I was prescribed antabuse several months ago by a psychiatrist who does not specialize in addiction treatment. I made it clear to the doctor that I am not currently committed to a life of sobriety, rather I am looking to moderate my drinking habit in an effort to improve the effectiveness of my antidepressant medication. The doctor told me that I could drink 12 hours after taking an antabuse tablet and that I could take it "as desired," versus daily. I kept the prescription in my back pocket for several months before determining that I would take it Sunday-Tuesday so that I can enjoy moderate social drinking on the weekends (basing this plan off of what the doctor had told me). I took my first 250 milligrams on Monday and the second dose on Tuesday evening. I have not had a drink since Sunday night, but as the weekend is approaching, I did some research to ensure it would be safe to drink come Friday night and found that most literature recommends waiting 2 weeks before drinking again. I consulted with my current psychiatrist, who is an addiction specialist, and he also recommended two weeks. I'm just curious about others' personal experiences with regards to drinking after taking antabuse; how long were you on it and at what dosage? How long did you wait before resuming drinking? How much did you drink and did you sufffer any negative side effects? Is waiting 72-96 hours after (2) 250 mg dosages too risky? Of course I'd love to drink this weekend and had made plans to do so with friends, but I can certainly alter my plan if necessary. Thanks in advance!
Side note: I have since been prescribed another medication which is better suited to my treatment goal and will allow me to drink in moderation while potentially decreasing alcohol "cravings."