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Hit my switch

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    Hit my switch

    I have to be on candid camera or something. Did this really happen? Like a week and a half ago I was barely making it through SEs. Now I have none and I have no symptoms of alcoholism. 2 days ago I had a 16 oz beer, then we went out for dinner and I ordered a beer. I left half of it on the table....1st time for my life. Last night I had a fishing trip planned with an old friend that we always drink a lot. We bought 2 cases of beer for him, me, and my dad. I drank 5 beers...never once did I obsess on the next beer. More importantly, I did not speed up on my consumption as I went. Usually, the first 2 are slow then it just speeds up to the point I am drinking a beer every 5 minutes. OHHHHH!!!!!!! This deserves a new line....


    My dad and friend (and me) didn't see that coming. I opened a beer for the road, never took a sip, and stopped at a gas station for a mountain dew. Wow dude...that was fast, like 2 weeks. I am at 130. I am going to go to 150 anyways because that was my plan.

    I'm sure at that point I will go down to 120 because I think I hit my switch there. I will have a lot of questions Im sure at that point. Thank you everyone for the invaluable information. I am meeting with my doctor July 1. I'll tell him all about it. I know he will be interested.

    Does anyone know a date that those 2013 preliminary case studies are going to be released?
    When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.

    Hit my switch


    Great news Dizzle!!!


      Hit my switch

      Couple of questions....

      I saw some people that were long term abstinent. Have many people been long term moderators? Also, is it possible I have hit my switch, then my body will get used to it and it will go away?
      When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


        Hit my switch

        Congratulations, JDizzle! (I really think possibly my favorite username ever. I want to be Kdizzle in my next incarnation.) Pretty amazing, isn't it? It gets weirder before it gets normal, I think. seriously. It's funny to think about now...Trying to choke down a beer or the way the thought of getting drunk turned my stomach. (Still does.)

        I'd suggest you take it easy in terms of going down to try to find the happy place, but you may be one of those guys that went from 0-bazillion in minutes flat? Even so, please take note of the new thread started today and how he took baclofen. Way up and way down and all around might make things difficult. just sayin'

        The whole effortless thing is such a fun new thing, anyway...I was honestly thrilled by having dinner. Dinner!? Who knew? And (as spirit mentioned, I think) driving at night!!! Holy cow. But I didn't get out much, obviously.

        JDizzle;1514369 wrote: Couple of questions....

        I saw some people that were long term abstinent. Have many people been long term moderators? Also, is it possible I have hit my switch, then my body will get used to it and it will go away?
        I think it helps to take some time off of booze and allow for a reset. Booze isn't just chemical, you know? Meaning, even though the chemical imbalance is gone, that doesn't mean it's not a whole new adventure...I loved it, but some don't. Filling time can be a challenge. (Even now!) (Not really. I've always got something to do. The trick is to find things that are fun and relaxing and not...unhealthy. I still don't really know how to unwind very well. I don't miss booze, but I do miss just turning my brain off and tuning out for a short while. Downton Abby helped. )

        You're body's not going to get used to it and you won't find that suddenly you're not indifferent anymore. Not the way it works. In fact, I think it's exactly the opposite. It grows exponentially with time. It took me about a year to believe that. Now I believe it just 'cause I don't have any idea what it's like to crave booze, or think about booze, or over-drink booze. Now it's hard to believe what life used to be like!

        Rock on Jdizz!


          Hit my switch

          I read that thread earlier. I didn't want to offer any suggestions because I'm so new. My initial thought was wow, that is really jumping around a lot. I feel like I went from 0-bazillion. Started out at 60 on my doctors orders. That was fine. Then 60-120 in a day. That was not good. I will go up to 150 10mg at a time over 4 days each. Then back down at the same rate. I think 4 days will give my body enough time to adjust to each 10mg jump. I agree with the time away from booze. I want to not drink at all for a while, but I have not really reached a point where I can stick to that which is why I am going to continue to my goal of 150. I always said if I wasnt an alcoholic I would get drunk every night.... my sponsor LOVED that statement. As excited as I thought I would be, I'm really not trying to test it much. I have no intention of having a couple drinks tonight. So I think the one day at a time thing applies well here too.

