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Skullbaby's Progress

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    Skullbaby's Progress

    Nutsy Squirrel;1532001 wrote: Hi Skull. Just wanted to thank you for replying to my first post. It should not have been on that thread. Your journey so far has been inspirational for me because you are functioning well on the various meds. I really want to try the Bac again I just wish there was a way to deal with what others have called Bac brain. Have you experienced this at all?

    Also wanted to applaud you on your AF days. You are blessed to have a supportive partner.
    Keep on with the keepin on. Still lookin for UK Blondes thread
    Hi Nutsy! Thanks for posting I'm glad to hear that your early attempt at bac was met with success, even though the SE's were problematic.

    As for the SE's in particular the bac brain, yes I know what you mean. What worked for me is the fact that they fade after a little while. How long were you on the bac? 2 months I think you said?

    My experience was a bit different that some others on here, and it worked really well for me. Many people here are understandably anxious to hit their switch soon as possible, in attempt to bring the alcoholic drinking under control and gain control over our life. I certainly understand that. But for me, I decided to take a much slower approach because I was worried about the SE's. I knew I'd keep drinking for a while as I titrated up slowly in dosage, and decided that was OK for me because I really wanted to make sure that I had a handle on SE's.

    In hindsight, I am really glad I did, because I think it was an instrumental part of the success that I am experiencing. I suspect that lower dosages for a longer period of time (as opposed to high doses quickly) helped my brain adjust well to the medication-- it minimized SE's (insomnia and spaciness/bac brain) and more importantly, helped me slide naturally into indifference.

    I liken it to practicing drums one hour a day over 3 months and finding it starting to come really naturally through muscle memory, as opposed to practicing 24 hours a day and being insanely good but having really bloody hands. OK lame analogy but you get the idea

    I do think that nal/TSM was a big part of my success too but I credit bac with doing the most good-- because now I seem to be strong enough to not fall weak at the cravings.

    So, in your case, you might consider doing low doses of bac for longer periods, increasing in slooow increments and seeing how you deal in your job. You'll no doubt still experience some somnolence/spaciness, but maybe it'll be tolerable and you'll adjust well, as I did. Maybe you'll be sharp enough at your job that it'll be tolerable, and eventually the drinking (and the hangovers) will lessen. If you're anything like me, I have to imagine that bac brain is still preferable to regular hangovers!

    For the record, I started at 10 mg and slowly added 10 mg only ever 8 days (which most people will tell you is a snail's pace). I seem to have found my switch at 80 mg, and today is my 13th day AF (and fairly effortlessly at that).

    As far as UKBlonde goes, you can search for her posts (or any by user or subject) in the search field above right. She also posts on • Index page forums regularly, I believe- and those forums in general are great info for naltrexone/TSM.

    Please keep posting and good luck, Nutsy! Love your username btw


      Skullbaby's Progress

      One other thought, Nutsy- when beginning bac, I found that sometimes the "bac brain" seems to be worst the first week or so. Could you take any time off of work when you start bac, like a staycation? Like, just be good to yourself for a week-- just relax and ease into the protocol? Like eat right, exercise, nap, rejuvenate, and let the sleep cycles adjust, etc?

      Like a "mental health sabbatical"?


        Skullbaby's Progress

        spiritwolf333;1531137 wrote: Skull, glad to hear things are going well. Without alcohol and with baclofen, things only seem to be getting better for me. However, I did (and still do) have to accept that things can and do change on a daily basis. Life starts to get real and that is ok as well. Baclofen helps to reduce my anxiety to the point that I can finally deal with crap -like it or not. Today, all is still good. However, I don't seem to ever know when the extreme somnolence is going to set in and I just try to deal with it the best that I can each time it occurs -even if it means excusing myself from a meeting or an appointment. Keep on keeping on Skull.
        Spirit- thanks for the posts. Sometimes I feel a little blue when replies on my thread are slow, but that's probably just me feeling sorry for myself What can I say, it happens sometimes! At any rate thanks for keeping up with my thread, it's appreciated.

        I'm really glad to hear that bac and AF life is going well for you! Very awesome to hear. Your updates and others who've also reported success really affirms that this regimen is no mere placebo.

        I totally hear you about having to accept life as it comes, and deal with the shit that comes with it. It can be difficult as hell, but we are equipped with the tools that we need to overcome challenges without drowing in poison. It's kind of nice to feel kind of strong in the face of adversity, even if it's really just everyday life stuff, without crumbling to pieces.

        Keep on, Spirit, you rock!


          Skullbaby's Progress

          My quick update-- Sunday, July 14. Today is day 13 AF, and I am having thoughts of drinking. Not cravings as much as behavioral habitual thoughts- but I'm keeping an eye on them to see if they turn into real cravings.

          When this happens, I've found it helpful to really imagine what drinking will feel like in reality, as opposed to the lie my brain tells me about how awesome it will feel. Like, will I feel nothing but the manic euphoria, or will I fell the nausea too? How bout the headache and hangover? Or how gross my lungs and breathing will feel when I smoke a ton of cigs while drinking? I try to stay in touch with the negative aspects of what drinking will bring, and try to really "feel" those feelings in my imagination.

