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WCL open letter

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    WCL open letter

    First, I want to say to Windy that her open letter was AWESOME. What happened to such a beautiful and useful letter is sickening to say the least. But it was our member's own fault, IMO. We had to engage that bully. Some people were really trying to just get him to leave but others were simply trying to prove him wrong. That is a battle that always ends the same way here ~ a closed thread. And sometimes, those threads are extremely important for us boozers. There is one poster here that is obviously very passionate about the bac issue, but sometimes causes much more harm than good by constantly trying to prove himself right and the bully wrong. I have seen others tell him "to just leave it alone" more than once.
    Anyone here ever heard of the "Love and Logic" parenting approach by Jim Fay? It works on adults too, who are trying to "hook" you into an argument, every time. One liners like "I know", "Nice try","Thanks for sharing", or "I bet it feels that way" are the responses you give them. But you have have to be consistent and repeat the same one liner for every response they give you. Use it in the "broken record "form". Try it sometime. But, better yet, on this forum, you have a great option if you can't resist engaging the poster...... the ignore button.
    Please everybody, let's not let what happened to Windy's beautiful, therapeutic letter ever happen again. Choose peace and love and peace and love will choose you. (corny, I know, but true!)

    WCL open letter

    I think you are on to something great! I concur.



      WCL open letter

      Amen. So sorry windy. I hope you'll repost somewhere else. Thanks Y.


        WCL open letter

        Thanks, Yo. I'll be back later tonight to comment further.
        "Yet someday this will have an end
        All choices made or choice resigned,
        And in your face the literal eye
        Trace little of your history,
        Nor ever piece the tale entire
        Of villages that had to burn
        And playgrounds of the will destroyed
        Before you could be safe from time
        And gather in your brow and air
        The stillness of antiquity."

        From "At Majority" by Adrienne Rich


          WCL open letter

          Hi Windy I only just saw what happened to your thread and am upset that what started with your wonderful heartfelt letter descended into that mess. I am so glad you will still come back you know what it can be like on here.

          Much love x


            WCL open letter

            Your posts were amazing as always, Windy. Sorry for my part in what happened.


              WCL open letter

              I loved your post too, and was sad to see it closed. Probably good that I didn't get to blast the fella as it wouldn't have worked.
              I was just scratching my head looking around and saying "we are in the meds forum, right? Yep!" and scratched my head some more.
              Day 1 again 11/5/19
              Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
              Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
              Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
              11/27/19: messed up but back on track
              12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

              One day at a time.


                WCL open letter

                OK I need help maintaining sobriety so how do I know which med will help me?? I can go for weeks but cave...

                Newbie's Nest

                Tool Box
                AF 9.1.2013


                  WCL open letter

                  Each person has a different response to each med. There doesn't seem to be a way of predicting what will happen.

                  Just pick one and go for it. I have only taken baclofen, and it worked for me, so that would be my recommendation, but obviously it's a bit biased!

