"The year 2013 can and should be a decisive year for the official recognition of baclofen.
In October 2012, we alerted the MSNA and all concerned on the need to implement an RTU (Recommendation Temporary Use).
According to information obtained from the agency in early January 2013, the RTU case is under investigation.
The RTU is crucial because it is the only official and legal framework possible in the short term. Doctors still hesitant, if RTU may prescribe a safe way without waiting for a marketing authorization will not be granted before 2015."
But it is far from being achieved!
In this context, we NEED to support our actions on concrete data and representative volume.
We need you!
Take a few minutes of your time, go to this address: Enquête baclofène | Association BACLOFENE - Baclofène & Alcoolisme to fill out the online questionnaire.
This survey is anonymous, no data allowing identification of anyone will be disclosed.
In advance, we thank you, alcohol-dependent or not, during treatment, failure or "cured", we are interested in your answers ...
Baclofen Association
It would appear this is the same position taken by the UK where they are sending Baclofen to a committee to consider whether to give guidance to doctors on its use off licence.