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Want to try Baclofen

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    Want to try Baclofen

    That's so AWESOME, Kronk. Thanks for sharing all that. I hadn't read it before. Is your diary on here?

    One more question, though. How much did you drink? And for how long? (I'm not trying to pry, just very curious and trying to sort of keep track of where people start. In my head. Not in any official kind of way. )


      Want to try Baclofen


      I want to say Thank you very much for sharing such personal information regarding your struggles with alcohol and what your going through. It gives me a sense of hope. It means a lot to me to know others are dealing with this problem and are willing to offer advice and support. Thanks to everyone on this site as well. This topic is very personal for all of us but being able to talk with others about this without judgement is very calming to me.

      I will be ordering Bac form River Pharmacy...I think...still deciding and will hopefully start next Monday. I think what you did by keeping a journal or record is great.

      Wish me luck and a very SINCERE THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU!!!! YOU ARE ALL GREAT!

      I will update my expierences.


        Want to try Baclofen

        You're welcome. Ne/ Neva Eva, I haven't posted any of that here. It happened a few months before I found you all. No worries about your questions. I should have included that! I drank a bottle of wine or enough vodka to blur my life a night at home alone. When I drank with others I drank as much as I could. As near as I can remember I did that since age 18 (either that or smoked tons of pot) and had a few breaks--a year or so once with AA, some time with the old style RR and during my pregnancy. I'm now 55--almost 56. So the best is yet to come!

        Thanks to everyone here who's made me feel welcome,



          Want to try Baclofen

          Just read your post on here about your experience. I have had a similar one in that I experienced a lot of relief from anxiety and its physical/social manifestions at really low doses. I still feel that loosening of the muscles in my shoulders and back whenever I take a dose. I haven't been able to connect with my legs yet, however. They are still foreign and tense. I was feeling really social last week and was talking to people at events and enjoying it whereas before I would go (because I have kids and I am supposed to) but I would also sit by myself and not talk to anyone. This week people are kinda pissing me off and I am letting them know. Before I would have just scoffed on the inside. Not sure if this is progress or not. Thanks for sharing your journal entries. It made me slow down and think about my own experiences. Like last night when the moon came up over the horizon it was breathtaking. And I let it take my breath away.


            Want to try Baclofen

            Thank you for your post! We indeed are lucky ones. I was writing more today about how I just did holidays because I was supposed to and last Christmas I actually felt joy and gratitude. I started stargazing after being on bac so I saw that same moon last night. I love how you wrote about it. Thank you again.

