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Baclofen with L-Tyrosine and other supplements

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    Baclofen with L-Tyrosine and other supplements

    Hi All

    I'm now ten weeks in to my Baclofen treatment, and up to 180mgs.
    I'm still drinking quite a bit, some days better than others, some days worse than before.
    Just cannot seem to lose the overwhelming compulsion to drink.
    I think I may have screwed up my treatment tho. I didn't listen to the feedback on here! Classic me, I know best!
    Sorry to be repeating myself, but here goes. Switch off now if you're bored

    As I went up on the Bac I felt awful side effects, the main one being a complete and overwhelming depression. I read some where that Bac reduces dopomine in the brain (something like that) So I then also read that high dose L-Tyrosine can increase dopo levels. So to cut a long story short I took up to 3 g of L-T daily and in fact it seemed to help.
    I'm now very concerned that I have counteracted the effects of the Bac and this is the reason I can't find my 'switch' despite being on a high levels of bac.
    When I ran out of L-T, I started taking a supplement called Super Stimulant. It contains high L-T, Taurine, and high dose Caffeine. I had to stop after two days as it gave me the jumps big time!
    So my question is. Have I temporarily screwed up the desired effects of Bac by taking these supplements?
    Or am I just a very stubborn case

    Thanks all

    Baclofen with L-Tyrosine and other supplements


    That whole dopamine thing is such a conundrum. Apparently it does lower, and then raise. Or vice versa. I've had it explained to me several times, and on the last occasion (not long ago) I think the gist of it was, "It doesn't really matter, Ne!!!" followed by a heavy sigh. (I still think it does, and maybe so. But I can't remember why and my brain is WAY too full at the moment. *heavy sigh*)

    I know you might not want to hear this (but maybe it will be a comfort?) but 180mg is a lot of bac, but not A LOT of bac. You know? I guess I'm suggesting you don't need to worry that you've done something that will derail anything (which is good news) but that you may have to take more to get to where you want to be (which is the not-so-good-news). But it could be right around the corner!

    I wish I could find a solution to general malaise/lack of energy in the form of a pill or a supplement, but as of yet no luck. And as for dealing with the SEs of somnolence etc., I didn't take anything at the time, and what I took after the switch was really (interestingly) not good for my brain chemistry. (A prescribed stimulant...and it stimulates some sort of craving thing I can't explain but is as close to pre-indifference as I've ever been. Very weird and not at all good.)

    (Also, and this is a bit of an aside, and for GG too if she happens to read over here: Waiting a day or two or three after any change--including taking or not taking other things--is a really good idea. It just takes that long for things to settle around to the right places, I think. Not science. Just Ne. )
    Hope you're feeling better!


      Baclofen with L-Tyrosine and other supplements

      And how are you?


        Baclofen with L-Tyrosine and other supplements

        I've been feeling rotten for a few days now. Not sleeping at night, falling asleep at the computer during the day. (and wanking my tit's off..just for comfort )
        Been feeling really low, bac se's kicking in big time. I felt this way at the beginning of my journey and nearly quit. But then I'm remembering how I pushed thru and felt better. And I remember and refer often to the success posts on here.
        My mouth tastes like a dog took a dump in there and my gums hurt like hell. Still drinking way too much
        I'm anxious that this dreadful lack of motivation will take a grip. I can only hope my foggy brain will clear in a few days. I'm determined to push on thru.
        Hope this shit is all worth it


          Baclofen with L-Tyrosine and other supplements


          It is.

          Back later. :h


            Baclofen with L-Tyrosine and other supplements

            Hi Laurie,

            It is worth it. Absolutely 100% worth it. All the SE's you are describing are normal, and they all pass. It helps a lot if you get up and walk around for a bit when you feel like falling asleep at the computer. Even a 30 second shuffle will stave off the somnolence for a while. I used to find, and am finding again, that if I just sit, I nod off.


              Baclofen with L-Tyrosine and other supplements

              Yep. What bleep said.

              And a little (or a lot) of self comfort goes a loooong way. I really hope you get the really fun SEs. Particularly the really, really fun SE. oy vey. It's a little worrisome, in some ways, because the 60 year old neighbor and the 16 year old neighbor both look equally appealing and are very distracting when they're mowing the lawn.

              oops. Gotta run again. My favorite distraction just got home.

              Hang in Laurie. It can suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. But then it suddenly doesn't anymore and you will be freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.


                Baclofen with L-Tyrosine and other supplements

                Thank you Bleep and Ne, your feedback makes me feel so much better x
                I'm off to bed now 11pm in UKland.
                I hope (and feel) I might get some sleep tonight, just two hours last night.
                Before I go up I'm just going to have a dander at Bleeps threads, I've read a lot from him/her and I like what s/he has to say.
                Tomorrow I get to see my boyfriend for a sexy afternoon (without distraction from our combined 4 kids).
                We are lucky to enjoy such an indulgence.
                Hoping things look better in the morrow..after a good night sleep x


                  Baclofen with L-Tyrosine and other supplements

                  His first username was bleep69.

                  I think this is the thread:

                  And yeah, he's something pretty fantastic. And feckin' funny too.

                  Hope you got a good night's sleep and enjoy your afternoon.

