OK so this is not going to be nearly as amazing as Windy's two threads to the Newbies and Lurkers, so at this time I'd like you to drastically lower your expectations. With that being said, a lot of new folks have arrived here in the last couple days and weeks. :welcome:
That welcome sign was kind of a cheeseball thing to do, but whatever. Anyway, my point is that one of the most consistent pieces of advice that you'll get from those who've been around a while is "read around MWO as much as you can." But WTF does that mean? MWO is enormous; what should I be reading?
One of the quickest ways to figure that out is to click the word "Views" at the top of that far right column next to the threads. That will show you all of MWO in the order of descending views for each thread. In other words, it's a popularity contest.

After that, obviously you need to read https://www.mywayout.org/community/f2...ead-50513.html
And you can always hang out here: https://www.mywayout.org/community/f2...bac-48420.html.
Basically what happened is that about three years ago now, a large group of people were all titrating up on bac together, all aiming for indifference, and all posting progress threads. So that's where you get those long, day by day conversations that have like 20 or 30,000 views. It's kind of a pain to slog through them (or really, really fun, depending on your point of view), but there is a wealth of information contained therein. And if you want to know what you might expect, if you're going for indifference and thinking you might need to get into the higher doses to do so, this is where you'll find just about all anybody knows.
And, for what it's worth, some of my personal favorites, that I don't think get enough love, are https://www.mywayout.org/community/f2...oad-52206.html
and then the immediate continuation of that one https://www.mywayout.org/community/f2...nce-47667.html
Of these, bleep I know you're still around, so if for any reason you'd like me to edit yours out of this list, please let me know. Here, PM, carrier pigeon, or however.