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How do you know when you've hit the switch

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    How do you know when you've hit the switch

    How do you know when you've hit the switch? Am on bac now. 30 ml at 3 X a day, so 90 ml total. Don't want to drink, but not sure whether I've hit the switch.
    Read the book, but wondering if there's something special about hitting the switch.

    thanks for your advice.

    How do you know when you've hit the switch

    What's up, HL. :welcome:

    Saw your thread kind of languishing here today, so thought I'd jump in. The switch is... well it's pretty much when you don't think about drinking. Actually, yeah, that's probably the best way I could describe it. I was about to say something about making it easy to not drink, or not drink a lot, or whatever. But really it's when you don't think about it.

    So right now you say you don't feel like drinking, which means you're either really close, or just in a good place generally. Right? I mean not feeling like drinking is pretty much the point...

    When I was close to the switch I'd still want to drink--but that's just because I'm me and have issues--but I'd get a beer or a whiskey, and I'd know in my head that to get drunk I'd have to drink it, but somehow I just wouldn't. Or would sip so slowly that I wouldn't feel anything. Then I had kind of a crisis and the next day I didn't drink at all, and it was about a week or more before I realized I hadn't drank anything during that week... So it's not so much not wanting to drink as it is not even thinking about alcohol. The thoughts just go away, even if you're standing in a liquor store.

    It doesn't necessarily hit you like something magical--you just sort of know, if you know what I mean. Hope that's helpful, even though it's the most vague explanation ever


      How do you know when you've hit the switch

      I am not sure about there being a defining characteristic. Personally though, I had defined it to be effective when there was no compulsion to drink, which happened for me at 150 mg. That is not to say that I had no desire to drink, I just felt that there needed to be a distinction - whether I wanted to drink, or whether I needed to drink. Over and above that, and as it happened, the true signal for me was simply not really worrying whether there was drink at hand and available and somehow being oblivious to its presence.
      Again, merely personally, I consider it more like a dimmer switch for a light than an on-off switch. At some point when you turn down a dimmer for a light one considers the light to be pretty much "off" even though technically it is just turned down imperceptibly low. The feeling me though was somehow compounded by a sudden "eureka" moment where I realised it was gone. If one wants to call that a switch then by all means, do so.
      In my humble opinion, if you don't want to drink, then why not consider your goal to have been achieved already ? It seems that you have made a huge amount of progress already. Ok, a "eureka" moment might never actually come and smack you in the face. However, the fact that you ask whether you have hit such a moment or not is certainly a very good indication that you are where you wanted to be.
      Wish you all the very best!


        How do you know when you've hit the switch

        HealthyLiving;1472771 wrote: How do you know when you've hit the switch? Am on bac now. 30 ml at 3 X a day, so 90 ml total. Don't want to drink, but not sure whether I've hit the switch.
        Read the book, but wondering if there's something special about hitting the switch.

        thanks for your advice.
        Do you mean mg or ml?

        If you mean to say ml, would that be 90 ml of the solution or 90 ml of baclofen that's in the solution?
        Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


          How do you know when you've hit the switch

          The switch could be described as the moment you have no want for a drink for a prolonged period, when you lost your interest in drinking.
          Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


            How do you know when you've hit the switch

            I meant 90 ml. To explain a little further. I don't want to drink, but I think it's because I am thinking of the consequences, and because I am consciously abstaining, not necessarily because I no longer physiologically want to drink.


              How do you know when you've hit the switch

              Thank you so much for all your help. Based on all the responses, I realized that I have not hit the switch yet.

              Being a newbie, I don't know what to do with this. I just received a PM telling me that bac doesn't work. what do I do?


                How do you know when you've hit the switch

                Well maybe this isn't the switch, but you say you don't reall want to drink... And I think you said you're not drinking--sorry, on my phone so can't check if thats what you said very easily. But sounds like bac is doing something, and you just have to go with how you feel. If you're comfortably not drinking right now that's great. If you want to increase your dose slowly and try for 'the switch' that's up to you, too. All I can really say is read, read, read around MWO. The old threads, and reach out to people who've been here a long time, and then decide what you'd like to do.

                Bac can work. Period. It can also really suck taking high doses, so please read and keep asking questions. Participating here is probably the best single thing you can do.


                  How do you know when you've hit the switch


                  You are right. The bac is doing something. It is making feel less like drinking. Also, this site is amazing. I have been reading bits and pieces of threads everywhere. It's so encouraging to hear about everyone's journey.
                  By the way, I started to read your thread. It's reads like memoir-- an unfiltered raw journey. You are a talented writer.

