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Book reviews of Heal Thyself.

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    Book reviews of Heal Thyself.

    I found these reviews on Amazon. One even suggests a forum, fancy that.

    24 of 26 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars hi, my name is debbie, and im an alcoholic, 20 May 2009
    By Debra A. Andreadis "recovering lunatic" (barnes, london) - See all my reviews
    This review is from: The End of My Addiction: How a Renowned Cardiologist Cured Himself of Alcoholism (Paperback)
    Well, what can i say. totally riveting read, and a real eye opener thankfully not the "hair of the dog" kind, that i was familiar with. I had almost 5yrs sobriety with the wonderful help of A.A., but like most alcoholics, relapsed and found it EXTREMELY difficult to get back on track, mainly i would say due to the shame and guilt of having relapsed and all that ensues. Strangely enough, i was visiting my G.P. after yet another failed attempt at sobriety, when he mention this book, which even more strangely i happened to have just started reading. Long story short, i am now into my first full week of baclofen, and i KID YOU NOT, it has done exactly what the good doctor said it would, and this is from someone who craved much the same as Olivier, and suffered extreme anxiety also. Yesterday it was all i could do not to pick up a drink, i held on, went home and took my 2nd dose of baclofen, and as the doctor said within an hour or so, my thoughts of a drink were gone. THIS IS JUST MY EXPERIENCE...but with regards to the ONE STAR reviewer, called dr. bob (yeah, and my names Lois), you failed to mention that it is imperative, as with most drugs of this nature, that one tapers off the medication as advised by your own G.P. Also, as far as im concerned, i trust the good doctor who wrote this book a WHOLE lot more, because he was his own guinea pig, than some bunch of beurocrats deciding what works and what doesnt when theyre not even alcoholic and therefore cannot possibly know what relief from this disastrous affliction would feel like, and dismiss Oliviers efforts to have his trial put to a wider test, because of their own bigotry. Anyhow, thats my opinion, and im sticking to it.
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    6 of 7 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars A ray of hope, 29 Aug 2010
    By Katharine Morrison (Scotland) - See all my reviews
    This review is from: The End of My Addiction: How One Man Cured Himself of Alcoholism (Paperback)
    This book is easy to read, informative and maintains the interest to the end. Olivier intersperses scientific information with his family history, life story and losing battle with alcohol addiction. His description of how the medical profession treat addicts runs true. Doctors are just not very good with dealing with patients whose illnesses have no cure or palliation.

    I am trying this treatment with a patient right now and whether it works or not, gives a ray of hope, where everything else has failed.

    There are other extremely beneficial treatments that are ignored by the medical profession. Lack of any potential profit from non patentable drugs is a major hurdle. Low carb diets for diabetes/metabolic control and use of optimal levels of Vitamin D are just two. I suspect this could be a worthwhile third. I suspect that to have medical profession take it up will probably be a bottom up rather than a top down affair.

    It could be helpful if Dr Amiesen were to start off a forum where those who have an interest in this method of treating drink and drug addiction could offer their experiences for the benefit of others. I also wonder if this drug could be a useful drug for emotionally based overeating.
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    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars the end of my addiction, 7 Jan 2013
    By claire molloy - See all my reviews
    Amazon Verified Purchase(What is this?)
    This review is from: The End of My Addiction: How One Man Cured Himself of Alcoholism (Paperback)
    the man is a genius he has changed my life after struggling with addiction for nearly 20 years im free at last
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    1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Don't buy the same book twice, 20 July 2012
    By Nigel Ward - See all my reviews
    Amazon Verified Purchase(What is this?)
    This review is from: Heal Thyself: A Doctor at the Peak of His Medical Career, Destroyed by Alcohol -- And the Personal Miracle That Brought Him Back (Paperback)
    Amazon encourages readers to buy this book along with 'The End of My Addiction: How One Man Cured Himself of Alcoholism' by the same author ('Cutomers who bought this book also bought...'). I fell into the trap and bought both books, not realising that THESE ARE THE SAME BOOK. This is just the kind of mistake that you would not make in a traditional bookshop and Amazon should make it clear that these books are identical instead of encouraging customers to buy both.

    This is a must-read book for anyone who has (or who lives with someone who has) an alcool problem. It's very rigourous in a medical way, but I have some critisisms:

    Firstly, most of the book is NOT about Baclofen, it is about the author's descent into alco-hell. This book is 234 pages long (not including the massive appendix) and Baclofen is barely mentioned until page 132. The first half of the book is moving and helps build respect for the author but it's not about Baclofen - you can probably skip the first 132 pages.

