Fast forward a few years, and I'm realizing that I'm close to having a problem. It crept up on me, what used to be a couple of glasses of wine before bed (and not every night) is now every night, and sometimes more than a few. It's embarrassing to have this high tolerance in social situations, and not good for me. We recently moved to an area where alcohol is somewhat taboo--wine is only sold in liquor stores and there are none in this county, so beer has taken it's place and unfortunately I've gained 10 lbs. thanks to that. Someone was venting about their drinking on an unrelated forum and a commenter mentioned Amiesen's book and Baclofen there, which reminded me of this forum. So here I am!
I started Baclofen today, I have 15 pills leftover from my migraine days, and I just ordered some liquid from Phoenix Labs. It doesn't seem to make me drowsy (possibly b/c I've taken it before--it did when I first started taking it for migraines, but hasn't since then) so I'm hoping I can titrate a little faster. I haven't been drinking like this for years, so I'm really hoping that I can use Baclofen to kick me out of the habit, make new daily habits that don't involve booze, and eventually taper down or even off of the Baclofen. I am not a fan of pharmaceuticals after all the crap I've gone through with them over the years. I suspect that my switch was actually flipped when I was taking Chantix to quit smoking, I nearly lost my mind and haven't been the same since. I suddenly developed anxiety, and my tendency to drink started at that same time.
Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and get that off my chest.