My side affects have been minimal. Needed to nap the first week or so, then got used to it. My biggest problem is that my whole body aches, kinda like I have the flu. In fact, it took me awhile to realize it was the bac and not the flu. I'm hoping this is the worst but I read others don't get bad side affects until reaching higher doses. What an adventure, we shall see! I desperately want what others here have achieved..... that total indifference to alcohol. I will keep this up until it happens. I work from home, which is a big benefit, but I am raising my 7yr old grandson. He needs me to be fully present. But even without him, I can't take the burden of the booze anymore.
I thank all who have come before me and hope many,many,many will follow. When I have gotten what I'm after, I will teach it like I know it. Promise.