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Want to try Baclofen

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    Want to try Baclofen

    Thank you Serenity....I try to take all posts with a grain of salt due to the very nature of this habit, and I know people troll this site.


    Can you offer some insight on what dose I should start on? I want to take it slow and start on a low dose. However I'm confused when people state that they are on a 40mg dose,...40mg 3 times a day or 40mg a day? I plan to do this slow and methodically and see how I feel day by day. I don't want to start a new problem on top of all I am dealing with. Can you guys understand that?

    Again I can't say this enough...everyone of you has given me new hope...I'm so greatful to talk to people who understand this situation and don't judge.

    I can honestly say by just admitting I have a problem with alcohol has been tough and most people say I'm weak or say just be a man and stop. Sorry for being all over the place tonight. Just a lot to think about from talking to all of you, but I'm greatful I can talk to you guys.


      Want to try Baclofen

      I would start off slowly if I were you. A lot of people who start off too fast end up being absolutely floored when the side effects slam them a few days later. I started off at 5 mgs three times a day (I think?) and then worked up to 30 mgs/day (10 mgs 3 times a day), increasing by 20 mgs/day once a week. (so 30/day for a week, then 50, 70 etc). Initially I jumped way up and had to slow down because the dizziness/nausea really would catch up a few days after each increase in dosage. I found it helped to take my pills more often than three times a day once I started getting into the higher numbers. Even now I take it four times a day.


        Want to try Baclofen

        Thanks Serenity.

        I am a very cautious person and will heed your advice of taking it slow. I just am really hopeful this works for me. I feel like I'm down in hole right now with nothing to lose. I am thinking of starting Baclofen next wednesday and will update you on my progress right or wrong. I have started a b50 Complex and have heard Thiamin is also helpful, on top of that I am working out once a day for 30 Min to help with stress. I just wish I never got into this mess but I think with the support of people like you I can get back to myself.


          Want to try Baclofen


          You're getting plenty of good advice. Yay! My dr started me at 30 mgs/day. I took it 10 mg, 10 mg and 10 mg evenly spaced during waking hours. After 3 or 4 days I increased by 10 mgs/day. It was probably even more time inbetween because lately I've increased on Fridays.

          My side effects were sleep issues: sleepy too early or too late, up too early, naps in daytime, slight, nagging headache, pain at the top of my spine, thigh muscle fatigue (I used to hike and bushwhack in the Everglades and an 8 mile easy hike kicked my butt the first month I was on bac!), frightening nightmares (only 4 and I think they had to do with sleeping on my back), extreme thirst, slight constipation, irritation. So, if those are the negative SEs here are the positive: My eating habits changed--I am no longer eating lots of carbs every night--I've lost 10 lbs in 3 months, I rarely crave AL--when I do I know it's time to increase dose, I can have 1 or 2 drinks from time to time, my whole life has slowed down--I like being home, I like taking care of my home, I'm not out drinking or hiking or whatever to get away from myself. I used people, activities and relationships as a diversion ( I think my first post on here was about how to deal with the lulls in life.), I can participate better with others. I was always sensitive and I drank to cover that. Now I'm starting to be sensitive again. When I crave and don't drink i gain self esteem. I listen to LOTS of music and my tastes have changed dramatically. Any music suggestions are welcomed!!

          As you've been told: read Dr A's book--either one, but the paperback is slightly more layperson friendly and more current. Listen to people here and go slowly when you titrate up. That's it for me,



            Want to try Baclofen

            Hi Tampa,
            I started at 5mg, 3 times a day. After three days, I upped it by 5 mg every two days until I was at 10 mg three times a day. I have been at 40 my (10mg 4 times a day) for three days or so. I will wait for a bit to up it. I have only been going up when I feel like I need to for craving issues.

            With liquid bac, the lower doses were tricky. If you go that route, request a smaller dosage syringe and you can post dosage questions here. There are lots of folks on the liquid bac here on the forum, so we can help you figure out your conversion (ML to MG) so if you decide to go that route there is help.

