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Addicted to Baclofen

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    Addicted to Baclofen

    I have completely abstained from alcohol since July 2012. I was pretty severe before that. Now I am addicted to Baclofen. I seem to keep building tolerance, I used to get "high" on 200mg and when I try to taper now I get bad anxiety. That is my everyday dose. When I have an important business meeting I up it to 300mg, and feel like I have a talk show host personality. I forgot it once on a trip overseas and had brutal insomnia. Does anyone have a similar experience and or advice?

    Addicted to Baclofen

    You got 'high' on baclofen?!?!?!?!? Seriously?
    "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


      Addicted to Baclofen

      Why do you still want to get high?
      ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

      ― George Carlin


        Addicted to Baclofen

        I don't want to get high anymore. I escalated the dose to get to the "switch" . It reached 350mg. I was feeling witty confident, borderline euphoric. I was able to taper down to 150mg and never crave alcohol again. At all. The problem is I need more to stave off anxiety. And I occasionally use more like 300mg. My personal and professional life has improved dramatically. But I need to lower my dose and I would like help.


          Addicted to Baclofen

          Maybe you can get a prescription for anxiety medications and stop using baclofen for that?
          Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


            Addicted to Baclofen

            Perhaps the issue is that generally baclofen is used with a steady titration up and down. That can help to avoid an increase in anxiety, for sure. As can lots of other things. I don't know of any quick fix to stop taking any medication like this one. Generally that involves titrating down methodically from a steady dose.

            Good luck.


              Addicted to Baclofen

              And I'm with Ifyoulovelife! I've never heard or experienced of this being fun, or getting high from baclofen. Just the opposite! :H


                Addicted to Baclofen

                I have to say, I am disappointed in the responses. Replying just to say you are surprised? Baclofen was and is used by Oliver Amiesen, M.D to treat anxiety. It is his belief that is the underlying disorder that lead him and others to alcoholism. He wrote the book, "The End of My Addiction", which started the baclofen self medication phenomena.


                  Addicted to Baclofen

                  I did not know that. I know very very little. I am looking for help and seem to make enemies every time I post. I may have gone wrong using the term getting "high". I am not looking for recreational drug use advice at all. I have remained abstinate from alcohol by titrating up as high as 350mg, and then down. Now I seem to be developing tolerance and I am concerned. I would really like a physicians supervision, but I haven't found one. The news of Dr. Amiesen is disheartening.


                    Addicted to Baclofen

                    drb120;1464698 wrote: The news of Dr. Amiesen is disheartening.
                    It's a lie. An old one, too. And this time perpetuated by someone who does nothing but sow discord. I'm sorry to see him back.

                    My assumption, from what you posted, was that you were playing with baclofen, and taking 200 one day and 300 the next or something, in order to get high from it.

                    Post what your experience is drb and we'll do our best to help. Please try to disregard the unpleasantness that is about to be unleashed by the likes of the trolls. No doubt they'll start with me, but have no worries on that front either. I'm fine. I'm sober. I'm not addicted to other drugs, nor do I take anything recreationally. (I say this preemptively, because that is usually the first accusation.)

                    I really am sorry and I really hope we can help!


                      Addicted to Baclofen

                      Everyone is allowed to relapse and Dr Amiesen is as human as anyone else. Dr Amiesen has repeatedly stated in his book that anxiety was the precursor to his alcoholic behaviour. I sometimes wonder how many people have actually READ his book. Everyone seems to have bought it. (hah!) You are right to be concerned about your anxiety levels. You are in employment so should be able to finance your baclofen consumption. Try (7-14 days delivery) or other sources recommended by MWO members. Good luck. (here's me 4 days in advising a veteran such as yourself, but hell, I did enough research to bestow me with faith in Dr A's research)
                      ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

                      ― George Carlin


                        Addicted to Baclofen

                        Thank goodness. I apologize for the term "get high". I am not a recreational drug user. I am a minor public person. I was a severe but high functioning alcoholic. Privacy issues prevented me from the traditional routes of abstince. I found Baclofen and did a protocol similar to Dr. Amiesen. It worked like a miracle and continues to. One problem, I found the Baclofen enhances my personality. It makes me kinder, more empathetic, and more social. I dont abuse it like alcohol, but I occasionally bump the dose if I have an important public appearance. I feel I am building tolerance and attenuating the dose causes anxiety. I want to be pointed in the direction of a confisdential professional.


                          Addicted to Baclofen

                          I do understand better now! I can't respond fully right now, and possibly not even tomorrow. Sorry for that, I'm a bit overwhelmed.

                          There aren't that many professionals yet. And of course it depends on where you are. I understand the desire to titrate down or off. I think it takes time. Lots and lots of time. Most of the meds that work in ways that are even remotely similar to the way baclofen works have to be managed to get off of them. Think of it this way: You're body has become accustomed to having a certain chemical reaction related to the medication. In order to change that, without creating some sort of chemical upheaval, you have to go slowly and let your body adjust. Jumping around in doses doesn't help, so if you have been taking it erratically more often than not, you might want to think about having a consistent starting place.

                          That's all I've got and all I have time for tonight!

                          Daevid, what'd you think of the book? I loved it of course, but it transformed my life so what's not to love! I got mine (the first one) in the public library! All the answers to life can be found there...
                          I recently ordered a couple more copies and had to buy them from second hand dealers. I was dismayed to see it's no longer in print! It boggles my mind.


                            Addicted to Baclofen

                            desperados, this is not "utter crap".

                            drb120 you are not making enemies. I hope you find friendship here. In his book, Dr Amiesen has repeatedly stated that anxiety preceeded his alcoholism so you are not wrong in stating that anxiety may be a key component for you. Everyone says they have a copy of Dr Amisen's book but I wonder how many have actually READ it! drb120
                            , you say that you are in employment so you should be able to continue with the regime that works for you by buying your baclofen like most folk here do. I get mine from and they deliver in 7 - 14 days to the UK. No doubt other MWO members get theirs from equally reliable sources. I have no stake in wherever you source your baclofen. Good luck and don't be disheartened!
                            ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

                            ― George Carlin


                              Addicted to Baclofen

                              Ne/Neva Eva, I loved reading the book and still do. I have it in paperback and on kindle. It is a life-changer and a rare beacon in these bleak times. I like the fact that Dr A acknowledges the feelings often expressed by those attending AA meetings (I am not a fan of 12-step) that often say they felt they "never fitted in", felt awkward in social situations, felt anxious for a lot of the time. I have no fear of the baclofen regime, having had to endure titrating drugs like mirtazepine for my anxiety and depression. I have also endured weaning myself off venlafaxine (Effexor), which is a total bitch as some folk might know. If anyone wants advice on coming off venalfaxine, please contact me. Love and peace to all mwo' ers! (BTW, I am a mental health professional RMN/RNLD and willing to listen to anyone with mental health problems)
                              ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

                              ― George Carlin

