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New here, starting Baclofen

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    New here, starting Baclofen

    :new: It's strange how I ran across this forum. A few years ago I was having a bad bout of migraines. My neurologist put me on Topamax and Baclofen. Googling the two together brought me here. I drank then, but not as much as now, so I went on my way but filed the info in the back of my mind. Thankfully the migraines went away (thanks to diet and getting off of artificial hormones), and I was able to go off of the evil Topamax (made me dumber than a box of rocks!).

    Fast forward a few years, and I'm realizing that I'm close to having a problem. It crept up on me, what used to be a couple of glasses of wine before bed (and not every night) is now every night, and sometimes more than a few. It's embarrassing to have this high tolerance in social situations, and not good for me. We recently moved to an area where alcohol is somewhat taboo--wine is only sold in liquor stores and there are none in this county, so beer has taken it's place and unfortunately I've gained 10 lbs. thanks to that. Someone was venting about their drinking on an unrelated forum and a commenter mentioned Amiesen's book and Baclofen there, which reminded me of this forum. So here I am!

    I started Baclofen today, I have 15 pills leftover from my migraine days, and I just ordered some liquid from Phoenix Labs. It doesn't seem to make me drowsy (possibly b/c I've taken it before--it did when I first started taking it for migraines, but hasn't since then) so I'm hoping I can titrate a little faster. I haven't been drinking like this for years, so I'm really hoping that I can use Baclofen to kick me out of the habit, make new daily habits that don't involve booze, and eventually taper down or even off of the Baclofen. I am not a fan of pharmaceuticals after all the crap I've gone through with them over the years. I suspect that my switch was actually flipped when I was taking Chantix to quit smoking, I nearly lost my mind and haven't been the same since. I suddenly developed anxiety, and my tendency to drink started at that same time. I truly hope that Baclofen can help me flip that switch back to the way it used to be.

    Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and get that off my chest.

    New here, starting Baclofen

    Welcome!!! I'm glad you found us. Baclofen gave me the power to stop the madness and get sober and STAY SOBER! You have found a great place to come and share your journey back to health. We can heal together!
    Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


      New here, starting Baclofen

      Also, after a day of digging I found Dr. L's titration schedule, but any advice on titration is good. I'm fairly well in tune with my body and I'm not taking any other pharmaceuticals that could potentially confuse me as far as side effects.


        New here, starting Baclofen

        Thanks, Hippyman! I'm glad I found you guys too!


          New here, starting Baclofen

          Hi Cat, Welcome. I started at 5mg, 3 times. Upped it on day 3, just 5 more mg. Now a total of 20 (liquid). I got immediate relief and have had a few days without any alcohol. I haven't had many SEs -- a little insomnia the first few nights. Last night I slept through the night for the first time in many years. Yippee. I am hoping to stay off the sauce and not titrate up too high. We'll see. I will do what needs to be done, as I am dundrinkn! Sure others with more time can certainly address your titration question better than I.


            New here, starting Baclofen

            dundrinkn;1463384 wrote: Hi Cat, Welcome. I started at 5mg, 3 times. Upped it on day 3, just 5 more mg. Now a total of 20 (liquid). I got immediate relief and have had a few days without any alcohol. I haven't had many SEs -- a little insomnia the first few nights. Last night I slept through the night for the first time in many years. Yippee. I am hoping to stay off the sauce and not titrate up too high. We'll see. I will do what needs to be done, as I am dundrinkn! Sure others with more time can certainly address your titration question better than I.
            Thanks, dundrinkn, it seems that most folks start with 5mg. It's awesome that it started to work for you immediately! I hope I find success with a low dose as well, but I know it's different for everyone.

            I'm not really noticing anything as far as SE's yet, I've taken my second 5mg of the day. When I took it for migraines I usually took 10mg at a time. Even though it's been quite a while since I took it regularly, I guess my body may still be acclimated to it? I'm highly tempted to take 10mg for my last dose, but I don't want to rush things either.


