This place is like a ghost town on the weekend. I remember when I was starting out on my bac-trail, I hated this forum on the weekends because it was absolutely deserted. I would post a message and wait...and wait...and wait... and no bugger would reply until Monday. "WTF do all these people do over the weekend that stops them replying to my oh so interesting and hilarious posts?" I would wonder. Well, it turns out once you go through the course, titrate up on bac and reach indifference, you no longer feel the need to reach out to MWO for support.
Kerrrrrazy, I know!
Anyhoo, if any noobs, or not so completely noob, baclofen types want to drop by, I am likely to be around most of the weekend, available to talk bollocks, chew the cud, shoot the shit etc etc... just so long as I'm not super-involved in the TV show I just discovered: The Unit. However, so far, judging by the first 4 episodes, I'm fairly certain I can be enticed away fairly easily.