            Also, I realized after I wrote that I do in fact have some SEs, just not really any unpleasant ones. I have enjoyed the vivid dreams. Have been sleeping through the night mostly, so the few times I had insomnia, I enjoyed the nighttime quiet.

            I know bac doesn't work for everyone, but it certainly has been a miracle for me. I am still holding my breath at bit, hoping that this continues. But so far, it is freakin' amazing. I hope it does the same for you!


              Want to try Baclofen

              Hi Tampa! Welcome to MWO, and especially to this part of this amazing forum. THIS is where I found My Way Out, in Oct. '09, when I read, for the very first time, about baclofen, and the possibility that I could come out from under the brutal lash of alcohol by . . . and here's THE deal . . . educating myself to the maximum by reading Dr. Ameisen's book and EVERY post that was being posted here on MWO at the time, and applying everything I learned with as much intelligence as I could muster. There is SO much information here. And not just people's stories and experiences - esteemed member Lo0p created THIS thread:, which is a very good indication of how very seriously those of us who were taking bac w/out a physician, and just our own experiences, and what others posted, were about to preparing for the ride.

              I really encourage you to read, read, read as much as you possibly can. In this case, knowledge really IS power. There is tons of information, including titration suggestions from day 1, forward; side effects to expect; the myriad ways different folks have found to manage those side effects; and stories that would be unbelievable about how people have saved their lives with bac - except they are true.

              I have watched and corresponded with people around the world whose bac-journeys have had incredibly extreme episodes. I learned, and still learn, so much that helps me. And I am watching, especially NOW, a group of newcomers (who appear to be utilizing liquid bac from the start?), get great results early; as well as many for whom it is taking huge efforts and more time than anyone would wish, for them to find their own successful bac-path. This is, for better or worse, definitely NOT as "one-size-fits-all" program.

              I started taking bac according to the titration schedule in Dr. Ameisen's book. 10 mg 3x/day. I have a pretty hardy constitution, and that worked for me. Since then, it seems that the recommended starting place is EITHER 5 mg/day for 3 days, and adding 5 mg every 3-4 days, according to what happens; OR 5 mg 3x/day for 3 days, increasing 5-10 mg every 3-4 days. As you read around, you'll probably discover that most people have found slower can actually be faster, when it comes to titrating up without being overwhelmed by side effects.

              I'm living evidence that bac works. I went from "real" alcoholic to "real" life in about 10 days. Hippy and I may be the "poster children" for speed, ease and effectiveness of bac :H Probably due to our lifelong "hippie-ness!" But seriously, the more you read, the better prepared you will be to find Your Way Out. Really glad that you're posting. There's a lot of wisdom and experience here to help you along. Good luck!!
              "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


                Want to try Baclofen

                Too bad I have basically placed a "gag order" on myself because I am the sole officer of Phoenix Research Labs LLC.

                I am an old timer and I wish I could post more and comment on a lot of stuff. But I cannot.
                :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
                Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

                Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

                Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
                A Forum
                Trolls need not apply


                  Want to try Baclofen

                  Getting my pharmaceutical quality baclofen from
                  no worries. Good luck!
                  ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

                  ― George Carlin


                    Want to try Baclofen

                    Thanks for all the responses!

                    Im a little nervous after this weekend reading some stuff on the internet regarding the negative effects of baclofen. I dont want to trade one habit for another...can you guys understand that?

                    I still want to try baclofen but at a low dosage...maybe 30 mg per day. Has anyone had success on that low of a dosage or at least some benefit?

                    Thanks again.


                      Want to try Baclofen

                      On a side note

                      I feel so lost this morning. I cant believe I let myself get to this point with alcohol. Im not one to be a poor me type, but this has got me really down today. I still have hope though, its the only thing driving me to get back my life. Vent over...sorry guys.


                        Want to try Baclofen

                        Tampa21;1468937 wrote: Thanks for all the responses!

                        Im a little nervous after this weekend reading some stuff on the internet regarding the negative effects of baclofen. I dont want to trade one habit for another...can you guys understand that?

