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Goldpharma delay. Any help would be awesome... I've messed

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    Goldpharma delay. Any help would be awesome... I've messed

    I stupidly let my supple run down and am landed with 200 25mg pills left which might seem to Monday at the latest at a push. I've done a drastic taper. I taper from 275 to 200 over 3 days with no SEs to report. I have 50 10mg Valium in case it gets hairy in the next few days. Goldpharma are usually ok with missing orders but at the best its gonna take maybe 7 days to post another order if they do the right thing.

    I hate to ask this but anyone with who could reinbearse me maybe 2-3 day worth of Bac to get me over the next 3-4 days in case it gets hairy? I'd make it worth your while. I've dropped from 275 to 200 in 2-3 days and am looked a another drastic drop to maybe 100-150 in the next 2-3 days. I think I might be ok with the Valium to fall back on. At a punch I'm gonna try and get hold of Loop if needs be. I hear his delivery times are spot on. I'm stupid to let things run thinks low as I was told from the off to get a supply in but I got such good results I just wanted to push on and my last 2 order where here in 4 days which I though was a things to come.

    Any help I would greatly appreciate.


    Goldpharma delay. Any help would be awesome... I've messed

    I have no doubt someone will step up to help out. I would gladly help, but I'd have to deliver it in person given our postal service.

    I reckon you will be okay though based on your numbers - you have 5 000 mg's, or is that a typo, and you have 500? What I would do is go straight to 100 if that is the case, and then to 50 in a couple of days, and hope. That will give you 8 days. Worst comes to worse, walk into the hospital and tell them, there is surely no way on earth that they can let you go into withdrawal when all it would take would be a small prescription?

    These aren't swings I would normally suggest, but I have done bigger ones, and if I recall you titrated up pretty quickly, which would indicate to me that you will tolerate it. YMMV though, so be alert to how you feel.


      Goldpharma delay. Any help would be awesome... I've messed

      What Bleep says ... and you have a PM. Actually, you've had it a while and I've not heard back from you. Get back to me OK?
      "My fault, my failure, is not in the passions I have, but in my lack of control of them." Jack Kerouac


        Goldpharma delay. Any help would be awesome... I've messed

        Sorry guys typo in deed. I have 250g. I've tapered down from 275 to 200 to 100 today I haven't any serious problem as of yet. I have Valium to tide me over if needs be but some of the things I've read about haven't happened as of yet and I'm hoping I might be ok. I haven't even experienced any craving I think the baclofen has really saturated my system. Thank you for the kind words all

        ^^ Sorry I haven't even looked at my PMs in a good while. I'll reply this very minute. Thank you


          Goldpharma delay. Any help would be awesome... I've messed

          I've when from 275 to 200 in 3 days then 150 in another 2. I have 10 25mg tablet which will take me to nearly nothing at a push. I know this is drastic but I did go very quickly so going down might not be as bad either. I haven't had any major problems. A bit of anxiety but I've Valium if it get bad.

          I'll not do this again. A large supply will be winging its way to me before I embark on my journey again. I do know that I can get to 250-300 in no time and at that I was nearly sure I was there or there about. I couldn't even finish 1 beer yesterday at 200. I slept like a baby for 10 hours straight for first time in 1-2 years.


            Goldpharma delay. Any help would be awesome... I've messed

            I just want to say I'm overwhelmed with offers I've had for help. I truly am. I f**ked up but from what I'm told I'm not the first I'm gonna remember what some posters have PMed me. I am truely greatful... I really say that from the bottom of my heart

