Hi COS and also IYLL, Ne and Ginger its good to "see" you all again.
I havent read back COS but is this an injury which is causing your pain, not that it matters I am just being nosey. anyway sorry your suffering so much, I havent go any advice I can give you tho but I am very interested in all pain relief as it is something I am struggling with myself.
About this white grape juice IYLL do you mean the stuff they sell in supermarkets? and if I take tramadol or cocodalmol with it would it make it work better do you think it would be worth a go. My problem is that if I take enough pain meds to stop my pain I get awful headaches from it, so I am trying to balance it to get some relief but not the headaches but so far I am not being very sucessful. I do however get some temporary relief using heat and cold but thats not practical if you have anything to do apart from lying on the couch watching tv.