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Coming off baclofen

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    Coming off baclofen

    Hi All
    I've been away from the forum for a little while now. Anyone who has followed my progress will know I have really struggled with my Bac protocol over the last three months.
    Yippee, I've had quite a few days on and off alcohol free. Huge progress for me.

    I reduced my dose by 100mgs over the last month, and some of the SE's have reduced; but largely I've been feeling terrible since February. I won't bore you with the details.

    After much soul searching, I've decided to call it a day with Baclofen. I do believe it is a wonderful solution for most people, but I feel so utterly wrong on it, I must trust my instincts.

    I have done a lot of research and spoken privately to trusted members of this site, and am going to give Naltrexone a try. I'm not giving up yet!

    So, (and I hope this is not inappropriate). I have a surplus of 200 25mgs ALIUD baclofen oral tabs. Worth ?70 (approx) I purchased them from Goldpharma just over a month age, I can provide receipts of purchase. I know I can't sell them on to anyone (I understand this to be illegal!)

    So, I was wondering if anyone could make use of them, and was further wondering if anyone has any spare Naltrexone at their disposal that I could perhaps do a straight swap?

    I hope this question is not rude. I don't fully know the rules about such matters. If it is I will take this post down. Would the members or moderators just let me know.

    I'm 100% genuine. A single mum who just is trying to not end up too out of pocket in her recovery endeavors. ?70 is a lot of money for me.

    If no-one can swap, does anyone want the Bac anyway. Free


    Coming off baclofen

    I've got plenty of my own, but just wanted to chime in and say your post is not inappropriate in any way. Wish I could help you out with the nal... good luck.


      Coming off baclofen

      Thanks Stuck. I will leave it up now


        Coming off baclofen

        Hi Laurie
        "fraid I can't help with the Nal. but wondered if your taking it yet
        Started Baclofen 3/9/10 Hit my switch at 250mg on 21/11/10 Present maintenance dose of 50mg : started drinking after 1 year, upped dose to 80mg and stopped: Tapered to 30mg, started 6 months of drinking, upped dose to 240mg to stop 12/7/12


          Coming off baclofen

          Hi Ig
          I managed to do a swap with a very kind member of the forum. My package arrived today.
          I'm tapered down to 62.5 mgs Baclofen and have researched and got a little feedback that it will be safe to take the Nal while I continue to taper down.
          I'm starting this evening, gently does it, I will try 25 mgs Nal; take a drink (I want to do TSM), and the same tomorrow. Then onwards to 50 mgs and hour before drinking.
          I expect slow progress, and I plan to be realistic.
          Will keep a log (on a new thread) on my progress.
          Wish me luck!!


            Coming off baclofen

            I took just under 25 mgs nal tonight (the pills are hard to split so I took the smallest half)
            One hour later I had a cider. My routine is two cans of cider (2.6 units each), then a bottle of wine (10 units).
            It took me two hours to get thru the cider, kinda forced myself. Then only managed less than half of the bottle of wine. Unusual for me. I am very habitual with my drinking....bordering on OCD.
            At about 10.30, I felt really sick, thought I was going to heave. Didn't enjoy smoking (fags) at all tonight, and had terrible heartburn.
            Probably body adjusting to the new med.
            Early days, but pleased I only manged to get thru roughly 10 units, when I planned on 16!
            I will start a new thread in a few days when i'm steady on the meds.
            I want to be disgusted by alcohol, but I want it to be psychological rather that needing to barf every night.
            Progress not perfection!

