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Baclofen Newbie here, just checking in...

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    Baclofen Newbie here, just checking in...


    I am wanting to get more involved in this forum. It is such a powerful thing and I have been lurking around for quite a while now. There are a lot of great folks here! I have lost the last 8 years to drinking. Alcoholism is a truly cunning and powerful and obnoxious disease.

    I tried TSM for about 14 months and after New Year's decided to give up on it as my numbers hadn't really changed much. I was still really addicted and dinking daily 8-10(US) units with more on the weekends. Naltrexone did help me with what some have described as the "damage control" effect. I had very few blackouts and had some notable craving reduction while using it. Just not enough.

    So after the new year I read Olivier Ameisen's book and thought I should give Baclofen a try. I'm glad I did! I am into week six and have had a few AF days and greatly reduced craving and reduced units of alcohol when I do drink.

    I think Baclofen is going to work for me. I, like many others here and OA himself, have had a long, but un-diagnosed anxiety problem. I did get some therapy for social anxiety a few years back and that may have been another facet of the larger problem. It just seemed like those feelings were normal, as I have had them all of my life.

    I'm currently at 125mg, but previously went up to 200mg with some terrible SE's a couple of weeks ago. That was just a really bad move on my part as I jumped up 50mg over a weekend. I had sweats, multiple sleepless nights and loss of feeling in my fingers. Baclofen is a VERY potent drug and I have a lot more respect for it now.

    So I read somewhere (not MWO) that doing the HDB on your own is kind of a lonely thing and that is true. I didn't even tell my wife I was doing it until 4 weeks had passed. I think it is important to try to stay linked with others so that's what I'm trying to do in this post.

    I also have a couple of qeustions for anyone that wants to weigh in:

    1) Have you heard of developing a reaction to sunlight on Baclofen? Since I started taking it there ave been three or four days where I got a pretty bad sunburn and I can't understand it. I am not taking anything besides Baclofen and I have never had a sun sensitivity problem before.

    2) Baclofen has done a great deal to aleviate my anxiety. I can see it in my face in pictures that I appear more calm and relaxed than usual. I certainly feel a lot better! The problem is that I also feel like I'm loosing my edge. I forget things sometimes now that I never would have before and sometime I just don't care about small tedious things that my old self would have had to tweak on. Have you experienced anythink like that?

    Thanks for reading!


    Baclofen Newbie here, just checking in...

    It can definitely make you a little lo0py if you don't respect it. Funny, I grew up near a guy named Juan Bonifacio Haro. You ever live in Cali?
    :nutso: I take pride in my humility :nutso:
    Graph of My Drinking From July '09 to January '10

    Consolidated Baclofen Information Thread

    Baclofen for Alcoholism and Other Addictions
    A Forum
    Trolls need not apply


      Baclofen Newbie here, just checking in...

      LOL! Oh wouldn't that just be perfect - MWO hooking up old acquaintances? Don't worry, Juan, if you ARE from CA, you're still totally anonymous to everyone else, and you can lie to Lo0p and tell him you're just Juan Bad Hombre :H

      Welcome! And thanks for coming down from the cheap seats to join us. Of course, there are no better or worse "seats" for figuring one's way out; there may be a "charge" of additional time now that you're posting along with the rest of us :nutso:'s. But already your post is full of great information. Sounds as if you've got your thinking cap on straight regarding the bac-path.

      Lots of threads with great information in all of the posts about bac, from '09 forward. And just now, several "old-timers" have arisen from the unheard from to join quite a few folks who are pretty new, too. Bac info and support is flowing! I look forward to hearing more from you, and be sure to ask if we can help you on Your Way Out. It is truly a magnificent thing!
      "Wherever you are is the entry point." --Kabir


        Baclofen Newbie here, just checking in...

        Hi Juan

        I am into week 6 also. Yes, I agree on the sunlight sensitivity, although it was the reflection of the sun off snow. I had went out for a walk and had to turn back as could hardly see, my eyes were watering so much.
        Honour Thyself


          Baclofen Newbie here, just checking in...

