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I'm an Idiot!!

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    I'm an Idiot!!

    So, lots of changes in the last couple of weeks and have decided to not be so airy fairy. I'm always forgetting things, I never write anything down, I miss appointments, forget things, never organised, no discipline, you get the picture?

    Anyhow, a huge shift in the last two weeks is realising that I have to take responsibility to help me to actually change and being organised etc and having that day to day discipline and consistency with things is up to me. No more letting people down, no more letting myself down.

    But, guess what I've went and done??

    I received a private prescription from Dr Chick on Thursday, the same day I also received my online prescription of BAC, (100 tablets). I've only gone and bloody lost the prescription from Dr Chick? I can't believe it?

    I've retraced my steps, asked in Supermarkets if anything has been handed in and nothing!!! I was trying to think if I had 'put' it somewhere, but have searched everywhere.

    What will I do? I feel I've totally let myself down, if only I had put it somewhere safe in the first place or taken it straight away to the chemist. I can only assume it has fallen out of my pocket and I am also mortified to think that someone has found it because it states it's from a psychiatrist and has my name and address on it.

    I feel if I contact the Dr to ask for another one he may think I am at it.

    So much for ringing in the changes, maybe the Universes way of showing me the consequences of not sticking to my stated intention.
    Honour Thyself

    I'm an Idiot!!

    It's no big deal, you are reading too much into it!

    Just phone him and tell him you have lost it. These things happen. As to someone picking it up - when was the last time you bent down to pick up a scrap of paper on the floor and read what it said?

    The hard part has been done, and you are on the beginning stages of a journey that can set you free. Don't get derailed by something so trivial.


      I'm an Idiot!!

      I agree with bleep!
      bleep;1478490 wrote: It's no big deal, you are reading too much into it!

      Just phone him and tell him you have lost it. These things happen. As to someone picking it up - when was the last time you bent down to pick up a scrap of paper on the floor and read what it said?

      The hard part has been done, and you are on the beginning stages of a journey that can set you free. Don't get derailed by something so trivial.
      Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE! Newbies Nest Tool Box How to get a sobriety plan


        I'm an Idiot!!

        Dear Emily,

        You have not let yourself or anybody else down. We all lose things. I lost my passport on the way to the airport. You can imagine how popular I was when my husband and I couldn't go on our expensive holiday!

        I agree with bleep too.

        Take care



          I'm an Idiot!!

          thanks guys

          I'll email him tomorrow, still hoping it will miraculously appear!!
          Honour Thyself


            I'm an Idiot!!

            Hi, Emily,
            I know I'm late to the thread, but thought I'd give you the same suggestions as everyone else!

            I'm fairly certain that Dr. C is accustomed to exactly this kind of thing. Losing stuff comes with the territory. But if it makes you feel any better, I lose stuff regularly. Enough to make myself and people around me crazy. I lose stuff so frequently that I take into account the time it will take to find things!
            And recently I did this:
            I went to work, and grabbed a set of keys on the way out the door. (I'm in fear of losing or forgetting my keys, because it happens so frequently. So I am always grabbing at keys!) Turns out they were my husband's keys. And I left my purse in my car when I went in to work. I was too busy to leave the building, but assured him I didn't have them. He spent four hours scouring the house and yard looking for them before he called the locksmith to unlock his car so he could check to see if they were locked inside.

            I wish I could blame booze, or baclofen. But it's just me. I married well enough (or he's so used to me by now) that he wasn't even mad about it. Just relieved that I had both sets of keys.

            So basically I'm suggesting that stuff happens and it's better to just move on and not feel badly about it. If that were the case I'd have to hide in bed!

