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New Approach

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    New Approach

    Hello Ladies and Gentlemen,

    I've been an alcoholic for 10 years now, and have seriously tried to quit for the second half of that time. I've been a serial relapser, and this is my third attempt at long term sobriety through AA, preceded by three self-will attempts . I usually do well the first months of sobriety, mostly due to desperation: I usually quit drinking because I lost a Girlfriend/Apartment or for legal reasons (very surprisingly never lost a job! Thank you medical leaves). I am a full on alcoholic nowadays: my last relapse, which lasted three weeks and ended 5 weeks ago was extreme: I usually can pull off one or two weekends before I end up curled up in bed with a galon of vodka next to me, doing absolutely nothing 24/7 besides drinking ,and this, cut off from the world (phone off). But this time it happened almost immediately after the first drink and it was very hard for my AA friends to finally throw me in detox, as I was very scared to withdraw and leave my bottle, having had seizures in the past. I usually last 3-6 months sober until the desperation fades out...and you know the how it goes from there....

    As AA describes it pretty well, this is a disease of the body and mind. My brain is now wired in a way, where, if I have one drink, I just cannot stop, that's the body part of the disease. The mind part of it, is 1/ the obsession over drinking, when in certain situations or when depressed or anxious 2/ the depression that the bodily disease created over time.

    I have always been disappointed at the fact that there is no solution for the body part of this disease (by this, I mean that the allergy stays and even grows, even during sobriety, just proved it to myself with my last relapse). Or so I keep hearing from addiction programs and AA. I came across an article on Dr Ameisein's personal discovery and immediately bought the book and red it in two nights. I was very moved after finishing it. I was also torn by this internal voice telling me not to put my hopes up until I actually try Baclofen. All the red flags that I had before when reading the article disappeared after reading the book:

    - This Dr has no financial interest by promoting this drug, the patent exists since the 60s
    - This was written by a Dr
    - The fact that it's taking so long to get legit clinical tests is that pharmaceutical companies find no financial interest in this already patented drug.
    - The Drs story is very similar to mine and I could relate to his experiences (I red the original version, as I am a French person living in America, just like this Dr has). I can, with no doubt, tell that he is not a phony or "slightly alcoholic".

    Ok ok, sorry for the long intro, but now you know where I'm coming from and it was also kind'of a recap for myself.

    I did a lot of research and found that this mywayout community shows a lot of inner-support, beautiful side of internet!

    Here's what's happening tomorrow: I'm seing the head of psychiatry in the addiction center that accepted me for my last detox, for a check in. I will mention this book and drug to him and ask him if he can prescribe some. I'm almost sure he won't as this is an in-network clinic with my american insurance company (Kaiser), I know they follow protocol very strictly. So no false hope there.

    Here are my question:

    - Where can I find a reliable website to order Baclofen? I am afraid to get fake or dangerous pills. I want to start this ASAP, to confirm my hopes.

    - Where can I find a good program to follow? ie: number of pills to take per day on a calendar kind'of thing, knowing that I weigh 190Lbs (87Kilos). Also I will start this balcofen intake without drinking at all (I moved into a sober living house so no way im getting kicked out!)

    I am looking forward to start this journey, I now need to find out if my hopes were false. I've been reading a lot of people's journals on these boards and it seems very promising, even if some experienced crappy side effects.

    Thanks in advance for the support you guys.

    Much respect,


    New Approach

    :welcome:, my friend.

    So sorry to not be in a very talkative mood at the moment, but others (and I) will be around soon. River Pharmacy (the link advertised at the top of this site) is pretty good, from what I hear. I've always used | medical and pharmaceutical articles at goldpharma and never had a problem with them.

    You can find a reliable titration schedule by following what Dr A did in his book, or here And, though he's a pain in the balls to deal with, Dr L will prescribe bac for you, really no questions asked, so long as you live in the US. His contact info is around here somewhere... found it:

    We've all got varying opinions on AA, so don't mind us. :H But regardless, you've found a good place here. Read around as much as you can and ask us plenty of questions.


