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Newbie, just ordered Baclofen:)

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    Newbie, just ordered Baclofen:)

    I've lurked here for a few weeks now, absorbing all the information I can on Baclofen. I want to thank everyone for posting their personal experiences, because today I took the step of ordering Baclofen online (400x10 mg, 200x25 mg).

    I have tried for these last few weeks to build up the courage to call Dr. L but to be honest I just haven't got there yet. I haven't even confided in my best friends that I have a drinking problem, nor my personal doctor, and I can't believe I am doing it here...but somehow I got this far because of you all. I know from recent posts that not everyone responds the same way, but the overwhelming majority, based both here and on the majority of research I have done away from this forum, seems to indicate that I there may be some HOPE for me.

    I'm a binge drinker...I am a 'good girl' (to use the term loosely) from morning through evening, and then my Ms. Hyde starts pegging at my thoughts. When I drink I start between 7-9 p.m., and then binge like mad until I am ready to pass out and crawl to bed a few hours later. I thank GOD that I am somehow still able to walk away from booze for a few days without withdrawl symptoms...but in recent months I do notice a mild shake, sometimes, in my hands the day after. I'm not stupid: I KNOW WHAT IS COMING...I know it will get worse if I keep drinking. But I still keep on doing it.

    Somehow I stumbled on an article about Baclofen. Somehow that led me here. Somehow I adjusted my thoughts to accepting that my brain is simply messed UP. And today, I took the first step thanks to you all! THANK YOU!

    Newbie, just ordered Baclofen

    Hi, and welcome. Well done for getting here, it's the hardest part of the whole journey.

    All the best with your upcoming titration. It's not easy, but there's a good chance it will work, and the problem will disappear. Sounds too simplistic, but it's true. And you might be lucky, and enjoy your titration. It's rare, but it happens!


      Newbie, just ordered Baclofen

      Hello, I would like to say welcome too.

      Baclofen has worked for me. I have been slowly titrating up over a period of 5 months and the constant craving for alcohol has gone.

      Good luck



        Newbie, just ordered Baclofen

        Hi, omahawagon,
        Welcome and congratulations on making your first steps toward sobriety. It's a journey that I'm so glad I took. I'm into my 4th month on bac and at this point I have not compulsively drank.
        I'd suggest that you keep a journal of your dosage and your side effects and thoughts. It's helped me to do that.
        I can imagine your anxiety about calling Dr L. I put the call off for 3 weeks. I was dreading having to deal with getting the pharmacy to call him. I called him 2 nights ago and we set our appointment for
        yesterday. I called (after an additional 20 mgs of bac!) and the call went well. He did most of the talking. He offered to send the script and addressed the envelope while we were talking.
        Good luck and keep us posted.


          Newbie, just ordered Baclofen

          Thank you for the warm welcomes


            Newbie, just ordered Baclofen

            :welcome:I'm glad you found us and I'm glad you're gonna give Baclofen a try. It sure worked for me. Next week I'll have 6 months sober and I just don't believe that would have ever been possible without baclofen.
            omahawagon;1478322 wrote: I've lurked here for a few weeks now, absorbing all the information I can on Baclofen. I want to thank everyone for posting their personal experiences, because today I took the step of ordering Baclofen online (400x10 mg, 200x25 mg).

            I have tried for these last few weeks to build up the courage to call Dr. L but to be honest I just haven't got there yet. I haven't even confided in my best friends that I have a drinking problem, nor my personal doctor, and I can't believe I am doing it here...but somehow I got this far because of you all. I know from recent posts that not everyone responds the same way, but the overwhelming majority, based both here and on the majority of research I have done away from this forum, seems to indicate that I there may be some HOPE for me.

            I'm a binge drinker...I am a 'good girl' (to use the term loosely) from morning through evening, and then my Ms. Hyde starts pegging at my thoughts. When I drink I start between 7-9 p.m., and then binge like mad until I am ready to pass out and crawl to bed a few hours later. I thank GOD that I am somehow still able to walk away from booze for a few days without withdrawl symptoms...but in recent months I do notice a mild shake, sometimes, in my hands the day after. I'm not stupid: I KNOW WHAT IS COMING...I know it will get worse if I keep drinking. But I still keep on doing it.

            Somehow I stumbled on an article about Baclofen. Somehow that led me here. Somehow I adjusted my thoughts to accepting that my brain is simply messed UP. And today, I took the first step thanks to you all! THANK YOU!
            Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
   Newbies Nest
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   How to get a sobriety plan