              New here, starting Baclofen

              Hi Cat. I'm new here too. This is my very first reply. I started on Baclofen 5 weeks ago, I split the 25mg pills in half and took two a day, I tried to run before I could crawl so went up to 50 within a week, big mistake. I felt terribly anxious..terrified and couldn't breath, so I promptly cut back and have gone up by 12.5mgs a week since then. I'm at 50mgs a day now. I still drink as much as before, but now I don't expect an overnight miracle to cure a 30 year drinking problem. I have functioned at minimum 15 uk units a day for the last 20 years...daily...24 uk units at the weekend. i too tried Champix to kill the smoking but it made me crazy and very depressed. Feel I might be very sensitive to meds in general. I also recently came off HRT and got my merina coil removed, so i am feeling pre-menstrual and raging and depressed constantly. Just need to get a balance and distinguish what issue is what! I have read that Bac lowers dopamine, so I have been supplementing with L-Tyrosine, seems to be helping a lot. Good luck on your journey. I plan to stick with it...really hope this works for me. My drinking days have been numbered for at least the last 5 years. It's bac or a resignation that I will drink myself to death. Moderation is not an option for me.


                New here, starting Baclofen

                laurie65;1463486 wrote: Hi Cat. I'm new here too. This is my very first reply. I started on Baclofen 5 weeks ago, I split the 25mg pills in half and took two a day, I tried to run before I could crawl so went up to 50 within a week, big mistake. I felt terribly anxious..terrified and couldn't breath, so I promptly cut back and have gone up by 12.5mgs a week since then. I'm at 50mgs a day now. I still drink as much as before, but now I don't expect an overnight miracle to cure a 30 year drinking problem. I have functioned at minimum 15 uk units a day for the last 20 years...daily...24 uk units at the weekend. i too tried Champix to kill the smoking but it made me crazy and very depressed. Feel I might be very sensitive to meds in general. I also recently came off HRT and got my merina coil removed, so i am feeling pre-menstrual and raging and depressed constantly. Just need to get a balance and distinguish what issue is what! I have read that Bac lowers dopamine, so I have been supplementing with L-Tyrosine, seems to be helping a lot. Good luck on your journey. I plan to stick with it...really hope this works for me. My drinking days have been numbered for at least the last 5 years. It's bac or a resignation that I will drink myself to death. Moderation is not an option for me.
                Thanks for the advice, I probably should try to crawl before running too. I'm sorry that you also had a bad reaction to Chantix/Champix, I keep talking to more and more people who had the same thing happen. I had a Mirena coil too, hated it and had it replaced with a copper Paragard and I feel so much better, though it took me at least 6 months to get back to normal. Artificial hormones do not play well with my body. I still get premenstrual, but now that my hormones have settled it's not nearly as bad. Hang in there!! I've heard that natural progesterone cream can help. I used to take 5-HTP, but with Baclofen I've been a little nervous to use supplements that mess with serotonin, etc. at least until I'm stable with it first.

                I'm not an extremely heavy drinker (except for the occasional weekend binge) and haven't been a daily drinker for that long (less than 2 years) but it's the fact that I feel the need to drink every single day that is scaring me. Maybe I can't go back to moderation, and that's fine. I'm just tired of telling myself I won't drink on weekdays, which was my norm for many years, and then finding myself running to the gas station at 8-9pm.


                  New here, starting Baclofen

                  Hi again Cat
                  I'd forgotten about 5htp, and lots of years ago tried the progesterone cream, but think back then my emotions were more dictated by my drinking than my hormones. I'm bracing myself for a bumpy ride now that I've gone au naturelle with my menopause. I really do believe that supplements help. Not sure whether supplementing with L-tyrosine is blocking the job the bac is supposed to be doing. But I felt seriously down my first three weeks on bac. i have never consciously experienced a panic attack, but on bac I was as scared as a scared thing could be. it's much better now, and slow titration seems to be helping. I get this weird buzzy ringing in my ears when I go up, it lasts a couple of seconds and I feel a little panic and need to gasp for breath. Anyone else had this se? I don't feel sleepy at all, actually i feel quite buzzy on the bac. Sex drive is a bit of an issue. It's like an express train, if I don't jump on it at high speed, then the moment has gone and all the lights are off. Possible my body adjusting to no artificial hormones. I'm very curious if anyone else has experienced this. I have done my research btw on sex drive and se's. Jury is out tho. Thanks to all listening x


                    New here, starting Baclofen

                    Hi Anxious Cat,

                    I'm new on here and in my 3rd month on bac. Per my dr I started at 30 mgs/day and
                    went up 10 mgs/day each 3rd day to 60 mgs/day. I'm now at 80 mgs/day. My first month was a dream--I haven't over drank since I started. I have a glass or two of wine with friends every couple of weeks because it's a ritual we do. Never have I brought alcohol home since I started bac.