          We'll see how well that works tonight. I have a gym session tomorrow so maybe that'll keep me on track. I'm starting to feel healthy and strong, and that's a good feeling-- hopefully I can keep in tune with that.

          My MD, as I'd previously mentioned, is cautiously approving my current dose of 80 mg, and she said that if I find the cravings increasing, I could take another 10 mg. I may do that, if the cravings become strong-- though as many of you know, I am really overly cautious about increasing my dosage so maybe not. We'll see.

          If nothing else, maybe this sculpture that I'm trying to get motivated to finish (but have been procrastinating on now, for weeks) will help keep me on track. Hope so!

          Best to all-


            Skullbaby's Progress


            Well gang, I fucked up. After 12 days AF while on 80 mg/day, I got some craving on Day 13 that I couldn't shake. I guess this means I did not yet hit my switch.

            So on Sunday night I had 10 beers From the first sip the familiar euphoric feelings lit up in my brain, and after that I was off and running. It felt like it took less that 5 minutes to finish each beer. I did gulp down a pint of water between each beer.

            Also, I didn't take my nal before drinking. I just let myself "off the hook" cuz I wanted to feel the euphoria as much as possible.

            All in all, not a good night. A setback, but I've reminded myself why I need to really stick with my protocol and not let myself slide like that.

            Plus, I'd started to get used to life without hangovers, and the hangover yesterday was really bad. I didn't show up for my chiropractor/massage therapy session, though I'll still have to pay for it. I also bailed on my gym trainer. I also ate like shit yesterday cuz I had a general "fuck it" attitude.

            Bleh. Not a good couple of days. I've upped my dose today to 90mg and we'll see how that goes.

            Well, ok, back to Day 1 AF.
            Best to all.


              Skullbaby's Progress

              skullbabyland;1533060 wrote: Update-

              Well gang, I fucked up. After 12 days AF while on 80 mg/day, I got some craving on Day 13 that I couldn't shake. I guess this means I did not yet hit my switch.

              So on Sunday night I had 10 beers From the first sip the familiar euphoric feelings lit up in my brain, and after that I was off and running. It felt like it took less that 5 minutes to finish each beer. I did gulp down a pint of water between each beer.

              Also, I didn't take my nal before drinking. I just let myself "off the hook" cuz I wanted to feel the euphoria as much as possible.

              All in all, not a good night. A setback, but I've reminded myself why I need to really stick with my protocol and not let myself slide like that.

              Plus, I'd started to get used to life without hangovers, and the hangover yesterday was really bad. I didn't show up for my chiropractor/massage therapy session, though I'll still have to pay for it. I also bailed on my gym trainer. I also ate like shit yesterday cuz I had a general "fuck it" attitude.

              Bleh. Not a good couple of days. I've upped my dose today to 90mg and we'll see how that goes.

              Well, ok, back to Day 1 AF.
              Best to all.
              Well, the good thing is, you still did 12 days.
              I think a lot of us slipped on the way up, or as I did, drank everyday till I hit my switch the first time. After that I did 50 days AF in a row, without any effort.

              Eventhough my switch is at 90, it is relatively low, so maybe 80 is indeed not your switch.

              For me, day 26 (honestly, I don't count them and everytime I have to get the calender to calculate them.
              34 to go.
              Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                Skullbaby's Progress

                Xadrian;1529926 wrote: ...I don't miss the beers at all. I have one in the fridge, which I give the finger everytime I open the fridge. Just for therapy. ...
                With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                  Skullbaby's Progress

                  Skull- Just spent an enjoyable half hour reading your thread from beginning to end. I'm impressed by your slow and low titration schedule. As you know plenty of others go faster and have far worse SEs. Sounds to me like you are getting very close. I would love to hear your doctor's thoughts about the process. Perhaps after you reach indifference you might "interview" her for her observations on your journey. She sounds very enlightened. Best, Cassander
                  With profound appreciation to Dr Olivier Ameisen for his brilliant insight and courageous determination


                    Skullbaby's Progress

                    Hey all. Update- guess what? I'm still drinking like a total alcoholic. I believe in bac but for now, just feeling sad. Any advice or support would be appreciated.


                      Skullbaby's Progress

                      Man, don't let it worry you. Most of us here did exactly the same thing all the way toward indifference. Just keep doing what you have been doing and you will get there. Slow and steady.


                        Skullbaby's Progress


                        I was drinking all the way up to the switch when I first went for it.
                        The strangest thing was that I was drinking everyday, which I didn't do when not on bac (then I drank 12 cans of beer every 3 days).

                        The first time that I knew that something was changing was when I noticed that finishing a beer took me twice as long as the time it took a friend of mine to finish his.

                        I realized that I was close to my switch, when the beer didn't taste the same as it tasted before and I drank cola inbetween.

                        A few days later, the interest in beer was gone and I did 50 days AF in a row, simply because I didn't feel for a beer.

