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Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

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    Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

    I read a thread here (I think it was here) a short while ago, where someone linked to a treatment for smoking. Basically the idea is mix a little creme of tartar powder (fruit of the baobab tree) with a little orange juice, and drink it every night before bed. It apparently reduces the urge to smoke.

    Normally I wouldn't bother with another one of these 'holistic' remedies, as most of them, from what I've seen, are rubbish. However, I had just been to the Zambezi Valley, home of the aforementioned baobab tree, and sitting in front of me as I read the post was a creme of tartar. So what the hell, I thought...

    I'm going to have to take a lot of these remedies a little more seriously, it seems. It's still very early, so perhaps I should have waited to post this, but it's 3 in the morning, and I had nothing else to say, so thought I would just alert any other smoker out there who may be interested. I also realise that this is entirely the wrong place for this, but who cares. I'll post in holistic with a big embarrassed grin on my face later.

    Yesterday I smoked 20 cigarettes, for the first time in ages. Baclofen (I think) makes me smoke like a chimney, and I normally average 40. They just didn't taste as good as normal, and I didn't want to smoke. I was making absolutely no effort to reduce, it just happened, and I didn't even realise until the evening, when it occurred to me I was still on the same packet.

    I think the powder can be purchased from any health food store, but that's just from reading about it. I have never been into a health food store. I'll let you know what the next few days bring...

    Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

    Sorry, forgot to add: I have no idea of the science behind it, and reading up on it just confirmed my bias against these sort of remedies. Apparently it "goes through the body and collects the nicotine, removing it, and you desire to smoke".



      Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

      Hey Bleep, welcome to the other side. It's great to see you've become a fully fledged hippie! I'll send you my recipe for lentil bake and a youtube link showing how to crochet your own underwear out of museli.

      Hang on, I thought you said a couple of months ago you stopped smoking by using Chantix. Or did you just imagine that when you were tripping on shrooms?
      "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


        Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

        I did indeed stop using Chantix, but then I started again for reasons unknown, bringing my total quit attempts that have lasted 6 weeks to about 15. Sigh.

        I don't know whether this will help me stop, it definitely reduced my smoking, although it's still very early, I just thought I would post in case someone was interested.

        I didn't think that hippies wore underwear?


          Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

          bleep;1511527 wrote: I have never been into a health food store.
          Oh, Bleep. How I envy you that. :H

          So. Just put a teaspoon of cream of tartar powder in a bit of OJ? And drink up before bed? Or do we need the stuff from the tap off the baobab tree in Zim?

          bleep;1511665 wrote:

          I didn't think that hippies wore underwear?
          We don't.

          In January I started taking Chantix and forced (suggested) my husband to take it, too. I freaked out because I thought it was making me more wonky than normal and I stopped taking it. He didn't. I also spent $700 on hypnotherapy. (After laughing to myself about someone else 'round here who tried to use hypnotherapy to quit. Such hogwash, I thought! Why bother? Then dropped big money to do the same. Go figure.)

          He quit. I didn't. Now he's frustrated. Like all newly reformed smokers, he can't stand the smell. I'm supposed to be relegated to smoking outside (which really isn't going to happen) and bathing before bed (and again) so the poor guy doesn't have to live with it. My only condolence is that I got sober months before he did, but my good-will-window is closing. I'd lick a toad if I thought it would help. ('cause clearly, I'm just not ready... I guess?) Cream of tartar is worth a shot!


            Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

            I ended up getting some (well, Mrs bleep got it for me) regular powder. Bashing up the fruit was too much hard work, and it never dissolved nicely.

            That's it. A heaped teaspoon in fresh orange juice before bed. It started working after about 5 days to a week. Very weird.

            Chantix was weird. It made cigarettes horrible, but I still wanted to smoke. Ergo, the Chantix had to go. I hate smoking, and I love smoking. It's a tough one.

            As Bill Hicks said, "I'd quit smoking if I didn't think I'd become like you lot." referring to ex-smokers. Man, they are a painful breed. I feel for you Ne.


              Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

              Thanks, bleep. I feel for Ed. I think I would be much less tolerant. (Shocker, I know.) Plus it was my bright idea, and I've got no one to blame but myself. I think I'll give Chantix another go, too. I'm down to 90mg bac/day and perhaps I won't get too worried about taking medications this time. Ha! Not likely.
              Such a worrywart...


                Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

                I'm on week 6 or 7 of Chantix or Champix as we call it in the rest of the world that isn't America. (I know the phrase "the rest of the world" may confuse some Americans but not the super-smart types that frequent MWO.) I have most definitely had less of a need to smoke. In fact, 2 days ago I woke with an empty tobacco pouch. I didn't worry about it as I got up or when I had my coffee on the patio or when I drove to work: all habitual smoking triggers for me over the last 30 odd years. I didn't worry too much about it as I set to work until I started feeling very light headed. I'm not sure if that was due to less CO/Co2 allowing extra oxygen to my brain or whether I was hyperventilating due to panic but I decided I may be having a panic attack and rushed to the baccy store:upset:.

                I don't need to smoke. I don't want to smoke. It's just that I've been doing it since I was 13 and it is an incredibly difficult habit to break. I think maybe I should try hypnotherapy...but not if it's going to set me back $700:shocked:

                So, this Creme of Tartar. I'm a bit confused. Is it the same stuff that's used in baking?

                Originally Posted by bleep
                I didn't think that hippies wore underwear?
                Originally Posted by Ne/Neva Eva
                We don't.
                Nor me. But what's the point of trying to cage the beast? It'll just make it angry and then it'll break free!
                "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                  Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

                  Wow, what are the odds that all 3 of us don't wear underwear? Is it relevant? I can't help but feel it is somehow.

                  I think it's exactly the same stuff Iful. It has the same name after all.


                    Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

                    bleep;1511773 wrote: Wow, what are the odds that all 3 of us don't wear underwear? Is it relevant? I can't help but feel it is somehow.I'm not sure if it's relevant or not but it comes as no surprise.

                    I think it's exactly the same stuff Iful. It has the same name after all.
                    Hmmmm, the thing is: creme of tartar is just potassium bitartrate, a naturally occurring byproduct of wine making. Nowt to do with no fancy exotic trees in far flung corners of the old empire. So, my confusion continues!
                    "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                      Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

                      Well now there's 4 of us who don't wear underwear! Further evidence of my hippiness is that I smoke clove cigarettes. I hate the smell but I don't stop. I'll be part of this clinical study. Cream of tartar, here I come!

                      ifulovelife2, there's a visual that will make me smile all day!! 😄


                        Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

                        And grows to encompass mine. Are you saying the fruit is also just potassium bitartrate?

                        Perhaps I answered too hastily above, I will look at the packet a little more closely when I get home later and report back.

                        In fact, I'll leave work this instant...


                          Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

                          ifulovelife2;1511775 wrote:
                          Hmmmm, the thing is: creme of tartar is just potassium bitartrate, a naturally occurring byproduct of wine making. Nowt to do with no fancy exotic trees in far flung corners of the old empire. So, my confusion continues!
                          And grows to encompass mine. Are you saying the fruit is also just potassium bitartrate?

                          Perhaps I answered too hastily above, I will look at the packet a little more closely when I get home later and report back.

                          In fact, I'll leave work this instant...


                            Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

                            bleep;1511779 wrote: Are you saying the fruit is also just potassium bitartrate?
                            Not at all, the fruit is very different. I'm just wondering whether there's some confusion over the names. Maybe Creme of Tartar is the local name for it but we'd know it as something entirely different.
                            "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


                              Cigarettes and Creme of Tartar

                              kronkcarr;1511777 wrote: Well now there's 4 of us who don't wear underwear!
                              OK, this is intriguing. I know this thread is about smoking but now I want to know how many of us go commando. Oh my, is this yet another S.E. of Baclofen?
                              "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac

