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Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

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    Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

    Yup - pharmacy called him and he (not really remembering what my deal was) thought I was refilling... OY! He told them to ask me what the dose was I needed... So they called me back and I explained to the pharmacy that I was just starting out. So the pharmacist is going to call him back to explain. I can tell they are a little mystified that he doesn't seem to know what is going on with his patient. Oh well. He must have a LOT of patients... It's strange because he assured me that he was extremely organized... Cross your fingers - I *might* be able to pick it up tonight! Thanks again everyone for all of your help. This has been one hellavan education, that's for sure.


      Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

      Hyacinth;1458838 wrote: It's strange because he assured me that he was extremely organized...
      THAT is very funny. Sort of. My fingers are crossed, Hyacinth. It'll be worth it.


        Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

        Hyacinth;1458838 wrote: It's strange because he assured me that he was extremely organized...


        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
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          Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

          Thank you... at least I'm not completely nuts... LOLOL


            Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription


            Pharmacist called - they asked me to give them the titration schedule but I can pick it up in 20 minutes. :yay:

            As my hero, Peter Griffin (of Family Guy), would say... "THAT was an ordeal..." Now to get ready for the refill next month... lol

            Thank you guys from the bottom of my heart. I'll be seeing you here on the boards. You are all first class. :heart:


              Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

              CONGRATS, Hyacinth!


                Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

                Interesting thing I found with "Doc".

                He will read e mails and reply but subject line is all important.

                If you put in there something like "Severely Addicted" or "No more meds and I am scared" he will get back to you. If you put in something like "help, please" or "please respond"- good luck.

                I was upset about getting bill every 2nd fill on my bac. I e mailed him and the bills stopped so now I need to make it a point of sending him something.

                I think I will wait though 'till my next refill in case he has a lapse of memory and it starts again.


                  Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

                  I had a 10 minute consult with Dr L this morning and he is so nice. I believe I've hit my switch at 80 mgs but he wouldn't hear of it so he's sending a script for 280 20 mg bac tabs. Yipee! I feel like I've hit the bac lottery!


                    Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

                    For what it's worth, I called in a refill on my scrip from Dr. L. It was refilled the very next day. I couldn't believe it.

                    The last time was not too bad either. It was like 3 days.

                    I think he might be improving actually.


                      Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

                      Thank goodness for happy ending!

                      Oh my goodness Hyacinth... I've read your posts about Levin problems with my heart in my mouth; because we will probably be going through the same thing next month. None of the drs. around here will prescribe baclofen for my husband in doses over 30 mg a day. We've even given them the book by Dr. Ameisen to read. A couple of years ago we were desperate to try the tritate, getting the proper amounts from outside sources, which made us very nervous. It's important for me to tell you that my husband did NOT drink while on the program; but he only got up to 60 mg a day. We're nearly 80 years old and he's probably been alcoholic before you were born. It was an unbelievable feat that he avoided drink while taking baclofen. Nothing else he tried accomplished this. However, when he should have titrated up to the next highest dose.. he tried experimenting, skipping (you'd have to know my husband to believe he would do this) and then decided he was already "cured" and could stop altogether. Of course he began drinking again. I feel certain Dr. Levin and baclofen is the answer (we've both read the book). He has a car trip to make; and so we're going to try to get in touch with Dr. Levin as soon as he gets back (next month).
                      I'm anxious to know your progress... and don't get discouraged by any setbacks - I feel this can work! Thanks for letting us know the problems you had though... we can be prepared. -


                        Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

                        eileen;1498058 wrote: ...None of the drs. around here will prescribe baclofen for my husband in doses over 30 mg a day. We've even given them the book by Dr. Ameisen to read. ...
                        Hi Eileen

                        You might try giving the dr a copy of the Prescribing Guide now used in France:


                        Good luck!

                        With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                          Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription


                          I'm familiar with the same sort of frustration. My first dr only let me go to 80 mgs. I loaned him Dr A's book. He had it for a month, gave it back, said he hadn't read it and told me to start titrating down.

                          I read most everything on here about Dr L and I was nervous when I called him at home. We set my appt for the next morning. When I called at the appt time he asked if I had an appt and I said that I did. He asked for me to call back in 2 minutes. I did and his number was busy. He called me back within a few minutes.

                          I told him I'd reached indifference at 80 mgs. He said I didn't follow the protocol and I needed to go up in dosage and then he told me his titration schedule. He offered to send his script to me and addressed the envelope while I was on the phone. The script came--180 20 mg baclofen tabs with 2 refills. IT WAS EASIER THAN WHAT I EXPECTED!!

                          I called once more and he said when I was ready to call his office for my next appt. I haven't called him yet. The reason for this post is that I identify with your frustration about getting a bac script and your anxiety about contacting Dr L. Please post how it goes.


                            Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

                            Hi Hyacinth,

                            The thing with Dr L is don't bother showing him the prescribing guide, and don't bother telling him about anything you've read. Just call him, his home number is on this forum somewhere, or I can give it to you, and he prefers for you to call in the evening. He'll set up a daytime phone consult with you, probably won't remember that he just talked to you a few nights ago, and then he'll mail you a script for bac. When you get that, you'll have a bitch of a time getting the pharmacy to understand his "take as directed" prescription, but you're not doing anything wrong, so just stand up to the pharmacist. If you continue having problems getting it filled, Dr L will call them and sort it out. He will charge you probably $130 or so every time you talk to him, but you don't necessarily have to pay him everything he bills you.

                            He can be a godsend and a lifesaver, but he can also be infuriating and a pain in the ass. Best of luck.

