I've found MWO to be extremely helpful in providing me with an arena to experiment with being myself. I still try and people please...I think it's normal to seek approval & acceptance, and the easiest way to make that happen is by assimilating. At least a hand full of times I've felt that I put someone off by something I said; and it's been weird for a time afterwards, but in most all cases, I've been forgiven and it's been forgotten. That has been a huge confidence builder with regard to having the guts not to hold my breath all the time. And it makes me feel good that I've shown my skin. Trying to manipulate people is so tiring, and I always end up feeling like I'm on borrowed time. Anyway, really enjoyed your post, and am thrilled. & inspired by your 200 day achievement.
Thanks again for the sweet words on my 200 days... now that you mention it, i DO feel kinda proud of myself
