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Update for new bac user

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    Update for new bac user

    A note to say I am still here and still hopeful.

    Day 1 AF
    Day 2 1/2 bottle of scotch
    Day 3. 2 drinks. Didn't want more!
    Day 4. Finished bottle, but wasn't craving more.

    I cut my bac to 5mg morning, noon, late afternoon. Then 10mg at night. Anxiety dream, extraordinaire. I work 3 days. I will stay with this dose until the weekend, and see if I can go up a little without totally losing the weekend.

    A book I am reading talked about how many sunrises each of us gets. I love sunrises, and I want to enjoy everyone I have left, without a hangover!

    Thanks for being here.


    Update for new bac user

    GeauxGirl;1465435 wrote: A note to say I am still here and still hopeful.

    Day 1 AF
    Day 2 1/2 bottle of scotch
    Day 3. 2 drinks. Didn't want more!
    Day 4. Finished bottle, but wasn't craving more.

    I cut my bac to 5mg morning, noon, late afternoon. Then 10mg at night. Anxiety dream, extraordinaire. I work 3 days. I will stay with this dose until the weekend, and see if I can go up a little without totally losing the weekend.

    A book I am reading talked about how many sunrises each of us gets. I love sunrises, and I want to enjoy everyone I have left, without a hangover!

    Thanks for being here.

    If you're not craving, why are you drinking? Before Baclofen, I felt like I had no choice but to drink. The compulsion was over whelming. With Baclofen I have the strength to say no...but it's still up to me to say NO!!!
    Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


      Update for new bac user

      Hi GG, a belated :welcome:

      Bac has worked wonders for me, but I agree with Hipster, if you can say no, say no. I really couldn't say no until I hit around 80, but it does help. Habits are hard to break. :egad:

      Anyways, a hearty hello and well wishes!




        Update for new bac user

        Hi GG. Happy to hear from you. I am right there with you... on day 9 of bac and at 30mg and probably not titrating up for a few days at least. No major SEs, but enough that I don't want to overwhelm my system.

        I have had 5 AF days so far, and when I do drink, I have been able to limit it to one or two beers. I have read a lot of threads and know that different people have had different approaches -- abstainence or moderation. I am new enough to have no wisdom on this matter (plenty on other matters though - ha!). For myself, right now, I have decided to not abstain when it feels like whiteknuckling it for more than a few hours. I lived like that for years in AA -- abstaining out of fear of drinking. The polarity of living in that black and white place is no good for me. It means when I do finally break and drink, I go off the deep end. Because I have bought into the AA model that I can't control alcohol, and one drink leads to the deep end of the pool and I am, with one sip, f-ed.

        Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to end up being able to drink in moderation. I just REALLY don't want to care about drinking. I know I can say no. I did it for many years and I was still driven by alcohol. With bac I feel that fear easing and the I might just be able to walk through life without either running toward, or running away from a cold beer. What a frickin' relief.

        Good luck, GG. Maybe don't buy a big bottle of scotch next time. Just some small single drink sizes. Whatever works.

