Sleep well last night. Think I might have been going to bed too early and just wasn't really tired enough. Went to bed at around 11.30 last night and can't really remember falling asleep which makes a change. It usually takes me 2+ hours to drift off. The SEs have settled somewhat so I've upped my dose today. 75/75 split. I'll see how I fare for a few days. I think my body has become accustomed to Baclofen it now being over a week.
No announcement yet.
Sleep well last night. Think I might have been going to bed too early and just wasn't really tired enough. Went to bed at around 11.30 last night and can't really remember falling asleep which makes a change. It usually takes me 2+ hours to drift off. The SEs have settled somewhat so I've upped my dose today. 75/75 split. I'll see how I fare for a few days. I think my body has become accustomed to Baclofen it now being over a week.
Slept very well last night. Didn't wake up once all night. Well, till about 5am. I didn't go to bed till about 11.30pm. Think I'll bring that into the mix now. I really think I might have been going to bed too early, especially with the bright nights now here. Didn't really notice any SEs from the raised dose but like last time, it might take a day or two to feel the full force.
Went and grabbed a few cans yesterday. That underlying felling of just going on auto pilot is still there sadly. Had 2 cans over a few more hours and called it a night.
john doe;1505341 wrote:
Went and grabbed a few cans yesterday. That underlying felling of just going on auto pilot is still there sadly. Had 2 cans over a few more hours and called it a night.
Colin;1505354 wrote: Doesn't read as an autopilot action; more like a radical effect of baclofen. The first couple of beers are still tasty for me but that's not a problem.
I'm really glad I've started this. I wish I'd tried it last year but TSM it you can make it work would still be my first port of call. Its just takes a bit more dedication from my point of view.
Nothing really to reports to. 100/75 slip today just for no other reason other than I had a spare tablet left in the box.
Felt sick as dog this morning. I knew it was a bad idea but I took some Codeine last night as my back was in absolute f**king pain. I can't handle opiates in any form as them just don't agree with my in any shape. Was up sick all night with the worst nausea imaginable. Opiates are f**king brutal, I don't know how anyone can tolerate them. I remember taking Oxy many moons ago for recreational value any thought I was gonna die for about 2 days. Sat with a bucket at the bedside for a whole day drifting in and out of a stupor.
I'm sitting with a glass of cider here but just out of no other reason than purely boredom. Can't see my finishing it.
Felt some full on SE's last night. I nodded off around 7pm just sitting watching TV and came around about 9.30pm. Hadn't a clue what had happened. One of those ones where your in the exact same positions you were in before falling asleep?
The nausea/dizziness had been pretty bad so far this morning but I managed to get a bacon sandwich into me which has help. I had no real desire to drink at all last night. I think maybe I'm getting into the dosage level where you mind is just totally fogged over with Baclofen and it makes it impossible for you to think about booze?
Feel a lot better this morning. The sickness I experienced yesterday I think was partly due to the after effects of the Codeine. I seriously can not stomach pain killers. I think I might be onto something with this dose. My mind just seems flooded to even think about booze or anything else for that matter.
I'm starting to nod off as well during the day. This has just started to happen. I've read a lot of people start experiencing this SE? Nausea Is manageable. I believe these SEs will ease off when my body gets used to the higher dose as they have as I've went up. I just hope the good effects stick around. I'm gonna stick here for 4 days. I hope I'm not far off but I'm starting to feel this is what it might feel like with indifference. My mind is just fogged over completely after my second dose and from about 5pm onwards its becoming "interesting"
Indifference is more than just feeling too fucked to think about drinking. It's been able to think of everything, only now drinking isn't as attractive as it once was. The dazed feeling will pass when you are able to maintain at a steady dose for a while.
The somnolence is a killer. If your job involves looking at a computer screen, you will almost certainly fall asleep. There are things you can take, Ritalin works, Piracetam, that sort of thing, and they will help with the fog as well. If possible, try and go for a short walk when you feel tired. Even a brisk walk to the bathroom can push the sleepiness away.
Hey, john,
That nausa will pass. It's funny that you had a bacon sandwich because that was one thing I could eat when my gut was so off! I had to keep remembering to eat to fuel my body. Nothing appealed to me and at times I got really frustrated. The salty carbs that I ate with my bottle of wine just didn't appeal anymore.
Your mind will clear and then you'll be able to recognize your indifference. And, yes, the sleepiness sucks. I still get it from time to time.
