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Baclofen and the man on mars

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    Baclofen and the man on mars

    I'm adding 6 mg every 3 days, roughly, but I am starting to feel like the individual doses are what's important when it comes to SE's, rather than the total daily dose. Meaning that if I can tolerate 38 mg in the morning, I should be taking the same dose in the afternoon and evening, too. My pattern has been to first add 6 mg to my morning dose, then add 6 mg to my evening dose, and finally add it to my afternoon dose until I am taking the same amount each time.

    +6 mg every 3 days is +14 mg every week, meaning that if I'm at 100 mg tomorrow, I'm still 14 weeks away from 300 mg at that rate. Which is late August, when the summer is almost over. I want to reach indifference before the summer really gets underway. I don't want to waste yet another summer spending my free time getting drunk instead of being outside. We get an amazing but brief summer where I live, and then we slip into dreary weather for the other 9 months of the year (and 16 hours of darkness per day at the winter solstice) during which I long for the summer continuously. I don't want to blow it on alcohol again and have to wait another year to truly get to enjoy a summer!

    Thinking about trying out a more aggressive titration. I could add 6 every day instead of every third day, following the same pattern I've been following. Or I could add 6x3 every third or fourth day. I have 25 mg pills, so breaking them roughly into quarters is why I'm doing 6 mg increments. If I add a quarter of a pill times three, twice a week, that's 38 mg/week. Very aggressive, probably unmanageable, but at that rate I hit 300 mg by the end of June. I'd need to start breaking it into 4, 5, and eventually 6 doses. 6x50, taken at about a 2.5-interval, as the goal, and higher if need be.


      Baclofen and the man on mars

      I was just about to suggest that you perhaps add another dose, when I saw you get to that in your last line.

      if you are tolerating it well, and speed is important to you, perhaps consider bigger jumps. You will find out quite quickly the level at which you have to slow down and titrate normally. Experiment on a weekend and see if you can handle a jump.


        Baclofen and the man on mars

        RedThread12;1504945 wrote: ...And, ummm . . . good luck with finding that "addiction specialist" who will prescribe high dose baclofen for you, much less know as much about it as you do. So far, after almost 4 years on this board, I know of 2; count 'em - 2 legitimate M.D.'s or psychiatrists who will write those prescriptions - Dr. L in the U.S. and Chick (or something like that) in the U.K. Please, someone prove me wrong and tell me who your physician is that is writing your script for more than 80 mg/day. Or one that told YOU to take baclofen, and exactly how to take it, to cure your alcoholism.

        Hi Red...I guess you are right about the English-speaking least no one here has added a name since you posted...however, the situation seems to be quite different in France, doesn't it, where Dr Amiesen has been (or was) seeing patients and a number of other doctors (who prepared the Baclofen Guide) are seeing patients and prescribing high dose baclofen...France counts, doesn't it? Cass
        With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


          Baclofen and the man on mars

          Where was that posted? I must have missed it. Red, you can add my doctor to that list of yours. I prepared all sorts of printouts, and had my case all ready. I expected huge resistance, but it went something like this:

          "Hi Dr X, I have heard about this drug called baclofen. I had a whole pile of research that I printed out, but I've forgotten all of it at home."

          "Oh, baclofen. I've sort of heard of it."

          "Really, that's surprising. Well, what I..."

          "Ok, we'll start you off on 30mg's, but I believe you have to go pretty high, so here's a scrip for 240. We'll see how you are doing after that. Anything else?"

          And that was that.

          Zim counts as well, surely?


            Baclofen and the man on mars

            I probably should add that it doesn't seem like he did this because he'd found what he believed to be a solution. He had vaguely heard of it, and seems thoroughly fearless. Of course, litigation is unheard of here, which may have something to do with it.

            When I reported success, and sent him more literature, he started putting more people on it. When I asked how they were doing, he reported that they had all stopped taking it. Further investigation revealed that he had started them on 90 a day, with a fairly steep titration to follow!

            Throughout the entire episode, he never even took my blood pressure. So it's a question of taking what you can get from the system, the whole world over really.


              Baclofen and the man on mars

              bleep;1506939 wrote: ...

              Zim counts as well, surely?
              and there is possibly also a doctor and clinic in The Netherlands, as per Colin:

              Colin;1388546 wrote: ...