    Secondly, I would have liked to see a comparison between Baclofen and Naltrexone, which Amiesen barely mentions. I have also read a very convincing book ('The Cure for Alcoholism' by Roy Escapa) about the virtues of Naltrexone which the authour claims will ultimately suppress alcohol craving if used right (take Naltrexone an hour before drinking).

    Thirdly, it is frustrating to read on his website that a large-scale trial of Baclofen was begun in 2011 and then have no indication of how that study is going (it may already be complete for all I know). Much of the book is an appeal for a large-scale study, and Amiesen explains that drug companies won't fund any study or promote Baclofen since they can't make any money on it (its patent has expired). Here is what the site says: 'A patient who was cured after showing Olivier Ameisen's The End of My Addiction to his general practitioner insisted on meeting Ameisen after a lecture he gave in Amsterdam. Out of gratitude, the patient donated an anonymous gift of $750,000 to the University of Amsterdam to conduct the clinical trial of high-dose baclofen Ameisen had called for since 2004. Dr. Reinout Wiers will conduct the trial in early 2011 under Ameisen's guidance.'

    I know of a local person who was drinking 10 litres of beer per day and who now, thanks to Baclofen, feels no urge to drink.
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    13 of 16 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars Its curing me too, 5 April 2009
    By Alcoholic "Getting Better" (Woverhampton England) - See all my reviews
    This review is from: The End of My Addiction: How a Renowned Cardiologist Cured Himself of Alcoholism (Paperback)
    I am a 57-year-old alcoholic and heard about the author through a friend. I ordered the book and read it from cover to cover the day it arrived. It was fascinating. Just like reading my own life story. I have seen my GP with the book in hand and have been on the authors suggested medication for about 5 weeks. I feel more relaxed, more confident and both the alcohol and cigarette craving is getting less.
    A recommended read for anyone with craving problems who wants to get away from the misery of losing control.
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    8 of 11 people found the following review helpful
    5.0 out of 5 stars The End of my Addiction, 9 April 2009
    By Lady Di "Shaman Di" (Lancashire UK) - See all my reviews
    This review is from: The End of My Addiction: How a Renowned Cardiologist Cured Himself of Alcoholism (Paperback)
    This book is an absolute MUST read for anyone trying to help an alcholic
    or suffering with this dreadful illness themselves.Not only does it give a totally open insight to the absolute horror of just what an alcoholic lives through on a daily basis, it brings understanding that this illness is not one of weakness or lack of willpower.It stems from a chemical imbalance in the brain which causes the anxiety and depression which ALWAYS precedes the addiction and is at first alleviated by alcohol.The good news; Dr Ameison and others have been CURED by using large doses of a muscle relaxant which rights the wrong brain chemistry and stops the anxiety and depression This takes away the craving for addictive substance.It also seems that in some cases people even have the ability to drink small amounts normally without lapsing into addiction again. I know this goes against every premiss of AA but they help they don,t cure. The bad news; the treatment is not yet recognised but I truly believe that every alcoholic or friend or relative of such should read this book and start fighting the GP,s, heath practitioners, and mostly the Pharmacutical industry to make this treatment available and save the misery of millions of alcolics and other addicts.
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    Olivier Ameisen

    In addiction, suppression of symptoms should suppress the disease altogether since addiction is, as he observed, a "symptom-driven disease". Of all "anticraving medications used in animals, only one - baclofen - has the unique property of suppressing the motivation to consume cocaine, heroin, alcohol, nicotine and d-amphetamine"

    Book reviews of Heal Thyself.

    Otter, did you seriously just post the Amazon 5 star reviews and ignore the lower rated ones? You honestly do yourself, or 'the cause', no favours when you do this sort of thing.

    In the interests of balance and to preempt inevitable trolling, here are the other reviews:

    17 of 18 people found the following review helpful
    2.0 out of 5 stars This might be the cure for some, but not for all...., 13 May 2010
    By PinkMilk (London) - See all my reviews
    Amazon Verified Purchase(What is this?)
    This review is from: The End of My Addiction: How a Renowned Cardiologist Cured Himself of Alcoholism (Paperback)
    I bought this book a few months ago, read through Dr Ameisens moving story of living with alcoholism and deceided to give this a try.
    First stop my GP, she wouldn't prescribe Baclofen as in this country it is not licensed for addiction.
    So I went online and had soon ordered my first lot of Baclofen. This is not as cheap a drug, as Dr Ameisen might think, he obviously never had to pay for it. I spent about ?50 for the first few weeks supply, but as it became clear that I needed higher and higher doses, I needed to reorder quickly.
    Still, I persevered for almost two months (I estimate I spent about ?150 altogether).
    I only gave up when at 140mg a day I literally fell asleep without warning from one moment to the next. I fell asleep on the bus (while my children were with me!), I fell asleep in the middle of a meal at a Sushi restaurant and later that evening spilled a whole bowl of cereal plus milk all over myself. It was clear that I had to stop taking Baclofen. Sadly with these side-effects I couldn't imagine upping the dose, as with 140mg a day I had not seen any reduction in alcohol craving or consumption.
    It was hard to rate this book, as it is a well written and moving account of struggling with alcohol and I don't want to discourage anyone of trying this treatment for themselves. I would hope that more studies are being done with regards to Baclofen and Alcoholism and wish everybody to find their own personal cure out of this misery.