F**ked up yesterday. Had to rush to the hospital and totally forgot about the Bac. Ended up there all day and didn't see the point of taking a dose so late (10pm) as I'd have never gotten asleep.
Time to starting carrying a strip with me from here on in.
bleep;1506898 wrote: Indifference is more than just feeling too fucked to think about drinking. It's been able to think of everything, only now drinking isn't as attractive as it once was. The dazed feeling will pass when you are able to maintain at a steady dose for a while.
The somnolence is a killer. If your job involves looking at a computer screen, you will almost certainly fall asleep. There are things you can take, Ritalin works, Piracetam, that sort of thing, and they will help with the fog as well. If possible, try and go for a short walk when you feel tired. Even a brisk walk to the bathroom can push the sleepiness away.
I love the outdoors. I've been looking after a friends dog the last lot of months due to unforsaken circumstances and its had me out and about. I'm lucky enough to live on the foot of a mountain. (must get some photos up sometime). I'd never have a dog without open spaces to let it run wild. I don't think its right. The last 6 months have probably been the happiest few months the poor dogs had in its 3 years of being.
I'm thinking of maybe trying an antihistamine for the nausea. Its the only real SE that's bothering me. I hate feeling sick. I can make it through the day wobbling about about like I'm off my nut on drugs but this is different.
The last few days I though I'd upped my dose to 200mg. I just realised that my tablets are 25mg, so I've been on 250mg the last few days. I'm not sure why I though I was on 200mg . SEs and memory maybe? Well things are going great guns. SEs are manageable but include...
Nausea (The only real SE that is bothering me)
Teeth pain (I think?)
Memory (Can't really get much worse than it already is. Its so bad its not even funny)
Somnolence (Definitely made worse with added Xanax. . I was literally falling a sleep at my PC. Sort of funny I thought)
I realised why I stopped using benzo's long ago. After using them a few night back for sleep, I just can't function on benzo's. I know it could be the Baclofen also but even short acting ones like Xanax make me feel like a total shell. Don't want to go into an anti- benzo rant (again) but I can't imagine being on them daily long term. I honestly couldn't handle it even with serious anxiety, I'd rather hack it out (have done before).
Anyway... Since starting 15 days ago I've drank I'd guess around 12 beers. I couldn't imagine drinking titrating up. I honestly could not hack it. I would have been stopped in my tracks.
I don't know what I'm looking for in a "switch".
From what I've read, some report it as like a magical sort of click. Others seem to just seem to gradually get bored with booze. I'm currently in the second group. I'd say I'm 90% there but I'd love to feel that "click" as I've always sort of dreamed it as happening?
Anyway, My pills come in blisters of 10 25mg pills (Yeah I know... 250mg) So I'm gonna stay here for a while. Forgot to add I've changed to a 3 dose schedule. 100/75/75. It might be all in my head but after my last dose yesterday I felt a sort of indifference? I know no one can really tell me when and if it "happens" I just wish it was more defined
We can't have it all I suppose. We're all guinea pigs.
Somnolence has sort of went away. I'm not nodding of as I type. The dose I'm on I think has set in. Sleep has became hard to come by. Shortness of breath and that jumping heart feeling are wakening me up. I've became used to having nights with little or no sleep over the years. The thing I hate most is I'm not really one for getting up during the night and going about my business. I just lay there for hours on end with my mind racing. I'm willing to pay this small price though. I've came a long way in a short time.
Had one beer last night. I find them the way one might find a sort drink. It still tastes nice but the craving for drunkness had gone. I'm thinking of buying a pack of low alcohol beer just to have in the fridge if and when the notion comes over me.
Good to hear John.
I meant take a short walk specifically when you are about to nod off. The shortest of walks can avert the nodding off. Sitting still in front of a PC fighting the somnolence seldom works for me.
You seem to have got through it though, so it's no longer an issue.
Yeah Bleep I seem to have beaten the somnolence. Its nausea that's killing me now. It seems to come and go. Last night I had it bad. Lying in bed last night I actually had the bin beside me as I thought I might be sick. That and the heart palpitation/shortness of breath had me awake at 3am. I lay there until 7.30Lots of time to think, not necessarily a good thing. I lie there listening to the pulse in my head like a clock beating
Another SE I've been getting is some sort of CEVs (closed eye visuals). Closing your eyes but like you still have them open? Anyone who's ever taken psychedelic's will know what I'm talking about. All kind of weird but nothing that's totally new to me thank god. I don't see me titrating up anymore for a while yet and there's no real need to atm as I'm not drinking. I'll pay it by ear. from here on in.