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Bac titration question

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    Bac titration question

    Ok so I ordered bac, started titrating up and jumped up to 100mg/day probably too fast. My question is, I work third shift and had intense bouts of sleepiness almost falling asleep at the wheel. If I restart bac and do a proper titration schedule would that SE come again or was it due to a rapid titration. Or is it an unknown? thanks for any help

    Bac titration question


    I'm sure someone better able to answer you will come along soon. I hit the switch at 80 mgs so I can't address mgs above that. I titrated up slowly and I did have sleepiness (even at 30 mgs). I also had insomnia. I just tried taking my doses at different times to see if that helped.

    I'm sorry I can't be a bigger help.


      Bac titration question

      Hi Kayvo,

      I am new to this site and Baclofen. I started on 3 times/day-10 mg bac 9 days ago. After 3 days I moved up to 3 times/day -20 mg, 3 days later moved to 3 times/day -30mg. Tomorrow, I will begin taking 120mg per day. My dosing -daily schedule has been at 9am-3pm-9pm. Initially, at the 30 mg p/day, a drastic sleepiness occurred at around 11 am, 2 pm and 5 pm. I continue to have this extreme sleepiness at around 2-3 pm. I either have to lay down and sleep or get outside and run/walk. The great fact for me is that I have not had hardly any cravings at all. However, I have had plenty of alcohol thoughts. My thoughts of alcohol use have occurred during those times that I get the extreme sleepiness, but none of these thoughts have led to cravings (as I have experienced in the past). 14 days ago, I drank from the time I woke until the time I went to bed (naps/passouts in between during the day). It is still difficult for me to believe that I am not experiencing cravings, and in fact, really does seem kind of strange-not quite sure how to feel this experience. For me, I will take the short term sleepiness for now; god knows I was sleepy most of day when I was drinking. Hope this is of some benefit.


        Bac titration question

        The unfortunate answer is: who knows?

        I was doing fine in the 100s/200s, and found I was a freaking zombie when I went down to like 30. If you read around here enough, what you'll find is that it truly is never the same a second or third time at any given dose.

        So coming down might fix things, but then again coming down and going bac(k) up might fix it, too. You just won't know until you try.

        The one thing I will say, though, is no matter how tempting it is, don't resort to energy drinks. The chemicals in those do not mix well with bac. Do coke first. Seriously. No bueno with the energy drinks.