    12 of 18 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars 'To shun is to shame', 12 April 2009
    By Dr. Roger Weeks "Roger Weeks" (UK) - See all my reviews
    This review is from: The End of My Addiction: How a Renowned Cardiologist Cured Himself of Alcoholism (Paperback)
    The End of My Addiction: How a Renowned Cardiologist Cured Himself of Alcoholism
    * Ameisen describes how doctors (even those working in addiction or psychiatry) shun colleagues who suffer from alcohol or other drug addiction. This reinforces the guilt the sufferer feels and also highlights doctors' attitudes to all patients with substance problems.
    * Thus doctors generally don't treat addicts like normal human beings and often feed the guilt that addicts feel. 'Plenty of doctors still think alcoholism is a weakness, not a disease' I have personally noticed that many people working in addiction even adopt a punitive approach in their treatment of patients
    * Another 'problem' highlighted by Amiesen is that specialists in addiction say addiction is the cause of co-morbid mental illness although almost all patients will have mental illness prior to addiction and, are do fact as Ameisen says become addicts because they start by 'self medicating' their pre-existing mental illness with addictive substances.
    * Psychiatrists also often say that addicts with mental illness have only themselves to blame as their mental illness is caused by their use of addictive substances. This allows addiction psychiatrists to avoid confronting mental health issues for their patients leading to work avoidance endemic in the UK NHS
    * Standard drugs used for treating addictions (particularly alcohol) don't work, have many side effects and are even dangerous.
    * Ameisen says that treating his anxiety problem with a non-addictive drug Baclofen has stopped his craving for alcohol and thus cured his addiction.
    * A lot of evidence appears in the book to support the idea that specialists in the fields of psychiatry and addiction have very closed minds in terms of looking at new ways to treat addiction. Addiction and other branches of psychiatry seem to be a sort of cartel set up to preserve the status quo of a burgeoning industry in treatment of addictions.
    Roger Weeks GP UK

    6 of 9 people found the following review helpful
    4.0 out of 5 stars olivier ameisen, 7 April 2009
    By jo (london) - See all my reviews
    This review is from: The End of My Addiction: How a Renowned Cardiologist Cured Himself of Alcoholism (Paperback)
    Great book, moving story. Hard to imagine that GPs will ever prescribe baclofen off label though. Hopefully this book will help towards a randomised trial of this drug being carried out.
    "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


      Book reviews of Heal Thyself.

      Amazon is just trying to sell the book. Why should anyone attach any significance to the advertising?


        Book reviews of Heal Thyself.

        Excellent observation ifl2


          Book reviews of Heal Thyself.

          Colin;1473000 wrote: Amazon is just trying to sell the book. Why should anyone attach any significance to the advertising?
          Just to quickly respond and clarify, Amazon doesn't really monitor, control, or add to the customer reviews in any way. So generally they're real people without any vested interest in selling the book.

          I'm not going to do it right now, but it would be interesting to see what they're saying on Goodreads.


            Book reviews of Heal Thyself.

            StuckinLA;1473020 wrote: Just to quickly respond and clarify, Amazon doesn't really monitor, control, or add to the customer reviews in any way. So generally they're real people without any vested interest in selling the book.
            Possibly. They could just as easily be the publisher's employees, friends of the author or even MWOers who want to give baclofen a 'helping hand'.

            Be careful about drawing conclusions based on company advertising.


              Book reviews of Heal Thyself.

              There are no reviews of it on Goodreads, although two people have rated it as five stars.


                Book reviews of Heal Thyself.

                StuckinLA;1473020 wrote: Just to quickly respond and clarify, Amazon doesn't really monitor, control, or add to the customer reviews in any way. So generally they're real people without any vested interest in selling the book.


                  Book reviews of Heal Thyself.

                  Colin;1473273 wrote:
                  They could just as easily be the publisher's employees, friends of the author or even MWOers who want to give baclofen a 'helping hand'.

