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Titrating off Baclofen

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    Titrating off Baclofen

    Unfortunately the SE's are getting the best of me and I am going to titrate off Baclofen. History: I started 6 weeks ago and titrated up to around 100 mg/day. The last week I have bounced between 50-100mg a day trying to find a "sweet spot" where I could stay, but at this point I am throwing in the towel since I can't go on like this, it just does NOT work with my ADD and I am going to have to attain lasting sobriety another way.

    I dropped down to 30 mg yesterday, and have taken 20mg so far today (and plan to take at least another 10-20 tonight), and feel fine so far. Then I remembered reading about bac withdrawl issues so now I am worried about how to go about this. Searched around a bit on here and haven't found any consistent information...some people say go down 10 mg a week, some say 10 mg every couple days, some say they have titrated off from high doses to zero in a week.

    So the question is: I have only been on it 6 weeks and got up to a max of 100 mg/day. What would you all suggest for titrating down? Do I really need to go back up 80-90mg for a few days, and drop it in smaller increments, or is the relatively short time I have been on it in my favor of dropping to a lower amount and titrating off more quickly?

    I know symptoms can take a few days to kick in, and have plenty of Bac to go back up if needed. I really don't want to be seeing pink elephants but don't want to be on this any longer than I need to. I gave it a go, I know it works wonders for others, it just isn't going to work for me.

    Advice welcome and appreciated

    PS: According to this , it should be done over 10-14 days, so that is what I will shoot for I guess.

    Titrating off Baclofen

    I've titrated off by 10 mg every 3-4 days from the dose of above 200 mg and I haven't
    experienced even slightest sign of withdrawal.


      Titrating off Baclofen


      After I hit the switch I titrated down by 10 mgs every 4th day. I will say that my SEs were worse coming down than going up. I realize that you didn't hit your switch, but this should still be a safe way to come off bac.

      I'm sorry that it's been such a difficult go for you.


        Titrating off Baclofen

        Hey Omaha-
        Sorry about this and that it hasn't worked out for you. Have you read UK Blonde's thread on TSM? It is another method that works for quiet a few people and there are virtually no side effects like there are with baclofen.


          Titrating off Baclofen

          Thanks everyone. And please: to anyone else looking into Baclofen...I still suggest it! I think the fact I have wicked ADD has really been the failure here, not the just seems to neutralize my ADD meds and make me a bumbling fool with no ability to function. The other day I spent 3 hours trying to accomplish a task that would normally take me 30 minutes. and it was really the last straw. I personally can't go on like this, but can honestly say that it's a fabulous thing and don't want anyone to be discouraged.

          I am looking into TSM and other options. I really wish Bac would have worked since my drinking has tapered off a lot since I started, but wasn't meant to be. I just can't see going on, certainly can't see managing even worse SE's at higher doses...I wanted to quit 2 weeks ago but kept going hoping the SE's would wane, but it's still just as bad if not worse. It's time to accept that and focus my energy on finding something that I *can* live with.

          Since I am doing ok on 30mg yesterday, and so far ok on 20mg today, I will take another 20 tonight and stick around 40 again tomorrow. If I feel bad, I will take more. If it seems ok I will taper down to 30mg in a few days and so on. I already feel a lot more clear headed which is like the clouds parting. Just so long as flying pink elephants don't show up in those clouds :egad:

          As I said I am going to look into TSM, and if anyone has some links they want to share please do. Off to do some research! Thanks again everyone!!!


            Titrating off Baclofen

            Hi Omaha-

            If you go to this link you will find a forum similar to this one but strictly dedicated to TSM:

   • Index page

            It isn't as lively as this forum, but there is a lot of great information and support there.

            You should also get the book The Cure for Alcoholism, by Roy Eskapa. That book describes the way to do TSM, which is very simple.

            Another thing to look out for is the NODICT brand of Naltrexone. I used this for sometime during my attempt at TSM and I believe it totally derailed my progress as it is not the proper formulation of Naltrexone needed for TSM. River Pharmacy sells NODICT and I had much better results with Naltima from

            My head is not really in the TSM game now though, so read the book and sign into that forum for better advice. I am pretty sure you could PM UK Blonde for information, too. She has a lot of experience with this stuff and has expressed a willingness to help others.

