Let me start by saying :new: so please forgive any missteps.
My goals are as follows:
1. Be able to not drink any time I want, and not have cravings, and still be able to sleep
2. Be able to have a drink or two when I'm at a social gathering without going ape-sh** and getting plowed
3. Quit smoking
4. Quit porn (is that ok to post here?...I think its related for me in the addiction / low self-confidence cycle)
5. Obtain a sense of peace and regain my sense of self-confidence
6. Stay celibate until I'm proud of who I am and no longer feel I'd be subjecting another beautiful soul to this crazy cycle of "get-up, feel hungover, work and stress, eat, party, drink AL, wash-rince-repeat"
7. Lose the friends that are just drinking buddies, and keep the ones that are good for me
8. Eventually, to inspire others to do what I did
A brief history:
I was raised very...very...very religious, married my first, even led the singing in the church we went too. I did very little drinking during the time I was married. I was divorced after 12 years at the age of 30 without a sense of faith (I was totally pissed off at God). I began drinking, started a band, and chased women, and I've been this way for the last 9 years. I split with my ex-fiance of 3 years in Jan of 2012 and other than one brief fling have been single since November of 2012.
Current situation:
I'm now, for the first time since 2006, doing well financially, my job is good, my house and dog are awesome, my friends are supportive, and yet I'm lonely as hell, drinking a bottle of wine a night, sometimes more (even by myself), and I'm depressed and confused.
Basically, in the past I could point the finger at situations and explain away why I was anxious, scared, insecure, or sad, but I have nothing to blame it on now. I decided...'oh no...it must be me!'

I've studied self-help, psychology, string theory, addiction, etc. (probably just like most of you) and finally decided that I'm using these methods (AL, porn, chasing women, weed) as means of escape and to self-medicate something that's deep inside me (I believe this anxiety/low self-esteem has been with me my whole life, and is not caused by the drinking nor any current situation). If I don't stop self-medicating and solve the root problem I'll end up being 80 years old and wonder what the hell I did with my life (since I sometimes don't remember the evening times when I'm drinking).
So, here I am on MWO. I purchased Baclofen yesterday and am looking forward to starting it when the shipment arrives.
My questions for any and all are as follows:
1. Do you consider weed a valid source of respite from the chaos in your head (and better than AL if you're trying to cut back / quit)? I don't smoke weed very often, but thought if I needed to it may help while I'm working through this.
2. If I let myself slip once in a while, I've chosen not to feel guilty on the premise that forward progress is more desirable than perfection. Is this viewpoint ok in your opinion?
3. Will Baclofen help me with my goal to get to the point where I can have AL in moderation, and should I have a period of no AL for a time (if so, how long)?
Thanks in advance,