Now THAT is a good post. Thank you for all of the points of clarification. I agree with everything you said, probably would do the same thing if I had to do it over again, and concur with your assessment of the good doctor L. I have had similar experiences on a couple of occasions and keep the contact minimal and at the same time am extremely grateful for his continued support.
I don't know what the technical definition of overdose is, particularly related specifically to the amount and to baclofen. What I'm pretty sure of is that based on the SEs alone, many doctors would (understandably) consider whatever amount we're taking (in HDB) as an overdose. (If a person is taking more than the recommended limit of 80mg/day, particularly without a doctor's oversight, particularly a lot more, walked into an ER with brain zaps, mental fogginess, etc., etc., I feel pretty confident the reaction would be to classify it as an overdose of baclofen. Right?)
And while I don't want to beat a very dead horse, it bears repeating, just in case someone who hasn't done any research, or taken any baclofen before, comes along: It's a really, really bad idea.
But I'm glad you did it and it worked, MusicMan. I can certainly relate to the frustration and desperation. Ya' gotta do what ya' gotta do. Welcome to the other side.