                        But then again, evryone's switch is different. For some it's a clear "click" and the light goes on and for others it's a slow process and an afterwards realizing that they apparently already switched, but never tested it.

                        I think it is very important to test it once in a while on the way up. Just try to stay a couple of days sober and assess if it is hard or impossible to to, or relatively easy.
                        And try to determine if you want the alcohol because you HAVE to, or out of habit.
                        Today is the first day of the rest of my life.


                          Skullbaby's Progress

                          Cassander;1533175 wrote: Skull- Just spent an enjoyable half hour reading your thread from beginning to end. I'm impressed by your slow and low titration schedule. As you know plenty of others go faster and have far worse SEs. Sounds to me like you are getting very close. I would love to hear your doctor's thoughts about the process. Perhaps after you reach indifference you might "interview" her for her observations on your journey. She sounds very enlightened. Best, Cassander
                          Thanks for the supportive post, Cassander, I appreciate it. I do hope that I'm nearing my switch soon, and I like your idea about a doctor interview if I'm able to reach indifference. I do think she's quite enlightened and I'm so glad I found her. Speaking of, were you able to update your doctor thread to reflect that I have her info, for any of those needing her in the Denver area?

                          Thanks again


                            Skullbaby's Progress

                            To Xadrian, Bleep, and Cassander- thanks for the supportive posts. I'd definitely experienced a significant bump in the road and was feeling blue about it, so the comments you guys posted about your experiences was well received and quite appreciated.

                            OK, well, time to update-

                            Didn't do so great the last couple of days, guys. I was in San Diego for a big convention and any desire to moderate flew out the window. I think somewhere in the back of my mind, I decided before I even got to San Diego not to do my targeted antabuse protocol, and just "wing it" while taking bac. Obviously not one of my best ideas.

                            So, I was on 90mg/day bac for those days in SD. After each long and exciting day of the convention I was almost salivating at the idea of beers, and as much beer as I wanted. I think I just gave myself a "pass". It was stupid and unnecessary.

                            Needless to say, I drank at least double if not triple the amounts that others drank. I just ordered beer after beer and finished each one in 2 minutes. It was easier to drink than water.

                            At the end of the nights, I would be searching around for more beer. Looking at the hotel bar which was usually already closed up. No open stores around. No in-room minibar. After exhausting the search I gave up and went to bed.

                            3 out of the 5 days were hangovers, one of which was an intense one. Luckily I was able to get up and maintain at the convention, though I usually didn't arrive there til noon or 1 pm.

                            Also, I should note that I also gave myself a "pass" from taking the naltrexone. I wanted to feel the euphoria as much as possible.

                            So, yeah... the drunk in me was pretty much in full force and unfettered throughout the weekend.

                            The learning lessons from this are obviously that, in my mind, time away from home=vacation=time away from sobriety. That's something that I clearly have to watch and guard against much better than I have on the last few trips away from home.

                            I did have a good time with friends and meeting new people, and didn't make too much of an ass of myself, luckily. But I made a few drunken decisions that I wasn't happy with, such as just paying for a big group dinner "hooray, it's on me!". That wasn't met well with the people we were dining with, who have a very strong ethic of everyone pays for their own meal/drinks. It was like I was trying to be mr. bigshot and it wasn't appreciated.


                            Oh well, it could have been worse- I didn't drive or hit on anyone or whatever.

                            One other note about my trip- I received the news about Dr. Amiesen's passing while in SD and it really impacted me. I'm still processing the loss, but I felt it quite deeply. I got quite sad, and also felt scared that this will mean that baclofen trials and research for alcoholics will stall, and/or stop completely. I really hope that's not the case. At any rate, his book really helped my life and even though I never met him personally, the loss is keenly felt.

                            All that being said, I'm very happy to be back home, where the usual daily routine is much easier for me to maintain. I'm happy to get back to sober time, gradually increasing my bac dosage. I'm still at 90 mg but still getting some cravings, so tomorrow I increase to 100 mg.

                            And to speak to my future self who may be reading back at this... "SKULLBABY TAKE YOUR FUCKING NALTREXONE WHEN YOU DRINK, JACKASS. AND EVEN THOUGH YOU MAY WANT TO DRINK, BE SMART AND TAKE YOUR FUCKING ANTABUSE WHEN YOU GO OUT OF TOWN". There, hopefully that'll sink in to my thick skull.

                            Best to all.


                              Skullbaby's Progress

                              Skull -glad to see you are still making progress. Have you looked into Juan's 30 day challenge? Many of us, believe it or not, still have "Alcoholic Thinking" patterns. Before long, I will bet you give yourself a real chance to experience some time not drinking -just a thought.


                                Skullbaby's Progress

                                You will still be capable of performing ass-like stunts when you are indifferent, but you will have more of a choice in the matter. Making the right call is not always that easy, although I have found that it does prevent the last-man-standing phenomena that seems so common here.

                                As I said earlier, don't panic. Nothing will change until everything changes completely. That sounds a bit gnomic, but you will see what I mean when it happens.

