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cheapest baclofen

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    cheapest baclofen


    cheapest baclofen


    Personally I would (and have) order from these guys: Home - Phoenix Research Labs

    Cheap and because it's liquid, people seem to suffer less side effects.

    There is one side effect from the liquid bac that worries me though: I think it might make you gain weight. The bloke who runs that operation is a real porker and I can only assume that's due to ingesting his own product. :H

    Talking of product: I notice Phoenix Research Labs now supply Tadalafil (cialis) at super low prices - SCHWINGGGGGG!
    "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


      cheapest baclofen

      Quietly, yet firmly and enthusiatically, I totally agree with IULL. I am fortunate to have not 1, but 2 prescriptions for baclofen - with which I can buy, legally and literally, boat-loads of "best brand" baclofen at nearby pharmacies every month. I don't though. My kangaroo turns her nose up at the pills and will only take liquid bac. She does keep a stash of pills in her pouch at all times in case she somehow winds up somewhere unexpectedly. Unless your prescription is for 10 mg pills only, in which case I thinks it IS really cheap, but can become a pita when taking high doses, liquid baclofen is cheaper than buying a month's worth of 20 mg pills for a kangaroo taking a maintenance dose of 120 mg/day.
      "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


        cheapest baclofen

        Does one need a prescription to order from Phoenix Research?


          cheapest baclofen

          dundrinkn;1459807 wrote: Does one need a prescription to order from Phoenix Research?
          No, you need no RX. It's good, quick and cheap. Works for me!!!
          Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
 Newbies Nest
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            cheapest baclofen

            Thanks Hippyman. Ordered. Will still see doc next week to get script incase I run into future problems ordering. I few quick questions, if you don't mind. Does the package require signing for? I am doing this on the QT in my house. Also, does it come with a way to measure out correct dosage? I will look for your thread again on Liquid Bac so I can get ideas on titrating up. Thanks.


              cheapest baclofen

              Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
     Newbies Nest
     Tool Box
     How to get a sobriety plan


                cheapest baclofen

                Scrip from the Doc L but that's a whole other avenue.


                  cheapest baclofen

                  Knowing what I know now, and having the opportunity - which didn't exist when I found bac - I'd go with liquid. I just posted about getting consistent doses as low as 5 mg with either 40 mg/ml, or 20: Cheaper than anything I know of, except (maybe, I just don't know, a prescription for 10 mg pills; scripted 20 mg pills are more expensive). Plus the HUGE benefits of fewer reported side effects AND really fast delivery. Like IULL says: Home - Phoenix Research Labs

                  If I were starting from scratch, I would order liquid bac, best cost/ml available, and some pills from Inhouse Pharmacy or All Day Chemist. And I'm just thinking about those because I travel so much, and can't "carry on" liquids - well, actually, I take that bac. I could put a little liquid bac in a small container for traveling. And then enjoy watching people's faces as I pull out the syringe to measure it!! But ideally I would go with liquid, plus pills for some circumstances.

                  I can't think of very many places I couldn't take a water bottle w/bac in it.. Gym, yoga class, seminars . . . everyone has them, everywhere. And the price, quality, quick availability and the possibility of diminished side-effects are a great combo, IMO.
                  "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                    cheapest baclofen

                    I would have to do a cost analysis but I pay $10 (up from $5 last year) for a one month supply of 20mg pills for 250mg/day. I could get more if need be. In the past I did not even use that much so I am not positive that this works out for someone with health insurance.


                      cheapest baclofen

                      This OP asked for "cheapest without prescription," so you'd have to do your cost analysis from that point of view for it to be relevant, COS. And add in the factors of the cost for Dr.'s office appointment, plus whatever else it might take to buy baclofen from a U.S. pharmacy, without health insurance. Different. Very different. I don't have health insurance, myself :upset:

                      Actually, I'm not :upset:.I could have health insurance, but after my personal cost analysis for what I was paying each month per what services I needed that were not covered (emergency room for breaking collar bone, substance abuse treatment), it began to feel immoral to keep on heaving my money into a system based on "fear of what might happen. "TOTALLY my own choice, based on totally viable options that I have cultivated for myself. I'm NOT suggesting that my way out of the utterly broken and corrupt (okay, that's a personal point of view) health care system in the U.S. is appropriate for anyone else.

