Just think that I should put a little bit of balance to this alcohol drug treatment forum. BACLOFEN NEARLY DESTROYED MY LIFE. I followed the titration schedule and got up to about 250 mg/day. Problem is, I nearly lost my job as a result of the side effects: falling asleep at work, dizziness (tripping over), unable to think properly etc and general poor performance. As a result of that (and probably also a direct baclofen brain effect), I developed a serious anxiety problem when titrating down and I'm still plagued by it. Admittedly, this new anxiety/depression may have been a progression of my alcoholism, but I don't think so.
I stopped baclofen and decided to stop messing around with any of these drugs. Since April, about 6 drinking days and none since September. I still take baclofen 20 mg as required, but I would love to get off it but I still need it for anxiety. In an attempt at getting off it, my psych has started an SSRI. I am hoping.....
Anyway off alcohol through occasional antabuse, the odd support group meeting and SMART recovery.
The regulars on this forum will say "you didn't use it properly" etc etc, but the truth is is that many people are messing around with this stuff with false hope and it will NEVER work for them.
Bring on the controlled trials.... If you look at the evidence for baclofen, like all other drug treatments for alcohol the evidence is very soft. Yes statistically significant findings (or case reports!) but clinically meaningful (significant) treatment effects for most people? Not really.
In the absence of hard and strong evidence from placebo controlled trials (not marginally positive ones), I think it is unethical for anyone to be pushing this stuff unless the target individual is at the very last resort i.e. tried abstinence based programs and repeatedly failed. Otherwise an abstinence program should be the recommendation. Abstinence has little in the way of harmful side effects. I'm not entirely at ease with abstinence, but at least I still have my family intact and a good job. I'm expecting things to pick up as it does for most people after they get past the first year or 2 of abstinence. I am also encouraged to hear that many people who have gone several years without alcohol report minimal in the way of preoccupation and craving for it (i.e. they don't report the "white knuckling" as portrayed by the proponents of TSM)
I'm expecting the regulars here to shoot me down, but I just thought people who are considering baclofen, or are not getting the result they hoped should hear stories like mine.
All the best everyone............
It was all a hoax perpetrated by someone who was working in the medical field but was not a doctor and felt they wanted to stir things up. They then went on to other mind games pretending to be Bluto etc.
So, caveat emptor with baclofen but also with posts like this. People do the strangest things. Myself, I don't believe a word of the post.