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Going to Cancun.. Avid Baclofen Zanaflex user

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    Going to Cancun.. Avid Baclofen Zanaflex user

    Hi all,
    My name is Josh & I am 19 years old. I have cerebral palsy & am wheelchair bound. I have taken Bac. all my life. I have a really weird relationship with Bac. in that I can stop taking it on a consistent basis and be fine (have minimal pain). I currently am prescribed 20mg of Bac. Four times a day and 40 mg of Zanaflex right before I go to bed. I am going to Cancun this summer and intend to drink heavily (get drunk, then stop.. lol..). I am going for a week and intend to drink every day (probably not getting drunk everyday). It seems like the overwhelming consensus on this forum on Bac. Is not to drink with it, but what about Zanaflex? Could I take Bac right before I go to bed or not? Any advice is appreciated.

    Going to Cancun.. Avid Baclofen Zanaflex user

    I just realized this is the wrong forum for me! Still, any advice is welcome


      Going to Cancun.. Avid Baclofen Zanaflex user

      Dude, you can drink TONS on bac--that's why we're all taking it here. :H

      Seriously, though. You'll be fine. 20mg won't even mess with your buzz. I personally have, in one evening, drank most of a bottle of absinthe and killed 3/4 a bottle of Maker's Mark, and then smoked hashish, while taking 240mg/day of bac. I seriously would not recommend that to ANYONE, and I did have an anxiety attack to end all anxiety attacks that landed me in the ER (I blame the weed ), but I was fine the next day.

      As for your other med, I have absolutely no idea. But other than that, have fun!

      [EDIT: Oh, just noticed you said 80mg/day. Doesn't change anything. I'm on a morning-to-night drinking bender right now and working my way bac up towards over 80mg/day. But I also want to qualify my little story there and say it's not the best idea to drink while taking bac, blah blah blah I'm not a doctor, etc. try to be careful.]


        Going to Cancun.. Avid Baclofen Zanaflex user

        Wrong forum, Josh. Your post brought about a bit of a chuckle, however.

        I have no idea whether or not it's a good idea for you to drink when you're on 80 mg of bac. I know that it sucked for me to do it, and what I did back then was drink A LOT. As in, what I could drink then on a daily basis is what some people consider a bender and I really, really don't recommend it.

        You might want to check out a forum where people take baclofen and drink in some sort of normal-ish way.

        Stuck, you might want to put the bottle down. We'll catch up later. Stay safe.


          Going to Cancun.. Avid Baclofen Zanaflex user

          Zanaflex is hard enough on the liver. Combining it with booze sounds like a bad idea.

          LA - I almost peed myself reading your response. Brav-o!
          In the middle of my life's journey, I found myself in a dark wood, as I had lost the straight path. It is a difficult thing to speak about, how wild, harsh and impenetrable that wood is. Just thinking about it recreates the fear. It is scarcely less bitter than death, but in order to tell of the good that I found there, I must tell of the other things I saw there. --Dante, paraphrased

