[list type=decimal][*]When I'm prescribed baclofen, will I have 'alcoholic' on my medical records, or does Dr. Levin keep this information confidential? I have health insurance, but I plan on paying out of pocket for the medication to avoid any insurance hassles.[*]How does obtaining the prescription work? Does he just fax it to the pharmacy, or do I need to wait for a prescription in the mail?Is there any way my psychiatrist can find out about this baclofen prescription? I plan on filling it at a different pharmacy I get my usual meds from if possible. I'm in the process of a year-long klonopin taper, and she would definitely flip shit if she found out I was trying out an anti-craving drug and make me cold turkey.[/list type=decimal]
Sorry if any of these questions have been answered in previous threads. I'm just a nervous wreck right now, and really looking forward to giving baclofen a try. I'm only 22 years old and have to drink at least 1/2 a liter of vodka every night (on top of 1-2mg of klonopin and 30mg of propranolol) to function at work the next day. This shit has to stop.