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Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

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    Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

    Hello, I am a first time poster. I've been struggling as a functioning alcohol dependent/ alcoholic for the past several years... but have been terrified of telling anyone. From the outside in, it looks like I have it all together - gainfully employed (in a very toxic environment though) long-time married, 3 wonderful kids, grand kids, homeowner... but I am a mess inside and have been for as long as I can remember. I have had severe anxiety for my entire life - earliest memories of kindergarten were fear and shame. Did not get properly diagnosed with panic disorder until I was 27. I've been on many different anti depressants which helped depression but never seemed to get to the heart of the anxiety.

    Anyway, about 15 years ago I started drinking (I'm in my mid 40s). At first it was just a release and I could choose to not drink but in the past several years, I have been regularly consuming an entire bottle of wine every night even on work nights (I know that may seem like not a lot to some here but it is huge for me) and slogging through my days feeling hungover and miserable. My mother drank herself to death a few years ago and I am terrified of following in her footsteps.

    A few months ago, I discovered Dr. Ameisen's book and devoured it. That is when I began reading the posts here as well. It took me a long time to get up the courage, but I finally called Dr. Levin four weeks ago. I told him I was interested in trying Baclofen. He was very nice and we set up three appointments to talk. I felt hope for the first time in a very long time. I messed up on the first appointment and called two hours late because I am on the West Coast and did not realize that we had been scheduled for Chicago time. He was nice enough to talk to me at home later that night but he did not seem to remember me from the first call. He did not prescribe Baclofen that night. He seemed to tell me the very same things he had told me on the first call... I chalked it up to him getting so many calls... I told him that we had scheduled two more phone meetings. I was embarrassed about my mistake so I was vigilant about the second appointment. His line was busy busy busy. After 1/2 hour of sitting in the conference room at work, I called his cell. He apologized and said he was having issues with the insurance company and could I call him in 1/2 hour, so I did. He was still unable to talk so he called me back an hour later. I felt that he really did not remember me or that we had spoken before so I told him that I was eager to start Baclofen. He went through he protocol and told me he was putting the prescription in the mail. That was exactly one week ago and the prescription has not arrived. I know first class mail takes awhile but it has been 7 business days... I had an appointment today and called him precisely at the time we scheduled... busy busy busy... I called the cell and had to leave a message. An hour later I called his work number again and got him... again, he did not seem to remember me or that we had scheduled an appointment... in fact, he had not been in his office at all and had been taking care of some personal business (which in all fairness to him was important, but he could have called me to reschedule...) I told him that the prescription still had not arrived. He told me to go to a pharmacy and to have them fax him an authorization for "what I wanted" - I told him I had no idea what I wanted - he started to go through the daily protocol again. I reminded him that we had been over this and told him that I just didn't know how many pills to ask the pharmacy for. He told me how many to ask for...

    Never in my life have I walked into a pharmacy cold and asked them to fill a prescription... this is all completely foreign to me... it has now been 4 weeks since I first spoke to Dr. L. and still no baclofen and my hope is turning to frustration and fear that this is all not real... Tomorrow I will go to my local Rite Aid and try to figure out what to say to them. I do not understand - on our first appointment, he seemed so attentive and willing to guide me thought this... now it feels like I am completely on my own as always... I do not have much hope that they will do it.

    Has anyone else here experienced this? What am I doing wrong? Thank you very much for listening. :upset:

    Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

    Hello, Hyacinth.
    Just wanted to wish you the best of luck. I don't have any personal experience with Dr. L, but many here do. I'm hoping that someone can chime in and give you some guidance.



      Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

      Hello Hyacinth, I'm new to MWO but I am in a very similar position as you. I went to my GP and she knows my history with alcohol. She prescribed me Baclofen, not a high dose, but it really helps. Sober since sept. I considered Dr L, but I have ordered Baclofen online (see meds threads for sources) instead. Please hang in there, it was a project for me too, to get the baclofen, but it was worth it.


        Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

        Thank you so much MyNameIs...


          Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

          ...and thanks Zippysmom...


            Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

            For all that I appreciate what Levin does, he is difficult.

            My suggestion is that if you have a hard time from the pharmacy you might explain a couple of things:

            He is a specialist, and you can only go through him.
            He is...particular. And a technophobe.
            This is how he does things and you have no choice but to do what he wants.
            If they ask what you need it for, tell them spasticity.

