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Bac before bed

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    Bac before bed

    I've been reading lots of old posts and found some about equally dividing doses. Is it important to dose larger before bed to keep bac in my system overnight? Or is it just personal taste? I'm at 110 mgs/day and going up. Thanks for all your wisdom and support.


    Bac before bed

    Hiya, Kronk.

    Spreading them out evenly just sort of makes sense, doesn't it? That's the way most medicines work--keeping a steady level in the blood stream.

    It definitely helped me when I got to the higher doses to take them more often, rather than just 3 or 4 times a day. (Which you didn't ask, but may become relevant later!)

    Some people have found that taking more of it at certain times of day improves their outcome. But there's really no telling what's "best". It causes insomnia for many of us, so taking a large lump at night doesn't make a lot of sense. It causes mid-day somnolence for most of us, so taking a large lump at that time doesn't make sense, either. And for some, particularly in the beginning, it helps sleep.

    I wouldn't be afraid to play around (within reason!!!) to figure out what works best for you.


      Bac before bed

      Hey Kronkcarr

      It's a tough call I think. Dr. L always told me the biggest dose should be at night. I am not sure why though. I never asked him. Perhaps someone can?

      Bac has a short half life so I started thinking it's more important to have the larger doses closer to the "witching hours". I really don't know.

      Too bad Dr. L would never get on a forum and debate this stuff.


        Bac before bed

        Hi Kronk!

        I am in the fortunate position of having a doctor with a lot of experience with baclofen and alcohol. In fact they are head of the alcohol department at the main hospital here. As it turns out, I just came from a consultation with her and asked the very same question, since she wanted to change the dosage and had suggested a little less in the evening.
        The question is really about half-life of the drug remaining in your system as COSGringo pointed out, but is also related to the question of how long it takes for the body to respond to a lack of baclofen. The effective half-life (in contradiction to what I had read) is about 9 hours. Depending of course on the dosage and how long one has been taking it, the time for withdrawal to kick in, (it seems, from other sources) is much longer. Personally I take it at 8 in the evening, and again at 9-10 the next morning, without problem. I can update soon about the reduced dose in the evening. For reference, I will be going down from 150 mg (50 mg of which was taken in the evening) to 100 mg with 25 mg to be taken in the evening.

