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Gained 3 lbs. Drinking

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    Gained 3 lbs. Drinking

    I know that maybe I haven't been on bac high/long enough to feel it's effects re reduction in craving, but I have gained 3 lbs. W/o eating enough to cause that. ate 1800-2000 calories each of last 3 days. Gained 3 lbs. That is not acceptable. No increase in sodium. At my wt. I cannot handle wt. gain when I don't overeat. Is ac causing this? Don't know. But it totally freaked me out. Coupled with Thurs. The beginning of my weekend, I stopped at store for wine. Thoughts were: SHIT!; cannot handle this. Bac will lead to weight gain. Might as well drink. Etc.

    I have been reading a lot on myo. Topomax seems to be a godsend for many with wt. Issues. Am afraid I jumped into bac too fast, bought a s**t load of bac. Should I change? If not, at what bac load should I contemplate a move? I know that I cannot handle the depression if I gain wt. I have been on bupropion for years and, with ECT, I have been much more stable, if not thinner. Fear, inertia, is almost making me paranoid (not a usual emotion).

    Please, any thoughts, personal stories, etc. My psychiatrist retired and I do not have a new one. Few in my community have good reps. FP is good, but does not have xperience with alcohol/bac. And, I suspect he will not be innovative enough to continue to prescribe my psych meds if I go to him with my current issues.


    Gained 3 lbs. Drinking

    I have not beendrinking until tonight. I thought to prove bac was able to reduce intake once start drinking. Not. Really depressed that it hasn't. I think there were other problems in post, but can't remember them, and can see what I wrote on iPad w/o losing this addendum


      Gained 3 lbs. Drinking

      Sorry, GG. Sometimes bac will reduce your intake and sometimes, well sometimes it just doesn't. Depends on your mood, maybe? I'm not really sure and could never really figure it out.

      Don't beat yourself up over it, though, k? It's a process. And tomorrow is a whole new day, so try not to get depressed, and hey, may as well enjoy the wine while you've got it, no? Like I said, tomorrow's another day. Big hugs, sweetie.



        Gained 3 lbs. Drinking

        I lost 25 lbs in 6 months while on bac, but before bac I drank beer and that has a lot of carbs in it.

        Could it be possible that you hold more water in your body? Alcohol dries you out and maybe your body restored the amount of fluid in your body. I don't know, it's only a guess.

        I would wait a few weeks if I were you to see if there's a significant change in body weight. 3 lbs is nothing (yeah, I know. I'm a guy and for a girl it feels different).
        Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


          Gained 3 lbs. Drinking

          Morning, GG.

          I hope you'll take a day before you make any decisions about what to take and when and how and most importantly, why.

          I think it was almost impossible to think clearly about solutions to a problem when I was drunk or hungover. Everything seems overwhelming. The options seem very black/white. And mostly everything felt futile.

          A couple of thoughts, though:
          I have never seen anyone get sober with bac when the priority was their weight. I have seen A LOT of people lose weight and get healthy while taking bac when the focus was on stopping booze once and for all. (Myself included.)

          I lost a lot of weight pre-bac in an effort to kill the beast through exercise and nutrition. I was then a skinny drunk. I can't say that getting thin (and strong!) changed my life for the better. I can say that getting sober has changed my life radically.

          Losing weight sober is absolutely easier than losing it drunk.

          Topamax helps some people lose weight. It has a lot of side effects (well documented) that you can read about here and in the scientific literature. But the bottom line is that it's not very effective for helping people get off the booze. Which you can also read A LOT about just about everywhere.

          Hope you'll be gentle with yourself today. You've been doing great. It gets easier. (Then harder, then easier, then harder, then...Just like life. )



            Gained 3 lbs. Drinking

            Hi GG. I understand your frustration. My weight has been fluctuating about 2 to 3 pounds on any given day. I have been AF for 5 days, starting my 6th. I have found that my body reacts to different kinds of foods -- not just the number of calories. Try drinking more water which helps with fluid retention. Maybe track what you are eating and try switching that up. I find I react to carbs (even things like potatos or corn or beans) more than I do sugar. If I eat both sugar and carbs I am screwed. Three pounds can come off in a day, so don't panic. Over the long haul, the weight will come off. It might just take some time to stabilize and then drift down.


              Gained 3 lbs. Drinking

              I agree with Ne, while Topamax may help you lose weight, it comes with a LOT of side effects and personally, though I wasn't taking it to quit drinking, it didn't seem to have any effect on my drinking habits at the time. (I was taking it for severe migraines) It did however make me dumber than a box of rocks--forgetting words, having to make lists and go over them 15 times before I left the house or I'd forget what I was doing, etc. It was horrible and I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Carbonated beverages and some foods tasted really strange to me, and I almost went vegetarian because meat (pork in particular) smelled like rotting fish to me. The worst part was that it took several months after going off of it to start feeling normal again. Sure, I did lose a lot of weight, but the cost was much too high.


                Gained 3 lbs. Drinking

                Well, the only time I lost weight not drinking was when I did it without any meds.

                I think it's more than just not drinking.

                I don't see bac adding weight.


                  Gained 3 lbs. Drinking


                  I have also had an issue with gaining weight on BAC, for me I don't think that it is the Bac directly but rather the effect that it is having on my cardio workouts. Before taking Bac and even at lower doses my heart rate for an hour long cardio workout would average about 133 with a peak around 165. Once I got up over 200 mgs/day I can't seem to workout as hard. My heart rate now is averaging 125 with a peak of only 145, so I think that this is what caused my weight to go up from 190 to 197. I have since started a very low carb diet and continued my exercise. My weight is now at 194, and for me four measly pounds is a small price to pay if I can finally get the AL monkey off my back!!!

                  Keep up the good fight.