                      I made a choice. A lot of folks want and need health insurance, and cannot afford it, or are prevented (to date) by pre-existing conditions. I forget, sometimes, that some people do have health insurance, and iit actually benefits them. For that, I'm delighted. My suggestion is in keeping with the OP's question, and for those who do not have health insurance and are utilizing every possible means to figure out what to do, and how to care for themselves, just now.

                      When the U.S. health care system is totally broken and corrupt. OMG, who typed that, AGAIN?? :new:

                      Diane Rehm's NPR program had 2 back-to-back shows this morning that showcased the paradox. I don't think it was intentional or that many people noticed the correlation. If I had not a minute, or I would have called. First show was regulation (or not) of "compounded" pharmaceutical drugs. Lots of issues there, including whether or not a necessary medication can be compounded without allergenic fillers, and the lack of FDA regulation in that industry . . . and next up: crisis of addiction in America, lack of effective treatments and resources for addicts, AND the relative low success of residential treatment programs. Would'a been worth my time to make a call, but I actually have even more pressing issues to meet, today.

                      This is just one old woman's point of view and experience with doctors, hospitals, pharmaceuticals, etc. The good news, from where I am standing (well, actually, I'm in a deep squat, feet on the floor, computer on the bed - great position for supporting digestion) is that I have resources that I trust will be adequate for my own health issues . . . whatever they may be, whenever they may arise. I DID have health insurance when I was a drunk. Useless.

                      Given the original question, I will l:h 'ingly say, COS . . . your post iis Off Topic. ROFL!! Not that we pay any attention to that, around here!!

                      So - still think, cheapest, best bac with no prescription is Home - Phoenix Research Labs
                      "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                        cheapest baclofen

                        Sorry, missed that! Why don't I get notices when there are new posts?

                        Anyway wife is sick so been jumping around.

                        You are right on target. I stand corrected!


                          cheapest baclofen

                          I checked with some trusted intelligent resources and it's been confirmed- I am an idiot. Sorry for missing the point of this post.


                            cheapest baclofen

                            :H:H:H you're in good company - moi!
                            "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                              cheapest baclofen

                              RedThread12;1460885 wrote: Knowing what I know now, and having the opportunity - which didn't exist when I found bac - I'd go with liquid. I just posted about getting consistent doses as low as 5 mg with either 40 mg/ml, or 20: Cheaper than anything I know of, except (maybe, I just don't know, a prescription for 10 mg pills; scripted 20 mg pills are more expensive). Plus the HUGE benefits of fewer reported side effects AND really fast delivery. Like IULL says: Home - Phoenix Research Labs

                              If I were starting from scratch, I would order liquid bac, best cost/ml available, and some pills from Inhouse Pharmacy or All Day Chemist. And I'm just thinking about those because I travel so much, and can't "carry on" liquids - well, actually, I take that bac. I could put a little liquid bac in a small container for traveling. And then enjoy watching people's faces as I pull out the syringe to measure it!! But ideally I would go with liquid, plus pills for some circumstances.

                              I can't think of very many places I couldn't take a water bottle w/bac in it.. Gym, yoga class, seminars . . . everyone has them, everywhere. And the price, quality, quick availability and the possibility of diminished side-effects are a great combo, IMO.
                              Hey guys...

                              I've been waiting to order from Phoenix after all your great recommendations,as a new customer, but now that I'm ready to, seems he's only accepting established ones. I just sent him an email to see if he'd make an exception. Just thought I'd let y'all know. I tried posting for other sources of liquid bac, twice, but both crashed and I can't delete them... ugh. Anyway thanks for always being so helpful.

