I hate Baclofen. It lobotomises me. I'm not playing with a full deck. I make stupid mistakes. Where 'caution is the better part of valor' I say, "fuck it, lets go for it". I trust people that are known shysters. Its like I'm a child being thrown into a grown up's world. In short I don't get along very well.
The alternative is drinking or maybe other meds that I haven't tried.
Anyway,to cut a long story short and because I have a short attention span: I've titrated back up from about 40mg trying to minimise the SEs. So really, really slowly. Not sure exactly how slowly, I had no schedule, only I increased 10mg when the initial SEs had worn off and I was sure that I had still not reached my switch. I think I've been at it for about 4 months now and at 100mg I have not had a drink for 2 days. So maybe I'm there. Again!
Its a work in process people. Power to my fellow sufferers.