            Give them his phone numbers. They'll call him and he'll fax them the authorization. If you get a really hard time, go to a different pharmacy.

            It's not really that hard. Don't get me wrong! It's REALLY hard to walk in and do this. But it's not that hard to get a pharmacy tech to call. They'll just do it.
            If you approach this as a work task, something you need to get done for a difficult client/boss/whatever, and know that it just has to be done, that may help. I say that because what I felt like was a drug-seeking crazy person with a shameful secret.
            You're not a drug-seeking crazy person. And your secret isn't shameful. You're getting a medication to treat a disease so it doesn't shorten your life. The fact that it's difficult is a shame.

            And keep in mind that there are Rite Aids all over the country that have been subjected to this and done it.
            Good luck. Hang in there.


              Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

              And welcome to the forum, Hyacinth. It works.


                Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

                :welcome: I;m glad you found us. I order my bac from It arrives quickly and effective for me. You are not alone anymore. Now you have others who have been thru the same things that you are experiencing and found a way to begin to heal.
                Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
       Newbies Nest
       Tool Box
       How to get a sobriety plan


                  Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

                  Thanks Ne and Hippyman - I had built up so much hope over the last few weeks only to feel like it was being completely destroyed... Neva - you NAILED exactly how I am feeling - I feel extremely crazy, like I am sneaking around and totally alone right now. I've not told a soul I am doing this because they would frown on the unconventional way it must be done. But I have to do something - this is not how I want to live. I don't want to end up like y mother. And I am really really hoping that the baclofen will help with what I believe is my underlying issue (like Dr. A) - chronic anxiety brought about by a chemical imbalance that I have most likely had since birth. In any case, I appreciate Dr. L. too - he said that he wanted to do some psychotherapy with me... but honestly, I think I am going to need someone more local for that - and appointments I can depend on. I am going to Rite Aid later today and will let you know how it goes.


                    Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

                    Also I would be specific about what you need. I forgot to mention that this morning and I don't have time right now to explain.

                    X number of pills. Tell pharmacy you are titrating up per his orders so there isn't just one daily dose. (This is legitimate).

                    You're not crazy and you're not doing anything wrong. Not even unethical much less immoral. In a short while when you look back on this it might piss you off that you felt bad about it. It does me! For you! 'Cause it works.


                      Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

                      Hi Neva - I had no problems at Rite Aid yesterday... your advice helped - I went in there with everything typed up along with all of Dr. L.'s contact numbers. Approached it as a work task. At first the young woman at the counter seemed a little surprised that Dr. is in Chicago and I did not already have a written script but that was all. I told her he feels it is faster than for me to wait for the script in the mail (which still has not arrived - I wonder if he may have not sent it at all but confused me with someone else's that he mailed). Anyway, Rite Aid has been great. As of today, they still haven't received the authorization back from the Dr. I left him a voice mail to let him know I had done it so I hope that I hear back from Rite Aid by later today that it has been filled. This last four weeks has been agonizing. Thank you for all of your help and encouragement.


                        Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

                        If they tried to fax him, he only receives faxes after about 5-5:30 CST, when either him or his wife are home to "press the button" on their fax machine that was built maybe...last century?

                        Have them call him at his office during office hours or fax him in between 5:30 and 7 CST then call him to make sure he got the fax.

                        Love him to death, he's just...different.

                        edit: He always authorizes prescriptions immediately upon receiving the fax. That's his protocol. If he didn't, then he did not receive it.
                        :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                        Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                        Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                        Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                        A Forum
                        Trolls need not apply


                          Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

                          I would add this final thing:
                          He really is a technophobe. Limit use of all technology! Call on his office or home phone, not his cell. Use the fax as little as possible. And if you want a quick response, best not to email.

                          Glad it worked out. Have them call him at work, during the day, on his land line. He'll take it from there.


                            Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

                            Welcome to the forum.

                            I would order Liquid Baclofen to get you started while you sort things out. Best wishes and good luck.



                            Olivier Ameisen

                            In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"


                              Issues w/ Dr. L and getting Baclofen Prescription

                              Thank you all - I took Lo0p's advice and asked Rite Aid to fax him at home at 6pm his time tonight. I haven't heard from them yet so I don't know if they got through. How would I go about ordering it online? Thanks!

