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Newbie needs quick input

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    Newbie needs quick input

    Does anyone have experience with antihistamines and bac? I am getting a sinus headache, and I tend to want to drink when I don't feel good. I took my 3rd of 5 10mg of bac 3 hours ago. Would I mess up if I take another 10 now to ward off the anxiety that is getting close to getting out of hand.

    Your experiences will help me make my own decision; not asking for medical consult!:thanks:


    Newbie needs quick input

    Sorry GG, but I'm not sure if you're asking whether antihistamines mess with bac or whether taking an extra 10mg (on top of your 50/day schedule) would be a bad thing. Either way no, it wouldn't (in my experience) be a problem.

    First generation antihistamines (the sedating Benadryl, Unisom type) are what a lot of Baclofenistas use to help occasionally with bac-induced insomnia. They don't seem to interfere with Baclofen.

    If you think upping your bac dose (in order to combat anxiety) is what you need to do, then go ahead. That's what bac is supposed to do.
    "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


      Newbie needs quick input

      Thanks for the response. I think my thinking skills are not up to par at this time. I take benadryl at night to sleep, so why I was worried about taking an antihistamine right now is not logical

      I think my anxiety about feeling the cravings rising up sent me into a tailspin. I will take 10mg now, and hope that it squelches the desire to escape me.

      Again, thanks. I feel more able to hang in.



        Newbie needs quick input

        Hang in!

        Yep. What he said.
        Though I would recommend staying at a dose consistently and not changing it up just because and blah, blah, blah, yadda yadda. I don't think I ever did that, and even today I messed up and have no idea how much bac I've taken.

        In other words, whatever makes you feel better. Within reason.


          Newbie needs quick input

          Hi and welcome. Sedative antihistamines can be very addictive and they are really bad for your heart. Ride out your anxiety (go through it rather than fighting it, it is physiologically/psycologically impossible to sustain anxiety or craving, they come and go). Let your anxiety and cravings come and go. Notice them rising in you and acknowledge them as feelings "hello anxiety, hello cravings, I see you and I notice you. I also know that you are temporary, so you really have no lasting power over me!" The more often you do this, the less control anxiety and craving will have over you. Teach yourself empowerment. BUT keep taking the baclofen. Long live Dr O A!
          ?Just cause you got the monkey off your back doesn't mean the circus has left town.?

          ― George Carlin


            Newbie needs quick input

            I had headaches from the first time I took baclofen until I was on 40 mg per day or so.
            It started 20 minutes after I took the dose and disappeared after a few hours.
            It was not unbearable and eventually it went away.
            Today is the first day of the rest of my life.

