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Anyone else drowsy on bac??

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    Anyone else drowsy on bac??

    Im only on 10 mg three times a day, and 20mg 3 times a day from tomorrow. But im becoming quite tired. Thats the only SE so far but with me only being on such a low dosage compared to some people that have posted, is this normal? In all truth as I usually have trouble sleeping Im not complaining too much, so i take my last dose quite late at night and usually get 6 hours or so kip!
    ?It's just a ride.?
    ― Bill Hicks

    Anyone else drowsy on bac??


    Yes, sleepiness is one of the side effects. We have all experienced it. I still do. If you search through the Bac threads on the Meds Forum, I know there is a thread that was started on the side effects of Bac and lots of good information there. I am working right now otherwise I would search and find the particular post for you.


      Anyone else drowsy on bac??

      Thanks mate, Ive done quite a bit of research I just thought it was strange because i seem to be on such a low dose compared to some. I will have a look through the threads, nice one
      ?It's just a ride.?
      ― Bill Hicks


        Anyone else drowsy on bac??


        It's just one of those side effects that you get no matter how low a dosage you're on. BTW, I didn't know if you knew or not, but I'm a woman, 52 years old on Feb. 10. Is the Bac keeping you from drinking?


          Anyone else drowsy on bac??

          Ye, i stopped drinking after doing a detox couple of weeks ago and it is helping. And sorry, male or female we call everyone mate in Liverpool!!!Sorry if i offended you!haha
          ?It's just a ride.?
          ― Bill Hicks


            Anyone else drowsy on bac??

            Hi Robbie,

            :H No, absolutely you DID not offend me. If I had taken offense at something like this, I need more help than MWO!:H


              Anyone else drowsy on bac??

              It's not uncommon to be tired. However, I find that if I get a good nights sleep the side effects are much less. The problem with that is that if I take too much (currently at about 160mg/day) I have trouble sleeping. Some nights I may get 2-3 hours of sleep, and that sucks. Also, when I don't sleep, the next day I am REALLY tired during the day.

              The answer, for me, is to really watch your dosage. The bac works, so don't give up. I try to limit my dosage during the day, and then increase at night. Everybody's different...:welcome:


                Anyone else drowsy on bac??

                Completely normal. Different dose levels will hit people differently. I could barely function at times. Could not sleep at night and would sleep 2-3 hours during the day.

                The somnolence was almost unbearable at times.

                So normal and even mentioned in Dr A's book but never to the degree I had it. I almost get the feeling he played it down a bit. Could be wrong.

                I am actually titrating down now as I have other med issues and I have some concerns.

                The SE's are normal and I would be surprised if you don't get some other odd ones. Don't let it deter you.

                Good luck.


                  Anyone else drowsy on bac??

                  I'm coming to the end of day 4 on baclofen, taking 30mg daily. I can say that I'm sleeping 12 hours out of 24. I don't mind because I'm on annual leave and also, I enjoy sleeping. I have also noticed very vivid dreams, which I enjoy being a lucid dreamer. So bully for me!
                  ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

                  ― George Carlin


                    Anyone else drowsy on bac??


                    just a shout out to see if you have an update.

                    I was fortunate in the lower dosages (