                    I thought I was home free and that I'd be the poster girl for low dose bac. Now I'm having thoughts to drink but I won't. I'm just surprised by their sudden appearance. For me it's not the short road I thought it would be. And I'm still heading down the road with plans to not binge drink again.

                    It's nice to meet all of you here,



                      New here, starting Baclofen

                      laurie65;1463505 wrote: Hi again Cat
                      I'd forgotten about 5htp, and lots of years ago tried the progesterone cream, but think back then my emotions were more dictated by my drinking than my hormones. I'm bracing myself for a bumpy ride now that I've gone au naturelle with my menopause. I really do believe that supplements help. Not sure whether supplementing with L-tyrosine is blocking the job the bac is supposed to be doing. But I felt seriously down my first three weeks on bac. i have never consciously experienced a panic attack, but on bac I was as scared as a scared thing could be. it's much better now, and slow titration seems to be helping. I get this weird buzzy ringing in my ears when I go up, it lasts a couple of seconds and I feel a little panic and need to gasp for breath. Anyone else had this se? I don't feel sleepy at all, actually i feel quite buzzy on the bac. Sex drive is a bit of an issue. It's like an express train, if I don't jump on it at high speed, then the moment has gone and all the lights are off. Possible my body adjusting to no artificial hormones. I'm very curious if anyone else has experienced this. I have done my research btw on sex drive and se's. Jury is out tho. Thanks to all listening x
                      Eek, I felt like I was on the verge of a panic attack this afternoon but talked myself down as I knew I was just overreacting to feeling a little weird from the Baclofen. I've only had a full on panic attack once in my life, I felt really dumb because I went to the emergency room and was fine, though the doc reassured me it was common after having a serious health issue (I had a heart problem a few years ago, and can't help but worry when I have palpitations, and that starts a vicious cycle). I felt similar to you--my ears were sensitive to sound, and I felt like I couldn't swallow, like my body was out of phase for a minute.

                      Funny that you mention sex drive, mine has been almost non-existent lately, but today I'm feeling a bit randy, which is a welcome thing and something I haven't felt in quite a while. If I'd known about that SE I would have started taking it a few days earlier, as our Valentine's day was lacking in that department. We'll see how it goes, I hope it's not frustrating.


                        New here, starting Baclofen

                        kronkcarr;1463518 wrote: Hi Anxious Cat,

                        I'm new on here and in my 3rd month on bac. Per my dr I started at 30 mgs/day and
                        went up 10 mgs/day each 3rd day to 60 mgs/day. I'm now at 80 mgs/day. My first month was a dream--I haven't over drank since I started. I have a glass or two of wine with friends every couple of weeks because it's a ritual we do. Never have I brought alcohol home since I started bac.

                        I thought I was home free and that I'd be the poster girl for low dose bac. Now I'm having thoughts to drink but I won't. I'm just surprised by their sudden appearance. For me it's not the short road I thought it would be. And I'm still heading down the road with plans to not binge drink again.

                        It's nice to meet all of you here,

                        Nice to meet you, kronkcarr! Wow, it sounds like you had a great first month! Hopefully the thoughts will subside as you titrate higher, and maybe you can come back down after. I've read a lot of stories that are like that. I feel you--my plan is not to binge drink either. While I hope that I can go back to occasional moderate drinking, I can't and won't go back to the way I was before.


                          New here, starting Baclofen

                 is definitely not an AF day. I didn't expect it to be, but with the stories of being able to go AF fairly quickly (if not immediately) after starting I was a little hopeful. I've had a six pack already, though they're light beers (


                            New here, starting Baclofen

                            Figured I could use my thread as a diary of sorts. I was up bright and early, not exactly hungover (not that I would be after 8 beers and going to bed fairly early for a weekend) just thirsty and headachey. Just started my period though (so much for the libido SE's lol) so the headache could just be that. Took 5mg, not feeling any SE's, pretty much normal. Will take my 2nd dose in an hour or so. Hope all are well.


                              New here, starting Baclofen

                              Still at 5/5/5. Went to the next county over and got wine last night...horrible hangover today. Disappointed.