                        I still want to try baclofen but at a low dosage...maybe 30 mg per day. Has anyone had success on that low of a dosage or at least some benefit?

                        Thanks again.
                        Alcohol has a lot of side-effects too, you know.
                        Baclofen is not addictive and most side-effects wear off.

                        I hit my switch at 90mg, but for most people it's higher.
                        There is a study that published good results with treatment with 30 mg baclofen, but I would advise you to titrate up until you find your switch.
                        It makes little sense to try to wash your car with only one cup of water, right?
                        Or trying to prevent a pregnancy with only a quarter of an anti-conception pill.

                        In the event you might experience unbearable side-effects from baclofen, you could lower your dosage at that point.
                        Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                          Want to try Baclofen

                          Tampa21;1468937 wrote:
                          Im a little nervous after this weekend reading some stuff on the internet regarding the negative effects of baclofen. I dont want to trade one habit for another...can you guys understand that?

                          I still want to try baclofen but at a low dosage...maybe 30 mg per day. Has anyone had success on that low of a dosage or at least some benefit?

                          Hi, Tampa and a belated welcome to the forum.

                          I completely understand your concerns. I was there. I certainly can't make the decision for you, but I can offer some information:

                          The first is that you'll find 3 kinds of uses for baclofen on the internet. For muscle spasms, usually related to some sort of paralysis. This is most often prescribed via pump directly into the body. It has very little to do with what we do, and how it works for alcoholism. (It does prove that baclofen is safe, however. Even for people who are physically compromised. I found that a relief!)
                          You'll find a little bit of info about it for recreational purposes, though most people find it is not very fun. (The one or two posts I read about it on another website, the people experimenting with it found it was not effective for their purposes.)
                          The third is for alcoholism. The only real place to find information about taking bac for alcoholism is here, or on two other sites. (I'll link them later.) That's it. So anything else you read about baclofen for alcoholism, anywhere else, might very well be very misinformed.

                          But don't worry! There's plenty to worry about regarding taking baclofen if you read around here enough. Which I highly recommend. I can't recommend that strongly enough, actually.

                          Because here's the thing: Baclofen is a medicinal treatment for alcoholism. It's not a substitute (like a benzodiazapene such as Ativan or Klonopin). It's much more like an antidepressant. (Though it's not like that at all.) If you think of it as an antidepressant, you'll understand why setting limits on how much you will take, before you have taken the medication, doesn't really make sense. If the dosage is say, 150mg/day and you decide to take only 30mg, it's not going to work. It just won't.

                          Two more bits of information:
                          There is one study that showed that baclofen at 30mg/day does not work at all. There is one other that showed a very little bit of improvement. In that second study people were encouraged to use other tools (including AA) and to remain abstinent.

                          There are very, very few people who take less than 90mg and have any impact at all. That doesn't mean it doesn't ever happen, and there are several around right now that are achieving that. Which is why I want to be very clear that I don't want to discourage you. However, my drinking history is a lot like Serenity's, and maybe yours, and it may take a lot more.

                          And I want you to hear this last (final!) bit loud and clear too: Taking baclofen to treat alcoholism is not the easy way out. It's not substituting one drug for another. It's taking a medication to treat an illness.

                          I think it's worth it. Read around and please ask questions when they come up.


                            Want to try Baclofen

                            Yes, I had benefit at 30 mgs BUT that's where I started. I also had SEs at 30 mgs. I do not believe that 30 mgs was the stop point for me and that's why my dr allowed me to go up SLOW AND STEADY. I wrote the times and amounts of my dosages down for the first 2 months.

                            It is a drug and is not to be messed with. Read more and have a plan before you start--if you do start. I'm wishing you the best luck.



                              Want to try Baclofen

                              Xadrian- Good Point and good way to think about it regarding alcohol having side effects too. Never really thought about it that way as I have been drinking for so many years.

                              Neve EVA- Hello, thanks for the advice. I have been doing alot of surfing the net reading about Baclofen and reading many threads on this site and everyone have been very helpful and eager to listen. I'm trying to get as many perspectives as I can on this drug and I know it is not an easy way out but it might give me a better chance at kicking alcohol out of my life.