          Juan BH;1485892 wrote:
          2) Baclofen has done a great deal to aleviate my anxiety. I can see it in my face in pictures that I appear more calm and relaxed than usual. I certainly feel a lot better! The problem is that I also feel like I'm loosing my edge. I forget things sometimes now that I never would have before and sometime I just don't care about small tedious things that my old self would have had to tweak on. Have you experienced anythink like that?
          I don't have a problem with anxiety but I experience the other positive and negative side-effects that you mention. I currently experience mild somnolence which causes a blunt edge: many others mention this unfortunate effect.

          Tedious nonsense has lost any ability to wind me up. I suspect some people become quite irritated when their efforts to irritate me fail miserably.


            Baclofen Newbie here, just checking in...


            To answer your questions;

            1.) Sunlight: we have had little of that issue in the Midwest for the last few months but it is starting to get brighter so I can't wait to test that issue

            2.) I have complained about losing "something" in my past posts so I do think it is real for some people. I also have faith (by reading other posts) that it does pass as you get use to doses. For instance, I felt real "out of it at 110" but a bit more "with it at 200mg." I think it is because I am use to it more at 200mg and I have been on the Bac for a longer time. What I keep trying to tell myself is, "the SEs are temporarily." Once you get to the switch and maintain it for a relatively brief time and get a good run AF days under your belt, you can lower slowly.

            I think the key is getting a string of time. As many have said, it is easy to continue to pass the "switch" dose and continue to drink. From my own perspective, there are many reasons I drink. I need to watch myself so I can sort out the need to drink versus the desire to get back to the way I am use to being.

            It can be a lonely journey and I agree it is great to have this community.


              Baclofen Newbie here, just checking in...

              I am a week old Newbie. I have been taking Topamax for 1 week and steped up from taking 25mg in the evening to taking 25mg morning and 25mg in the evening. Today I became very angry for little reason. I heard myself and was surprised at how angry I was and removed myself from the situation. Has anyone experienced anger as a side effect of taking Topamax? I have confidence in this program and feel it is right for me. While I want to take the Topamax to curb cravings I do not want to be that person I saw this morning. Due to company over Easter I have been unable to listen to the hynosis CD's (except for the sleep CD) for the past 2 days. I drank to much yesterday and woke up several times during the night very upset with myself. So today I am having a very off day.


                Baclofen Newbie here, just checking in...

                LoOp- I am in Cali, as a matter of fact. I live near the old powerhouse by the river with all the other retired conquistadores. It's good to hear from you and I hope things are well.


                  Baclofen Newbie here, just checking in...

                  :welcome: Juan. I'm glad to hear Baclofen is working for you! It saved this old Hippy's life, 4 sure. I've had very few side effects and I order liquid bac from our friend LoOp. It seems to give me the power to say NO to my compulsion to drink.
                  Sober since Sept. 24th 2012 This time 4 SURE!
         Newbies Nest
         Tool Box
         How to get a sobriety plan


                    Baclofen Newbie here, just checking in...


                    How are you doing? I'd like to compare notes with you sometime if you're game. The sun sensitivity is strange and kind of a bummer with spring upon us. I have bought some spf 70 and hope that maybe this is a fleeting SE, but I kind of doubt it.


                      Baclofen Newbie here, just checking in...

                      Hi, Juan BH,

                      Welcome! Yay for you and bac! To your questions: I live in FL and I love the beach, outdoors and the sun. Thankfully, I haven't had your experience with the sun. I have had and continue to have watery eyes. I was anxious and didn't know it and bac helped greatly with that. My first month or so on bac was wonderful. I stopped going, going, going. Then I started taking care of and really cleaning my home and yard. Almost 4 months in I just don't want to do much of anything. I hit the switch and am titrating down so maybe that SE will leave. I run a business and take care of my son but in my spare time I can't seem to motivate. Next weekend I'm making myself.



                        Baclofen Newbie here, just checking in...

                        Hello Juan

                        I definitely lose my edge on Bac. I think it goes hand in hand with loosing my edginess.

                        I have always been a consummate thinker/worrier and therefore analyse every situation to completeion. This has allowed me to be well prepared for all eventualities. Plus always made me disphoric.

                        Post Bac, I tend to take things on the fly, go off half cocked, trust in providence. Much more relaxed way to live but not so good in my job and providing a secure future for my family.

                        Double edged sword.

                        I am presently looking for the minimum dose that will contribute to keeping me AF.

                        Sorry for all the similes!
                        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12

