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Antibuse, the dentist and other things.

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    Antibuse, the dentist and other things.

    I am hoping that those of you who use Antibuse regularly can answer a couple of questions for me. I have been using the drug off and on over the past couple of years but I keep trying to convince myself that I can do it on my own. I did achieve almost 5 months sober when I took it regularly and I would like to commit to taking it daily however I am wondering about a couple of things.
    Have any of you had any reactions to treatments by the dentist?
    I don't want to tell them I am taking it as I am good friends with a couple of people at the office and I would like to keep gossip to a minimum.
    I am also wondering if B12 injections by the naturopath could potentially be a probelm.
    I have had to take these injections in the past to improve energy depleted by running long distances.
    I would appreciate it if any of you have had experience with this.
    Don't worry, be happy!

    Antibuse, the dentist and other things.


    I've fretted about antabuse. So far no reactions to hair coloring (most important) doctor visits with injections that are cleaned with alcohol. I've done self tests with alcohol wipes, had allergy tests, all with no reaction. My therapist said they really over exaggerate the reactions to scare us. No reason to be less wary though.
    we are human beings with alcohol problems not alcoholics with problems caused by drinking


      Antibuse, the dentist and other things.

      No reactions to anything, except of course, ingesting alcohol!

      I use every product under the sun and have never had a bad reaction. I can't think of anything a dentist would use that should cause a reaction...including mouthwash!
      :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

      Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


        Antibuse, the dentist and other things.

        Thanks for getting back to me Nurdl and K9. So you have been to the dentist and had injections with no reactions? If so my worries have been put to rest. I have taken AB in the past and only had a reaction to liquid drops that contained alcohol. I just had a bit of an uncomfortable stomach and realized that it was the drops that I was taking on a regular basis.
        I really need to get the AB into me and stop the cycle. I am drinking 3 to 4 glasses of wine a night and don't seem to be able to stay away from it. It makes me feel like crap and interferes with my work and fitness regimen.
        Thanks again for your advise.
        Don't worry, be happy!


          Antibuse, the dentist and other things.

          I am assuming the injections are Novacaine? I hate to admit this but I haven't been to the dentist in a ain't the procedures that scare's the bill!!!

          There should NOT be a reaction. Antabuse only reacts to things containing alcohol. You could casually ask the dentist if Novacaine contains alcohol, although I am sure it doesn't. If the dentist has the nerve to ask why? Say "because I like to know what's going into my body!"
          :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

          Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


            Antibuse, the dentist and other things.

            K9Lover;1493492 wrote: "because I like to know what's going into my body!"
            As the actress said to the bishop.


              Antibuse, the dentist and other things.

              I hear you about the bill K9, good idea I will tell them I want to know what is going into my body.
              Very witty Colin!
              Thanks for the advice.
              Don't worry, be happy!

