Copy/pasting from my Fitness thread, as it discusses themes that are pertinent to my journalling here...
First, the good. My current protocol of nutrition, intermittent fasting, and restricting calories to 1800/day is going GREAT- today the scale read 187 lbs. I haven't been this lean since high school, and I'm loving it.
Day 71 AF (alcohol free)
Day 8 SGF (sugar/gluten free)
Day 1 CF!!!!! (cigarette free)
As is obvious from the numbers above, I've been letting smoking slip. I've been thinking on this and I don't think it's just the physical cravings for nicotine. I think it's my brain wanting a constant distraction from whatever I really want to be doing (such as working or pursuing things of value). I feel it constantly- every 10 minutes I want to ignore what I'm doing and go smoke. But there's another component to it.
I was thinking on this last night while smoking-- and I had an epiphany. What I am chasing, by smoking, is I am trying to replicate the feeling of 'checking out' or 'turning off my brain' that I so often did with alcohol, and more recently did with Valium the day of my Lasik surgery. I feel like my brain is desperately trying to find that "feel good". That day on Valium was very interesting in that it felt WAAAAYYY too awesome. I could really see myself getting addicted to it really easily, which is why I won't let myself even think about trying to find more. It felt a lot like getting drunk- the feeliing of all my worries floating away.
So, putting aside for the moment that my goal is not to be searching for ways to check out, obviously cigarettes are a poor substitute for alcohol or pills. Just a momentary subtle buzz, if at all, and then I'm stinky and my lungs hurt and I feel guilty and anxious.
I'm also recently more aware that I have a large component of fear and anxiety running through my life. I'm like, always kinda scared. I almost always feel scared of something- other people, infringing on others, being seen as rude and shitty, others being rude and shitty, doing the 'wrong' thing in others eyes, strangers being potentially aggressive, it goes on and on. Worse than that, I'm scared of my own confusion around my identity, myself as an artist. I can't seem to get myself going to create art, and it frightens me. This is a bigger topic, a whole midlife crisis/loss of identity topic, but anyway I've been using cigs to self-soothe while all this goes on. But again, cigs highten anxiety, so it's a poor tool obviously, in so many ways.
Also, cigarettes have become an excuse to avoid workouts. This, dear friends, is unacceptable. So as of today, I am CF. I'm going to the pharmacy on my way to the studio, to get nicotine patches. When I crave today, so be it- I'll just crave. I'll feel like shit. I'll hate life and hate everything. I'll fear and loathe everything, most of all myself. I'll literally salivate. And I'll know that it'll soon pass. And I'll get my ass over to the weight bench and I'll lift heavy things. This, I vow!!!
