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Antabuse and tiredness

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    Antabuse and tiredness

    Hello Everyone. I have been taking AB now for 20 days and think it is causing tiredness. Has anyone else experienced this reaction. Can the dosage 200mg be reduced. Thanks

    Antabuse and tiredness

    Dear Hadit
    I also had extreme tiredness at first from AB and soon substantially reduced the dose. Some people (and some drs) say don't do this - as it weakens the resolve and the build up of AB in the liver. I was very determined to quit AL so reduction was not a problem with me. I just wanted a brief period of no decisions about drinking in my head. I told myself that the traces of AB was perculating in my body and that was enough. Also reading scare stories from others put the fear of God about drinking while on AB into me. I avoided perfume etc. and ws very careful.
    One addiction dr I was seeing suggested that I would have to be on AB (at 200 mg) for at least 6 months - or even for years.
    Fortunately my GP had a more relaxed approach (and knew me better). As it turned out I soon had elevated liver functions after starting AB - so I started really reducing even further my very low dose after about 2 months and by 3 months I had stopped AB. I am still sober - thats nearly 8 mths ago. I still have a dodgy liver - which is probably from years of drinking and not the AB. Just be careful and do what works for you.
    At least now I can wear perfume again!


      Antabuse and tiredness

      Thanks Treetops. I understand what you are saying. It probably depends on the individual and his comittment to giving up. I have reduced it by half and still would't take a drink. I will be seeing my doc in 1.5 weeks so will talk to him about it. I do feel better;still not sure if it was the AB or flue I have been struggling with.. Thanks so much for your advice


        Antabuse and tiredness

        Hi all! I noticed extreme fatigue on higher doses of AB, even when I would take it at night. I started off at 500 mg per day, then went to 250 per day and eventually to 125 mg per day. I stayed on it for 30 days and I'm now trying to stay AF on my own. Well, on my own after about 2 weeks, anyway.

        Like treetops, I needed a period of time where the choice to drink was just off the table. Not having that struggle going on in my brain has been extremely liberating. I'm very determined to stay AF - so much so that I have an AB tablet in every purse I own and one in my wallet, just in case I am out and about and get an overwhelming urge to cave in. I will pop an AB on the spot.
        Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


          Antabuse and tiredness

          Siren. I to want to eventually stop taking the drug,but I am by no means ready for that yet. Have cut the dosage by half and feel better. What I am interested in Siren is being able to pop an ab pill, when required. Does it work that quick or does it just give you the crutch needed to not try it,if you no what I mean. I did drink once on AB and it was hell!! Thanks so much. I wonder to whether one could put some dummy tabs in the bottle. AB here is not cheap ,so anyway of making the bottle of tabs last longer would be a good thing financially.


            Antabuse and tiredness

            I reckon you would be wondering all the time if you had taken a dummy tab, I think it would make it even worse!

            No experience with AB, just my take on it.


              Antabuse and tiredness

              I also got sleepy from AB so started taking it at night. Since sleep is an issue, it actually turned out to be a good thing. :-)

              I take my AB, Gabapentin and blood pressure med in the evenings. Adding melatonin to the mix, I sleep much better.

              In my case, reducing AB is not an option. I am a hard core, dyed in the wool alcoholic who needs significant time on AB. I keep praying my LFTs don't come back high so doc won't take me off of it.

              Although, her reasoning and mine are that AB is probably not nearly as destructive to my liver as the quart or more of high proof vodka I was consuming daily.

              Hadit, before reducing dosage, try taking it in the evening.

              AF April 9, 2016


                Antabuse and tiredness

                hadit;1511725 wrote: Siren. I to want to eventually stop taking the drug,but I am by no means ready for that yet. Have cut the dosage by half and feel better. What I am interested in Siren is being able to pop an ab pill, when required. Does it work that quick or does it just give you the crutch needed to not try it,if you no what I mean. I did drink once on AB and it was hell!! Thanks so much. I wonder to whether one could put some dummy tabs in the bottle. AB here is not cheap ,so anyway of making the bottle of tabs last longer would be a good thing financially.
                From what I have read, even the first dose of AB will cause problems if you have a drink. I will be monitoring my thoughts about AL over the next weeks and forever, I guess. The second I start to rationalize having that first drink, the AB goes down the hatch. Otherwise I need to wait 24 hours and who knows if I'll be able to go another 24 hours without a drink.
                Well it's all right now. I've learned my lesson well. You see you can't please everyone, so you've got to please yourself.


                  Antabuse and tiredness

                  Hi I finally decided I needed some help to stop drinking for at least 6 months to help my liver and kidneys out. After many years of thinking about it I finally ordered some AB from the US and am due to get it in about 2 weeks. I am hoping as others have said that simply not having a choice about drinking will make it easier as I spend most of my life thinking shall I drink today or not and by the end of the day I will today but not tomorrow only to go through it all again. I am a bit confused is AB also bad for the liver ?.
                  Its easier not to start than stop

