What I had been noticing for a while however, were these strange fleeting thoughts that come suddenly like "Oh my God Im gonna lose my mind" or feeling almost a trapped sensation where I want to almost break free of my own body.. although yes they come quickly and pass after I get my mind right I know they are not normal and are quite disturbing. Then last night and on several other nights this week right before I go to sleep I feel like Im going to quit breathing, have panic right before Im about to go to sleep which keeps me from sleeping and mild hallucinations. Now in the beginning of bac I had some truly WICKED audible and visual hallucinations that subsided and then it was all great. Anyways, I thought let me try and maybe taper back a bit and see if it gets better.
Now, I am only on 30 milligrams but withdrawal from baclofen from what I have read is not dose dependent meaning I guess that my withdrawal can be just as bad as someone on much higher doses. I am also at the upper, upper extreme of sensitive so thats not abnormal for me and so knowing my body I knew tapering back even five mg at a time was way too fast. I thought well why not try the SMALLEST chip in reduction first.. ,must have only been like a half of 2.5 mg that I reduced.. well only hours after my missed dose I started feeling mild panic. To make a long story as short as i can, (hha sorry) by that night I went back and even took a neurontin with it to help and still a no go, it was getting much worse.Only when I went back and took that tiny freaking chip did it all go away.
I know this is going to sound TOTALLY unbelievable but from less than 2.5 mg I was having insomnia, mild hallucinations and extreme heart palpitations.It seems I suddenly cant live with the stuff and cant live without the stuff. I just cant believe how quickly it has turned on me but now I fear I cannot even back off of it two milligrams without going into mild delerium.I still feel pretty normal and calm throughout most of the day but these odd thoughts and extreme withdrawals I cannot handle.
I guess my questions are..
-Has anyone else had such a hard time titrating off of such a miniscule amount?
-How long is it between a drop in dose that the body levels out, 3 days or so?
-Has anyone used something like neurontin to calm withdrawals while titrating off? I have heard that Lyrica helps a lot with baclofen withdrawal so theoretically I would think that neurontin would as well although its not as strong.
I cannot handle benzos as I can take just one of those and feel rebound anxiety afterwards for five days.Thats why I suspect Im having such a difficult time titrating off baclofen as Im just VERY sensitive to gaba-ergic withdrawal.
In my experience doctors do not help AT ALL and may even do more damage by yanking you off a medicine for which there are very few replacements for so I would much rather handle this on my own if I can. Sorry this has been so long but just wanted to see if any of you has any thoughts on this.Im well versed with withdrawals and have been through them all but this one seems like a beast and I am suddenly pretty terrified.