      New Approach

      Thanks a lot Stuck, checking all this out!


        New Approach

        I use Goldpharma also. Phoenix Labs is your best bet from what I've gathered but I think the site is being rebuilt?

        There's no real financial incentive for creating fake Baclofen. It would be like manufacturing fake asprin imo.

        The only thing I'd maybe do is use a pre-paid credit card as some have talked about having there details used (United Pharmacies springs to mind) I've never had this problem myself. I've used Goldpharma for nearly a year from Naltrexone and now Baclofen. 4 days shipping to UK isn't bad.


          New Approach

          Hi Fishcake and welcome to the forum.

          I had a very similar experience when I read Dr. Ameisen's book. The first thing I did was google to find out who he was and how he made money from selling baclofen. I think I spent four months looking for ways in which there was some financial gain on his part, or that he was a figment of someone's imagination. It was a huge relief to find that he is who he says he is and baclofen does what he said it does. Not just a relief, but eventually a life-changing miracle!

          I wouldn't be surprised if you could actually get a prescription from the rehab. I'm pretty sure that baclofen is relatively available in large metropolitan areas from doctors who are actually involved in patient care. I get the sense that they save baclofen for the difficult cases. I'm guessing, based on what you've shared, you fall into that category. However, it's very unlikely that your doc will prescribe the amounts we generally take, and that the research shows is effective. Rather than push the issue, you can always supplement the prescription. Just make sure you don't try to get it all from the same pharmacy!

          If not there are several options. Dr. Levin is one of them. It is also very likely that Levin would be willing to talk to your psychiatrist if your psychiatrist does hesitate. Frankly, if your doctor does hesitate, I'd be tempted to make a huge issue about it. He shouldn't. The information, research, knowledge, anecdotal evidence is absolutely there and it would be criminal for him not to prescribe and oversee your care. That said, I understand if you don't want to take on the burden of it.

          Finally, there are several protocols to follow. The most recent is posted on a thread started by Don Quixote and it's in French! You can use the search engine to find it, if I forget to post it later.

          Ameisen correlated weight to amount of baclofen, based on the rat studies, but generally that doesn't seem to hold water. My husband weighs 60 lbs more than I do and we had to take the same amount to reach indifference. I know of a couple of men who weigh twice what I do and took far less. You'll just have to titrate up until it works for you. What that's based on is a matter of debate.

          Good luck and keep in touch! I'm very interested to know the outcome of your meeting with the doctor.


            New Approach

            Ne/Neva Eva;1503329 wrote:


            Finally, there are several protocols to follow. The most recent is posted on a thread started by Don Quixote and it's in French! You can use the search engine to find it, if I forget to post it later.

            But Otter did an English translation, didn't he?
            With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


              New Approach

              Fishcake is in the fortunate position of being able to read both! And I don't mind telling you I'm a little bit envious of that...


                New Approach

                Hi Fishcake- For what it's worth, In the last 6 years: 6 Inpatient rehabs, 12 inpatient psych hospitalizations (related to crazy self-destructive acts while drunk) , 2 totaled cars, 3 outpatient programs, Vivitrol injections, Campral, Antabuse, 100's of AA meetings, surrender of my nursing license etc.
                And for the last 8 months Baclofen at 80 mgs per day, with no desire to drink, no fighting with the thought of taking the first drink, finally peace.
                This is my experience, Baclofen and the words of people on these boards saved my life.
                I buy liquid bac, which was mentioned earlier, but the site is being reworked I believe. I order from Inhouse Pharmacy. They have great prices, free shipping, and the order comes within 2 weeks or so. My GP prescribes me only 30mg a day, and she is unwilling to go higher. BTW, I am in Charlotte, NC, so Inhouse does ship to the U.S. I like others try to keep an extra supply for fear of running out.
                Best to you, I am praying that you and everyone who tries Baclofen can find a solution. It is so worth trying!


