In France, Baclofen, for usage against alcoholism, will obtain this month a ?temporary recommendation for usage? (French: recommandation temporaire d?utilisation, RTU). That means, that Baclofen, as a medication for alcoholism, is not any more ?offlabel-use?, physicians and patients are encouraged to use it. Some French Newspaper seeding this News:
- Lib?ration, ERIC FAVEREAU: Premier feu verre pour le baclof?ne
- Le point: Alcoolisme: premi?re reconnaissance officielle pour le baclof?ne
- Le quotidien du m?decin, Dr. LYDIA ARCHIM?DE: Une RTU pour le bac. sans restric. des prescripteurs d?s cet ?t?Le monde: Recommandation temporaire d'utilisation pour le baclof?, JY NAU: Alcoolisme: le baclof?ne sera bient?t un m?dicament comme les autresOuest france, Philippe LEMOINE: Lutte contre l'alcoolisme. Le Baclof?ne bient?t reconnu
Edit: Oh, just seen this tread:
Ok, but double information is better than no information :-)