                              Kronkcarr- How would you say your first week on the drug at 30mg felt for you? I'm just curious as to how it made you feel/think did you become indifferent to alcohol at some point?

                              Thanks again guys. Wish you all the best!


                                Want to try Baclofen


                                Here's a bit from what I journaled:
                                Day 1: my dr appt was at 5 pm. I was an anxious mess in the parking lot and I was able to cover some of it up in his office because that's what I'm good at. I'd already called ahead and he'd agreed to script bac for me. I told him I'd just ruined another relationship because of my drinking and that was a pattern. I was honest with him about my misery, but I lied when he asked if I really wanted to quit drinking. I said I did but really I wanted to be able to have 1 or 2 on occasion (at my second visit I apologized for lying). He scripted me 30 mgs/ day and every 4th day I could go up 10 mgs to 60 mgs/day.
                                I was still an anxious mess when I left his office. I got to Publix and was told I'd have to wait 25 mins. I almost died! Hell, I was dying and no one cared! Got them. Went home and took 10 mg--no change. Took 10 mg more and my mind started to calm. Muscles remained tense.

                                Day 2: took 10 mgs and mind raced and I thought of drinking. 3 hrs later took 10 mgs and I felt a freeing of my mind and my muscles started loosening. Went to my son's middle school band concert--always hated them but I'm supposed to go. I really enjoyed it, was happy and had none of my usual melancholy. Noticed and connected better with people.

                                Day 3: hard time waking. Muscles really tight as if I'm holding all my sadness in. Crying in the am--feels like it's gonna by a long ride. Starting to realize how I used to agonize over others' opinions and they didn't seem to give a shit about me.

                                Day 4: who would have thought I'd be the one to lose my shit? What's worse--before or now? Then I'm at the bookstore and I sat and read 4 PostSecret books (never sat and read in a store and never read these). I took photos of the pages I liked. I cried (a good kind of cry) because I could feel what the writers meant. I had time! Driving home I was enraptured by the clear blue sky and the white puffy clouds. Dr A describes this in his book. Sheer beauty was all I saw and felt.
                                Switched my iPod music to George Winston's December and felt I'd never known such a sweet moment in my life. I always talked with people in lines but talking with 2 tourists at the grocery tonight I actually cared and felt happy for them that they were in the hot FL weather and not up north.

                                Day 5: went up to 40 mgs today. Worked a clean up in a Preserve and had a ball. One friend of mine that irritates me did so again and I found it easier to disengage. Sat in the sun with beautiful music, relaxed and felt no need to do something. Watched the hawks catching the air drafts--effortless--just like I felt. Muscles relaxed. Had a great talk with friend--could really hear her.
                                My level of irritability has lessened. I'm able to realize all I have--people not just things--and be grateful. Old emotions are drifting up but it's not a struggle--just part of my life.

                                Day 6: neck and shoulders relaxed, thighs haven't. Anxiety driving--afraid I'll get rear ended. Went to friend's and had a glass of Prosecco. She had another. I didn't and didn't care about more and more and...nice day. Sleepiness has caught up with me. Went to bed early and had nightmares.

                                Day 7: with bac I see that drinking had become a habit--drop son at his dad's=buy a bottle of wine, go to the beach= bottle of wine for me, go to friend's party= too many drinks. Bac has been gentle and simple so far.

                                This was my experience. There are SO many different ones. Twice I had 3 drinks and did not like how I felt. So at this point I don't have more than 2. I don't bring alcohol into my house--I don't know what I thought was so fun about drinking alone every night. I don't do stuff that I know causes me anxiety if I don't have to. The ride changes for me. I have started the thoughts of over drinking again and although my dr says he wants me to back down on dosage I'm going to do Dr A's protocol and go for the switch. Yes, I still get SEs--mainly a dull bothersome headache. And I wouldn't change I thing. Starting bac was the best thing I've done other than having my son. Sorry this is so long, but you asked. 😎