                  New Approach

                  Ne/Neva Eva;1503334 wrote: Cass-
                  Fishcake is in the fortunate position of being able to read both! And I don't mind telling you I'm a little bit envious of that...

                  Of course...good point.
                  With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                    New Approach

                    Doc L is a great resource for starters.

                    I prefer River Pharmacy for meds if I don't have a prescription.

                    Sorry, I would not trust the liquid bac. There's more than "web" issues going on there.


                      New Approach

                      COSGringo;1503428 wrote: Doc L is a great resource for starters.

                      I prefer River Pharmacy for meds if I don't have a prescription.

                      Sorry, I would not trust the liquid bac. There's more than "web" issues going on there.
                      Isn't it Loop who sells the liquid Bac? I thought he was a top guy?


                        New Approach

                        Just some odd behavior like posting an almost nude photo of himself freaked me out. That site has been down for weeks and I know people have not been able to get a hold of him.

                        Might be a nice niche product but if you depend on this stuff for your life, I would want a large stashed amount of the tablets so you are in safe waters.

                        By all means give that a shot though.


                          New Approach

                          COSGringo;1503449 wrote: Just some odd behavior like posting an almost nude photo of himself freaked me out.

                          Good heavens! Did he really? What a cad. We don't do that in the twenty first century. Rusticate him immediately but before doing that stamp on his balls.

                          I hope you are all right COS. Maybe some smelling salts might bring you round?


                            New Approach

                            john doe;1503443 wrote: Isn't it Loop who sells the liquid Bac? I thought he was a top guy?
                            It is and he is.

                            COSGringo;1503449 wrote: Just some odd behavior like posting an almost nude photo of himself freaked me out.

                            Just in case anyone else wants a glimpse of an almost nude photo of Lo0p, I've posted the thread below. Needless to say, I don't think he's shy about posting rather personal stuff, including pictures of himself. (And for good reason. Yow.) I would add that at one point Lo0p extended an invitation to people on here to Facebook friend him. This may not seem like a big deal to other people, especially now when so many of us give our personal information so freely and frequently. But at the time, it was a HUGE deal. I didn't think the people here were real. Call it what you will--paranoia, or a hyper-vigilant sense of self-preservation borne from being alcoholic for a lifetime--it gave me the courage to post, and eventually the ability to do this thing and get the job done. If it hadn't been for Lo0p, I absolutely would not have made it to indifference. Oh, and I also started working out, lost some weight and (frankly) have visible muscles in places very few other 40 year old women can show. Because he did the research, and because I followed in his footsteps. For the second time. So he inspired me to contented sobriety, AND a 6-pack. (Not the kind you can drink, people. ) Not bad. By the way, I'm not exactly defending him, and don't mean this to sound defensive at all. COS's post made me chuckle. Out loud. For real.


                            COSGringo;1503449 wrote:
                            That site has been down for weeks and I know people have not been able to get a hold of him.
                            I don't take liquid and know very little about it other than what he told me when he started the business. But I do know that it's a new business and have never heard of anyone who has been left wanting. Ever. just sayin'
                            While that may sound defensive, and it is a bit, the point is that Lo0p would never leave anyone without baclofen. And if there was an issue, there are plenty of us he can reach out to. He knows it. Just as we know it.


                              New Approach

                              Colin;1503474 wrote: Good heavens! Did he really? What a cad. We don't do that in the twenty first century. Rusticate him immediately but before doing that stamp on his balls.

                              I hope you are all right COS. Maybe some smelling salts might bring you round?
                              What I found odd, was he was going back and forth with another person here. He called him a narcissist then posted a almost nude photo of himself by a tanning bed.
                              I just call them as I see them.

                              Feel free to defend all you want. You won't upset me. There were posts saying they could not get a hold of him. I am just reporting what I read and saw.


