really hope I am not on everyone's "ignore" button. But there you go....not everyone wants to know what i have to say. Ne, you told me to keep pming you , but there has been no response from you in a long time.
              Missy xx"


                So who likes my new avatar? Who wants to guess what kind of dog it is?


                  That's funny. Lol.


                    Originally posted by lex View Post
                    so who likes my new avatar? Who wants to guess what kind of dog it is?


                      Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post
                      Ottor: Please stop pretending that MWO .....
                      What's all this misspelling? Otter -> Ottor and Colin -> Colen? Is this something like sticking pins in a voodoo doll?

                      Maybe you are exhibiting the symptoms of a new mental illness? Does it have a name?


                        Originally posted by Colin View Post
                        What's all this misspelling? Otter -> Ottor and Colin -> Colen? Is this something like sticking pins in a voodoo doll?

                        Maybe you are exhibiting the symptoms of a new mental illness? Does it have a name?
                        Just one of the many creative ways SF has of writing my name. It's never ever the same way twice.

                        Originally posted by Spiritfree View Post


                          Originally posted by Colin View Post

                          Maybe you are exhibiting the symptoms of a new mental illness? Does it have a name?
                          Yes Colin - The medical diagnosis is - Being a Fucking Idiot



                          PS - SF - Remember what I told you before about being a silly boy.......................This now extends to all members
                          I am not a Doctor - I am an alcoholic.
                          Thoughts expressed here are my own, often poorly put together and littered with atrocious grammar and spelling.


                            A reminder that's there's a new troll free moderated meds forum at:

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                              Originally posted by Mentium View Post
                              A reminder that's there's a new troll free moderated meds forum at:



                                SF I'm waiting for your guess on the dog!!