          Thanks for the good wishes Juan and KDizzle.
          When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


            Hit my switch


            Yay for you! I was going to say congratulations but that didn't seem right. I love what happened to you not drinking as expected while fishing. A good friend of mine says it's like I'm dipping my tongue into the wine instead of drinking it. I can't think of the name of those plastic birds that lean forward and back. Anyway...

            When I quit over drinking I was so happy to do nothing. I'd multi-tasked for years when I drank (another escape, ya think?) and I was relieved to stop. Plus a few months in on bac I had no motivation at all. Now I'm back to doing stuff I did while I drank but at a slower pace. And I'm taking care of my home and yard. I could hardly believe I was weeding today and fixing a screen door latch. It's a great new world.

            Again, yay for you!


              Hit my switch

              Great to hear JD.

              I agree with Ne - just relax on your current dose for the time being. Then after a while, you can drop it by 10 a week. You will soon know when you have dropped too far, because suddenly beer will appeal to you again. So you go up a little more, and then you have found your dose.



                Hit my switch

                Just had a 16 oz. Went to recycle it and realized I have been meaning to clean the leaves over there for a year. I cleaned the leaves then ate dinner. Now I don't want another beer. Man y'all are gonna have me on here bragging about stuff like this for 10 years. Woooohooooo look mom I'm a human being.
                When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                  Hit my switch

                  Badass, dude. And 3 cheers for road beers! (Even if you don't drink them... )


                    Hit my switch

                    Just a quick post from a newbie to say that reading all your posts (JD, KC, Ne, all ya'all) is really inspiring and gives me hope that there's a chance for me too THank you all so much for posting your progress.


                      Hit my switch

                      Skull, u just made me posting this thread completely worth it. I have said I am a long time AAer. One of many things I am taking from AA with me on this journey is that I want to give back what was so freely given to me. I am really happy to hear that and wish you a plethora of luck in this. Feel free to hit me up with any questions. I don't have as many answers as many of the people in here that helped me, but I will give you whatever I have.
                      When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                        Hit my switch

                        THanks JD I sure appreciate it! I hope that if/when I'm ever in a stable/moderate/abstinent place with AL... that I'll be as generous and helpful as you all have been. Thanks again.


                          Hit my switch

                          Yeah dude. You gotta give back. We've been taking our whole lives. I think... why sober up if you're going to keep being a selfish prick anyways. HAHAHA.

                          You know what is funny is I feel really peaceful. I mean it has only been like a week and I have not had any life tests at all. But, it took me 9 months of sobriety in AA to feel like this mentally and spiritually.
                          When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.


                            Hit my switch

                            The whole thing is a bit of a mindfuck. And to think it was out there all the time, and through good fortune you managed to hear about it. The world needs to find out about this a lot quicker than it currently is. I always wonder what would have happened if my internet had been down that particular day I stumbled across baclofen...


                              Hit my switch

                              "I always wonder what would have happened if my internet had been down that particular day I stumbled across baclofen..."

                              Yep, without the internet I would never have heard of the stuff... (the same could be said for some very strange sexual practices which, uh, I won't go into. Ever.)

                              And without the internet it would be almost impossible to get baclofen (not that it's easy, now). People would be getting degrees in medicine just to give themselves a prescription.

                              Congratulations, JDizzle on your breakthrough! I've been 100% booze-free since July 2011, totally thanks to baclofen and thanks to this forum for pointing the way.

                              The crazy thing is... the spell checker in my browser still thinks "baclofen" in a spelling mistake! It isn't! It should be in the dictionary, in capital letters. On the first page.

                              Good luck JDizzle, good luck everyone!