              In April this year I entered another clinic and had a much better time being exposed to the scientific rather than religious approach to gross alcohol abuse. For the last 4 months I have been prescribed baclofen.
              Colin;1390917 wrote:
              ... the next day my lady-friend's younger son drove me to Oirschot for an appointment with the addiction specialist at the clinic. ...
              I committed myself to a seven week stay ...In the previous few months I had become acquainted with naltrexone and baclofen on the internet and baclofen seemed to be the more promising. I had already read Ameisen's book "The End of My Addiction" and had been reassured to hear that the clinic prescribed Baclofen. ...I began with Baclofen during the last two weeks of my stay. ...The Baclofen is now at 135mg per day and it is still my intention to try to increase. ...
              The excerpts above are from

              EDIT: And I was reminded today that Sticky is being prescribed bac in New Zealand...

              Sticky;1508813 wrote:
              I'm taking bac...we have a Community Alcohol and Drug Service in NZ where I have counselling and attend a group. I can be honest there about bac. Also have a doctor prescribing it to me, so I'm lucky.

              Sticky :welcome:
              With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                Baclofen and the man on mars

                Today's plan is 31 + 25 + 25 + 25 = 106 at 2.5-hr intervals
                Tomorrow 25 + 25 + 25 + 25 + 12.5 = 112.5 at 2.5-hr intervals

                Weather looks good tomorrow, so I'm planning another big bike ride. Something like 40 miles.


                  Baclofen and the man on mars

                  Mars, do you road bike or mountain bike? I am just getting back into the MTB thing and it feels great!


                    Baclofen and the man on mars

                    I ride a "hybrid" bike. I would ride a road bike, but I find them extremely uncomfortable, and prefer the upright posture. We have a lot of good biking trails around here which follow along rivers and bodies of water so that you can go a long distance without having to climb a lot of hills, and without having to stop every few blocks for intersections.

                    Today I rode about 45 miles. I am completely, utterly exhausted. What was surprising was that something changed about 5 miles from the end. All day, I felt pretty invincible, like I could just keep going forever at the right pace. And then toward the end of my ride, suddenly, I was just really tired. My legs felt like there was no energy left to keep them moving. Whatever magic had been relentlessly propelling me forward faded away, and I had to stop several times to catch my breath and let the burning in my muscles subside.

                    Maybe I've just got baclofen on my mind because it's been such a big player in my day-to-day life over the last few weeks, but I don't remember exercise ever being like this in the past. I would reach exhaustion much sooner, but also more gradually. Now it seems like I can keep going for much longer than ever before, but when I run out of steam it happens very quickly and I am completely wrecked when I reach that point. Maybe it's not baclofen, maybe that's just how how my body is right now, but it all feels very unusual compared to my past experiences.

                    112.5 mg today. Planning to keep adding 6 mg/day until I can't handle it.


                      Baclofen and the man on mars

                      Check this out:


                        Baclofen and the man on mars

                        Colin;1507953 wrote: Check this out:
                        Sweet. So baclofen is also an endurance-boosting, performance-enhancing drug. This is probably the best SE yet. I think today I learned just how far that SE can carry me: 40 miles.


                          Baclofen and the man on mars

                          man on mars;1507973 wrote: Sweet. So baclofen is also an endurance-boosting, performance-enhancing drug. This is probably the best SE yet.
                          Yes. Maybe?

                          I don't think that getting rid of a daily intake of massive amounts of alcohol can be underestimated in our ability to feel MUCH better when exercising. I think it might be a good idea to include that, as well as the fact that it's much easier to be active when one isn't hungover and/or drunk.

                          That said, I think Lo0p's thread has a bunch of information that may explain how baclofen potentiates the benefits of sobriety on exercise. I know I had a whole new experience!

                          Congratulations on the 40 miles! Wow!!!


                            Baclofen and the man on mars

                            Think you might be onto something regarding the reduction in alcohol consumption being a big factor even more so than Baclofen regarding exercise. Exercising is sooooo much easier when you not hung over. I can't believe it myself. I've barely went 2-3 days AF in the last 5 years so forgot what it was like to exercise without booze in my system.

                            You'd be surprised how much fitter you are than you think.


                              Baclofen and the man on mars

                              I haven't cut back my alcohol intake yet, though. I had about 13 or 14 drinks the night before the ride.


                                Baclofen and the man on mars

                                man on mars;1508149 wrote: I haven't cut back my alcohol intake yet, though. I had about 13 or 14 drinks the night before the ride.

                                Well, rock on then. What the hell do I know?

