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Baclofen days

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    Baclofen days

    Day 3, I am going up to 30mg of baclofen and will be keeping it there for three days. I'm on annual leave so no worries about somnolence at work. (that's the odd thing about it, I can avoid alcohol if I think it's going to stop me working, so why can't I stop drinking when I am not working?). Yesterday I had 55cl of vodka in one sesssion. Someone said "a hangover on baclofen is still a hangover". I'm inclined to agree but I notice my panic subsided with this morning's 10mg dose.
    ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

    ― George Carlin

    Baclofen days

    Hey David, great to see you here and great that you've jumped on the bac-wagon! I hope you don't mind if I just point out that you appear to have spelled your name incorrectly when you signed up. :H
    "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


      Baclofen days

      Thank you "if you love life two".

      I am an aevid speller, so it is Daevid. Thanks for the welcome.
      ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

      ― George Carlin


        Baclofen days

        No problaem!
        "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


          Baclofen days

          First time todaey I haeve laughed out loud. :H:H And I really, really needed that! Thanks, guys.

          Welcome, Daevid! And I'm proud of 'ya. Not sure what I would have done if IULL had been the first responder to my first post. But he (or she, I mean, it's not a generic-specific handle) knows a lot and has helped a lot of people; and there are more of us here, ready to help in any way.

          I, too, am an aevid speller and stickler for "proper" English. One of my early triumphs was convincing my senior high school English teacher that it was acceptable to begin a sentence with a preposition. You know - as long as you know the rules, you can break the rules. Charles Dickenson showed me that way.

          So glad you're here. Post away, but I am raebidly aevid about reading - excessively - all of the old threads about baclofen from, say, '09. You will learn so much your head will spin, and NOT as a side-effect of baclofen. And a lot of the folks who walked the bac-path then but no longer post regularly are still keeping watch, Knowledge is power, they saey!
          "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


            Baclofen days

            ifulovelife2;1463936 wrote: No problaem!
            If I may correct you: If we keep consequent, it woul be "no probleam" :H
            Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


              Baclofen days

              Daevid;1463931 wrote:

              I am an aevid speller, so it is Daevid.
              Welcome, Daevid. Thanks for the laugh.

              Definitely looking forward to hearing more from you!


                Baclofen days

                It's day 4 and hello Mr Rubberman Daevid. Got up midday all rubbery and been stretching out all day. Took about 2 hours to activate my hard light drive. Managed to tidy up the bathroom and scrub the toilet. Have just cracked a 37cl of vodka. Hoping I can stick it out till 11.00pm, when it will be too late for me to go out for a refill. Thank god for Red Dwarf back to back on Dave. Thanks everone for making me feel at home. (I don't think I'm going to perpetuaete the ae thing though)
                ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

                ― George Carlin


                  Baclofen days

                  I don't know if this is relevant but my hands and feet have gone numb. I'm not going to panic though since I have had worse symptoms through other chemicals over the years. Taking it in my stride and sod it!
                  ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

                  ― George Carlin


                    Baclofen days

                    Howdy D,

                    :welcome: It's good to hear you're on leave, different people have different SE's (some none) but having the time to treat yourself and space to handle them makes the world of difference.

                    About the Spidey sense tingle, I got them but at higher doses. It would hit my hands, feet and brain (at my highest doses). They weren't bad, just kinda weird. The nerd in me actually enjoyed some of them, I would just think I was some super hereo going through his metamorphisis :H.

                    When I got higher dosage they did become worrisome, not terrible but enough to look into. I started taking a multivitamin with high Thiamine and it seems to have done the trick.



                      Baclofen days

                      Hiya, Daevid!

                      Yeah, the numbness/tingling isn't that unusual. I wonder if a good multivitamin isn't a good suggestion in general? I'm not a proponent (or even a fan) of using lots of supplements when taking bac (or in general) but it's probably pretty likely we're all deficient in all kinds of important areas, Bs in particular. (I should note that I take a whole bunch of supplements! :H)

                      About OA and the book...He left a lot out. (:H again.) At one point I got really, really angry with him about the book because man, it wasn't my experience with baclofen. And the truth is that I think we could fill up a couple of books with the individual experiences we have on bac--particularly those of us that do it without a doc, without consistency, and while still drinking.

                      You'll recall that he was on bac for a year (or so?) before he titrated down and then back up again in search of the switch. And that he was sober. And methodical. Big differences.

                      I've since "forgiven" him. And though I lament the fact that not many people have read the book, I also think it's not exactly necessary. I do feel badly for the people who don't take time to explore what they've chosen to do, they generally don't have all the info they might need. But again, not necessarily necessary. You know?

                      Hope you're doing well!


                        Baclofen days

                        [QUOTE=TexasAg;1465510]Howdy D,

                        :welcome: It's good to hear you're on leave, different people have different SE's (some none) but having the time to treat yourself and space to handle them makes the world of difference.

                        About the Spidey sense tingle, I got them but at higher doses. It would hit my hands, feet and brain (at my highest doses). They weren't bad, just kinda weird. The nerd in me actually enjoyed some of them, I would just think I was some super hereo going through his metamorphisis :H.

                        When I got higher dosage they did become worrisome, not terrible but enough to look into. I started taking a multivitamin with high Thiamine and it seems to have done the trick.

                        ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

                        ― George Carlin


                          Baclofen days

                          Many thanks and much appreciation for comments from you good people.

                          Bless you and thank you.

                          Yesterday I must have been in a stupid fog, I missed two doses of 10mg baclofen.

                          Imagine my surprise when I woke up with tachycardia and anxiety??

                          Have since stablised my dose and feeling hunky dory!

                          Thanks so much for your support on mwo! :h
                          ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

                          ― George Carlin


                            Baclofen days

                            Daevid;1466751 wrote: Many thanks and much appreciation for comments from you good people.

                            Bless you and thank you.

                            Yesterday I must have been in a stupid fog, I missed two doses of 10mg baclofen.

                            Imagine my surprise when I woke up with tachycardia and anxiety??

                            Have since stablised my dose and feeling hunky dory!

                            Thanks so much for your support on mwo! :h
                            I have forgotten to take it many times because the liquid is at home in the fridge. Now I carry pills with me so I have them when/if I remember...:H In any case, I no longer NEED TO drink!
                            Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
                   Newbies Nest
                   Tool Box
                   How to get a sobriety plan


                              Baclofen days

                              Day 11, I think and on 40mg baclofen. Surprised I stuck it out this far without caving in to sleepiness, however that has subsided and am regarding my little baclofen dose increases as mini speed-bumps and not major obstacles. Drinking remains at 57.5cls vodka daily, though I am patient about reaching my switch. I really appreciate the forum and admire you who are making real progress. (btw: I had the choice of getting in another 20cls of vodka this evening but decided not to. Bully for me!)
                              ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

                              ― George Carlin

